It's bound to be amazing. :)
- That's Strange. I think the Jem song is in the same key as "It's a beautiful life" by Ace of Base but at a slower tempo. Did anyone else pick up on that similarity?
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Shareef Ennes <>
Hi do you still need a house?
Muirin Seaver <>
Hey, do you need housing still?
Loviise Blackwood
Hi, I just saw your CL ad. Do you still need housing?
Greer Rowley <>
Hi, I noticed your ad. Are you still looking for a place?
Milena Dodd <>
Hello, are you still looking for housing?
jennamasters.masters674 <>
Hey are you still looking for a place to stay?
galegdwn <>
Hi there. I was just reading the Craigslist Ads, are you still looking for somewhere to stay?
Shareef Ennes <>
Greer Rowley <>
Loviise Blackwood <>
galegdwn <>
Hi there, nice to hear from you. Well that's good because I have many places available for you in the area. What's your exact price range? How soon were you looking to move? Before I show you any listings I'd like to get a feel of what you'd qualify for, we can do this by getting your credit score. Our office has a relationship with a credit report company to give our clients free credit reports, if you'd like to get one through our partner go to http:// or you can get one through your own means, just please get this to me and we can get you into something. I look forward to speaking with you.
Muirin Seaver <>
Milena Dodd <>
jennamasters.masters674 <>
Hi, thanks for messaging me back. I'm a realtor and have a decent amount of listings in the area in your price range. How soon were you looking to move? Before I show you any listings I'd like to get a feel of what you'd qualify for, we can do this by getting your credit score. Our office has a relationship with a credit report company to give our clients free credit reports, if you'd like to get one through our partner go to http:// or you can get one through your own means, just please get this to me and we can get you into something. I look forward to talking to you and getting you situated.
sun kratzhoefer <>
Just saw your advert on craigslist buffalo looking for studio/1 br
late may/early june.
I hope you dotn mind me mailing but I wish someone told me this before, I was looking for an apt for me and my kids in buffalo but kept getting turned down.
My friend told me it was a good idea to get a credit rep'ort done and take that along when you view the appts. This shows them you are serious about renting and puts you aheadof the other people in the list.
Anyway she showed me this site where you can get a fr#ee report done and it worked wonders, me and the kids are happy in our new appt.
If you need to get one done you can get a fr]ee one doen here http://
let me know how you get on.
all the best
Jamie Low
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has a prominent warning:
The FTC advises consumers who order their free annual credit reports online to be sure to correctly spell, or link to it from the FTC's website to avoid being misdirected to other websites that offer supposedly free reports,but only with the purchase of other products. While consumers may be offered additional products or services while on the authorized website, they are not required to make a purchase to receive their free annual credit reports.
and even a youtube video channel:with pretty interesting educational videos on credit scam and phishing.
Disambiguation: :::link::: :)
This Jem is very close to Imogen Heap and Frou Frou.
I will say the almost same thing I said the last post someone mentioned her. does she have any connection to the cartoon about a female band that was called J.E.M or maybe there where two M's.
haha yeah, I just saw that rant the other day. That is insanely hilarious. I guess musicians can't help but copy it. It's a perfect haunting tune.
She did a massive Pachelbel Canon rip-off in one of her second album songs, btw. That is awfully addictive as well!
She is awesome. I love her first album (and a handful of songs from her second). I think the amazing song is permanently etched into my auditory nerves. I hear it in silence. Creepy. :)
oh wow, youre like the only other person who knows about jem. i had her "they" as my user sound for a while on here.