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04/21/2009 02:16 #48463

Tina. Kick it.
Category: music

And just because I am in flat-hunt mode...

  • The super-awesome Kirstin Chenoweth in what she does best. I love her persona. :)
tinypliny - 04/22/09 19:39
I <3 Pushing Daisies! :D
metalpeter - 04/22/09 18:29
I really Liked the Intervention one that was pretty good. I know her from a show I really liked called Pushing Daises.

04/20/2009 08:33 #48445

Renting and Background Checks
Category: flat hunt
(e:Heidi), thanks for the tip. I shall be contacting the Kissling interests property manager today. :)

I just got an email from an apartment owner/manager I had written to earlier. I am surprised that she has such detailed requirements for credit scores of prospective renters. (e:Paul), I am posting this for you. She wrote to tell me that I would need to provide her with a credit score report and included these specs in her email:

Here's how the deposit works based on your credit score:
Credit Score Below 500 - Deposit is $475 + $475 1st month = total is $950 to move in
Credit Score 500-600 - Deposit is $325 + $475 1st month = total is $800 to move in
Credit Score 600-700 - Deposit is $175 + $475 1st month = total is $650 to move in
Credit Score Above 700 - Deposit is $0 + $475 1st month = total is $475 to move in

I think, with the kind of rotten luck you have had with your renters, its time you set some of these rules in place as well.
james - 04/21/09 09:15
Hell, for Paul he should do deposit plus the first month plus the last month.
metalpeter - 04/20/09 18:38
Well there are a couple ideas on why people do this. The one is so that if people don't pay there bills you know about that right away. But see to me that seems odd because you would think that you would pay your rent and let the other things go not the other way around but it does set up a pattern of behavior. There is some other thing about credit cards being bad because you can buy more then you can pay back and you pay them instead of the rent or something............

04/17/2009 22:34 #48426

Mayflower = Moneysucker
Category: flat hunt
It's that time of the year again. Nevermind the recession and the layoffs and the expenses, the Mayflower (henceforth called the Moneysucker) overlords have decided that I would need to pay $$ more every month this coming year if I choose to re-lease.

I hate this. Tiny studios like mine shouldn't be this expensive. IN BUFFALO! I just read (e:jenks)'s journal. Apparently, I shouldn't be paying more than 1/3rd of what I make, in rent. Looks like I have been paying more than 1/3rd for the past 2 years at the Mayflower-moneysucker. And now the moneysucker wants more. The very thought of coughing up $$ more this year with no complementary increase in what I make is really distressing. :/

Thus, I am back to a flat-hunt. I still don't want to live more than a mile out from Roswell, hate carpets and would LOVE south-facing windows. My budget is anything @ or below $580.

tinypliny - 04/20/09 08:35
"Base of operations"? You make it sound illegal. LOL :)
vincent - 04/20/09 00:11
I'm kind of looking myself, but I don't have the urgency you have. For me I'm just looking for someplace more of a base of operations than a full time place to live.
heidi - 04/19/09 21:19
I think there are a couple places in my building - studios are $500 (and it's warm!). :::link:::
tinypliny - 04/19/09 11:29
Thank you so much (e:Drew) (and (e:Janelle)) for your very kind offer but I am afraid Lexington is slightly far away for a two-way walk every day. I often wake up 30 minutes before I am due at the office and have to find a place that is a maximum - 15 minute walk away from campus. I know that sounds lazy but I walk in all weather - summer as well as winter. My biking skills are not so great and I am scared stiff of biking on roads.

@(e:mrmike): What the cross street of your building on Delaware?

Thanks, (e:metalpeter). :)
metalpeter - 04/18/09 13:30
Good luck
mrmike - 04/18/09 07:23
My building on Delaware has a place open for under that amount
drew - 04/17/09 22:48
we still have a room, tiny. (I think-we've had two other people stay, so I have to make sure (e:janelle) is ready for another round)

04/16/2009 23:13 #48411

Got any suggestions?
Category: the odes
Can people help with #5 to #10? :)


04/12/2009 03:53 #48361

The Fall
Category: the odes

metalpeter - 04/12/09 10:41
I saw that advertised some place and I had never heard of it but it looks like it could be very good.