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03/15/2009 22:31 #48064

Maybe it's part of getting older but lately I've been feeling sad about the fact that I really don't hang out with friends anymore. I blame it on lots of things, including my job, which keeps me quite busy, and also on the fact that all of my friends have a significant other or live far away. I mean I have never been one to go out a lot, so that probably prevents many people from calling me. I also live in Amherst and out of walking distance from downtown. I dunno, maybe I've just become a boring old lady. I just don't like that I go like a month without hanging out with (e:mike) or (e:jill). We used to hang out, well, a lot more than that! I never want to be one of those people that only hangs out with their significant other and people they work with. That sounds so miserable. I guess the solution is, make more of an effort on my part. But it seems like even when I do, other stuff gets in the way. I think all of my friends just need to move back here, I should quit my job, and move back downtown. Hmm...

03/08/2009 22:05 #47989

Little Shop, Little Shop-a Horrors...
...this weekend, at JFK High School in Cheektowaga-Sloan!

drew - 03/08/09 22:52
I know the guy that made the plant!

02/18/2009 23:56 #47803

I went skiing for the first time since eighth grade on Tuesday at Stowe Mountain Resort in Vermont. At first I hated my life since I couldn't figure out how to turn, but eventually I sort of got the hang of it and by the end of the day I loved it and now I can't wait to go again :)




And then we stopped on the way home...!!!! :)

metalpeter - 02/19/09 18:41
Great Pictures. Wow I had no idea Ben & Jerry's Had a bus, how cool.
mike - 02/19/09 17:05
yoiu are so athletic~!

02/11/2009 18:29 #47718

Why does this HAPPEN?!!?
Ok so in 'He's just not that Into you', someone mentioned something about "Wicken" and apparently it means witches or something. Now I have NEVER heard this expression before and in the last two days I heard it twice - once on King of Queens and once on House. What is the deal? This ALWAYS happens.

This also happened when Mike used the word 'impetus' once and I was sure it was not a real word...and then I heard it...EVERYWHERE.
theli - 02/11/09 19:32
Wiccan, from Wicca.

metalpeter - 02/11/09 18:42
Well the term Wicken has been around for some time. Some people think of witches and people who cast spells. From my understanding there is a wicken religion. My understanding is that a lot of it has to do with being close to earth. It also brings up thoughts of the show Buffy the Vampire slayer. You should look up the term and get what the internet thinks it means. Sully the lead singer of Godsmack is wicken by the way.

02/10/2009 21:24 #47706

weekday nights
So normally every weeknight, I am busy with some sort of rehearsal until at least 9:00. Tonight, I was finished with my rehearsal by 7 and was home by 8 after stopping and purchasing a camera at Circuit City (store closing sale). Normally this would be a good thing right?

My issue is...I have no idea what to do with myself. What do people do at night? Like what do couples do? Let me tell you, if the answer is "watch TV on the couch together", well I'd basically rather do ANYTHING than that. I mean i KNOW there's cleaning or organizing I could do, or catch up on some schoolwork, but who wants to do work all the time??? I checked Facebook, I went on the treadmill for a few minutes, ate some Raisinets, and here I am. In bed. At 9:15 pm. There's no Sabres roommate aka boyfriend is working on some music...

P.S. Boys will never outgrow video games, will they? Not that I expect to be entertained at all times, but I feel that he may be more committed to Super Mario Galaxy than me right now (and I actually got it for him for Christmas) I feel that I take second place to Mario and his cool little adventures. I'm not nearly that interesting.

Haha ok I think I actually hear him coming to bed. Uh oh, is he going to try and find out what's bothering me?!?...dun dun dunnnnnn...stay tuned...
james - 02/11/09 22:28
You shouldn't be telling us you have a problem with his video game playing. You should be telling him.
hodown - 02/11/09 21:36
Wait what happened?!?
theli - 02/11/09 11:52
For some reason, I can only ponder why we can't just tell each what might be bothering us.

We're too often our own worst enemy.

Btw, SMG has a kind of cooperative mode! If you have a second remote you can stun the little goombas to help out! Try it! :p
tinypliny - 02/10/09 21:33
I think its so cool to be involved with theatre...
tinypliny - 02/10/09 21:31
I scan journals and write.