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03/05/2009 18:14 #47965

newcastle stories
Category: little pleasures
The outback is very underated for a chain/corporate restaurant. could be that I'm biased catching up with one of my good friends who happens to be behind the stick. Swapping stories and the goings on of the past few weeks while I enjoy a Newcastle.
jason - 03/06/09 07:00
I like Newcastle, smooth as a mothaeffa.

03/05/2009 14:02 #47958

Category: lunch time travel
Usually at lunch there are a few things I do everyday. I guess a routine if you like. I read the Times, Buffalo News and the Newsday. Usually its my second helping of the BN, sometimes when I get in in the morning it seems to be yesterdays news.

By read, I mean I scan to see what interests me and read that. I have to say I prefer the Times, only because of the wide variety of pieces I can dip into. The buffalo news helps me keep up to date with what's going on back at the ranch haha.

Recently however, I have started going on "lunch time vacations" I go to flickr and search a destination, then flip through the vacation memories of others. Its interesting seeing what people snap pics of while on holiday. Of course you get the obligatory shots of monuments, tourist traps, and government buildings. I find the other pics much more interesting. Of course some of them can get quite racy, not that I mind, but its funny how everyone is truly the "same". By that I mean people do the same types of things around the globe. Not that I ever though otherwise, but seeing it "done" in locations all around the world is reassuring I guess.

Traveling abroad during lunch always leaves me with a mix of emotions. It keeps a fire going inside of me that desires nothing more than to pack it in and travel. Working along the way. It reminds me of what else is out there, not that I need that. But it feels like people my age seem to forget what is outside of their world. They have homes and a family and their focus changes. Rightly so, but there is a loss of wonder about the outside.

Well that was quite a rant. May be a bit wild, you'll have to bear with me. Just gettin back into the swing of this. I also have to learn how to load pics from a mobile post!

03/04/2009 15:56 #47945

First mobile post
Category: first time
So this happens to be my first mobile post. One of the reasons I have not been on here in about a year is my laptop is possessed. Using it it online is pointless, because it does what it wants. I have turned to my work computers for everyday, non restricted use. As I speak I'm at my desk going through files on one computer and watching Manchester United v. Newcastle United on the other.well itsk the second half. Time to get back to the match and do some work!!
imk2 - 03/05/09 00:45
holy crap, long time no see!
theecarey - 03/04/09 18:53
yes, as with any other means of receiving/sharing, it is possible and just as easy to transfer a virus to the external hard drive and visa versa. Also, even back-ups need back ups (externals are prone to failure- take extra care of them- keep them cool, clean and well ventilated) so either a second external hard drive and/or backing up to CD-R (or if you have a dvd burner on your laptop, use the much larger DVD-R/DVD+R) or a large storage flash drive will help in that event. My laptop is on the way out, so I've been backing up everywhere- even creating email attachments of Word documents and sending them to myself. Anything helps.
Check out reviews on external hard drives- know whats what- what you need, dont need, etc. had some deals as well as both offer free shipping. I picked up mine at a local Bestbuy. Good luck!
codypomeray - 03/04/09 17:10
Yes I hope so. I also found your last post helpful. I need to get an external hd to get everything off of my zombie laptop. I do have a question though. Can you transfer a virus to your external? How easy is that to do?
theecarey - 03/04/09 16:37
Hey stranger! Happy first mobile post- hope this means there will be more to come?

12/17/2007 16:35 #42556

im just glad that noreaster missed us down here, well not technically, but we didn't get the snow you all got. on saturday nite it was cold as an be and sleeting for a while, but then turned to rain last nite, the wind, wow, like a damn freight train roarin down the street
jenks - 12/18/07 23:05
how the hell've ya been, stranger?
james - 12/17/07 18:09
Well, I am really glad we missed out on that economic prosperity thing you Long Islanders have been having. ^_^

I think we missed the wind too from the sound of it. Glad your first brush with winter was more temperate than ours.

12/13/2007 21:31 #42507

lovely aileen
And due to popular demand, a shout out to the lovely aileen of Willie P. Long Island.

we just recently re-met at a toys for tots event that shauna held at the reco room. it was a pretty good turn out from what i hear, i was late of course.