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03/19/2009 14:16 #48123

Category: ramble
Sitting at my desk, I've been thinking about how little choices really are like a pebble dropped in a pond. Whether they be decisons made in regards to love, finance, living arrangements, even something as simple as a 5 min window at a grocery store. Now just so you know nothing dramatic has happened. But recently I've been thinking a lot about my relationship "status" as facebook so delicately puts it.

I thinks it partially due to the fact that my uncle passed away on Saturday. He had been sick for a while, and after undergoing radiation and chemo he was weak. Understandably so as he was not a large in stature, and 80yrs old, he lived a long life. He immigrated from the Phillipines in the 50s and became best friends with my nana in med school. He became part of our family (well before I was a thought! Lol)

The reason for a lot of reflection recently stems from something my sister said sunday nite while she was sobbing in the phone. She made a comment,and I immediately understood where she was coming from. It was an emotion that I had been experiencing since my nana and pop passed away. My childhood has ended. Sarah felt that our uncle was the last tie, whatever was left of our childhood, our nana and pop. It was the end of Christmas, summers in Chatauqua, helping in the garden out back, sun warmed raspberries right of the bush...a lot of great memories. Nothing was the same after they were both gone, but Uncle Fran was there, he was what was left of all of those moments.

Now being that I am 33, and my sister is 29, I have no illusions about the fact that I am no longer a child. Its more the idea that my is further away than it has ever seemed to be, yet at times the term adult does not seem to fit.

I would suspect that this recent bout of reflective melancholy is because I have been looking back at certain instances in my life and been wondering how things may have been different had I made a different decision. I'm not saying these are regrets.just that had I made different decisons my life would probably be drastically different. I would not have meet the people I now know and have known. I would not be living where I am. I would also not be going to London for a week long holiday. I think the reflection is more a mental monday morning qb type thing. Yes there are certain things I wish were different. Who doesn't. But there are many things in my life that I enjoy and that I am thankful for.

I am worried though that this trip will open a pandoras box. One that I feel is rattling, and shaking, waiting to be broken open. We will see what happens. Well I've said enough for now. Sorry for the verbal walkabout!
metalpeter - 03/19/09 18:58
I think that it is good to look back at the past and wonder what if? Pondering life and seeing where you are and thinking where I want to be can be a good thing. Maybe you see some other place you want to be and go for it. That being said it can also be deadly. If you think about it you can start to think why did I do this over that, what was a thinking. I know I have done that, and gotten very depressed, not enough to make me do anything stupid but it can happen. But it is natural. I think back and wonder Hey when I was in School what would have happened if I would dormed in stead of commuted. The simple answer is more time for school work or maybe since the Locker Room isn't to far I would have got a fake ID became a Drunk and flunked out of school. I have no idea maybe I would have met some little hotie and we would have 2 kids and hate each other. The point I'm trying to make is look back and remember the good times but don't let some chooses you made drive you crazy.

03/12/2009 23:38 #48038

Category: story
I think the fact that Madoff's bail was revoked and that he will be spending the rest of his life in jail is great. The unfortunate thing is that many more are getting away with robbing the American people and driving this country into this current recession.

I was getting new front tires about a month ago when I ended up speaking with the gentleman in the waiting area of Mavis. A few of his good friends had lost all of their savings with Madoff. We started talking about it because it happened to be on the little tv sitting on the table in the corner. The gentleman explained how the friends of his got involved. It happened at an exclusive private country club in Florida. Apparently Madoff had "two guys" who would carefully screen propsective investors who would only be accepted if they were in a certain income bracket. He also explained that there was a "referral" system through other members to Madoffs guys. After all of these "formalities" the prospective investors would begin investing with Madoffs firm.

While listening to this, I was watching the cars being serviced in the garage area through the large glass window. My silver jetta, another guys blue gti, and then this gentleman's jaguar. My mind was spinning trying to imagine the lifestyle one must have had before being swindled by Bernie Madoff. Meanwhile the guy with the jaguar looks at us and says "wow am I happy I didn't get referred by anyone, and I wasn't considered special enough to invest with that firm." He then began to ramble on about how he was leaving for florida in the morning.

It was all kind of bizzare in a way. Everyone has been touched in one way or another by this recession. Some more than others. Nothing profound here, just wanted to share that story
dcoffee - 03/13/09 17:45
amazing how someone can get so rich doing so little, producing nothing of real value. Glad he's been caught and made an example of. Interesting that local folks got swindled too.
codypomeray - 03/13/09 11:20
Joshua I completely agree with you. Better regulations, a less politicized securitied and exchange commision. Oversight needs to be rigid in order to keep this from happeneing again and our country as a whole needs reevaluate its values, and realize that in order to consume, we first have to produce ideas, products that others want to buy. Our country has been living on empty calories and transfats for years. Our public health issue was a parody for our economic health. The american dream is not white pickett fences for everyone with two cars in the drive. It has to be reworked!
joshua - 03/13/09 09:26
Really the scary thing about all this is how it was the elites that primarily got ripped off by Madoff - you know, the supposed smartest of the smart, the most financially savvy Americans? Beyond the startling amount of money that was lost, that should give everybody pause. Madoff was Chairman of Nasdaq for God's sake - how much more credibility does one need? It was the most brilliant con ever perpetrated. I'd put the house on a bet that his kids and family were somehow involved in hiding some of this money, but will never be touched because of the plea deal.

I'm pretty much an intolerant zealot when it comes to defending our market system, but EVERYBODY has to realize that more effective regulation (not more, just a lot better) is needed if we're ever going to prevent this from occurring again.
james - 03/13/09 08:59
I just read Madoff's statement in which he pled guilty and explained how he committed his crimes. It is baffling. He ran a very successful investment firm which dipped a little with the market in the early 90's. So, he just puts all the investment money into a bank account and makes false reports. If someone wants some of their money, he just pulls it from the bank account.

One little market when in the same time the DOW has gone up nearly 400%. That is just some crazy shit.

03/11/2009 11:04 #48017

London Town
Category: travel
I am going to London in May. I don't know if it has really sunk in. It was kind of a impulse decision to be honest. I'm going to be there for my birthday, which I now have mixed feelings about that. I'm in the process of trying to recruit people to go, as it is just me right now. I have friends just outside of London and a goody buddy in Dublin, so I could go to ireland as well. Right now I have to flesh out the details such as hotels, itinerary and anything else. Ill let you all know how things are progressing.
metalpeter - 03/12/09 18:22
I wish you luck, and hope you get it quickly.
codypomeray - 03/12/09 12:16
I have an appointment saturday at the post office, and it will be submitted then. All of my friends who have done this received their passport in 2 weeks. I'm hoping for the same!!
metalpeter - 03/11/09 19:27
I'm not going to yell but isn't that cutting it kinda close on the passport? There maybe a big push very soon since you will need one going to Canada and Mexico (along with other ID that are equal) in June.
codypomeray - 03/11/09 14:23
Round trip 501.70. Its an over nite friday on the way there, saturday morning flight home. Delta, got it on expedia. Yeah it should be coo, just have to get my passport now!
imk2 - 03/11/09 12:45
how much was your tix?
joshua - 03/11/09 11:21
Awesome - have fun!
mrmike - 03/11/09 11:10
How cool is that?

03/06/2009 19:04 #47971

light reading
Just read an article in the Atlantic Monthly that I wanted to recommend. Its called How the Crash will Reshape America, by Richard Florida. Good article. Buffalo even get some face time, not that flattering, but hey. Its a really interesting article. If you go to the website, its in the magazine section.
dcoffee - 03/08/09 10:03
I think this crisis is going to have a few positive side effects. It seems to be bringing us closer to each other. Makes us feel like we're all in this together.
theecarey - 03/06/09 19:30
reading it now, actually.

03/05/2009 18:14 #47965

newcastle stories
Category: little pleasures
The outback is very underated for a chain/corporate restaurant. could be that I'm biased catching up with one of my good friends who happens to be behind the stick. Swapping stories and the goings on of the past few weeks while I enjoy a Newcastle.
jason - 03/06/09 07:00
I like Newcastle, smooth as a mothaeffa.