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Codypomeray's Journal

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02/09/2007 02:23 #38081

this is what he's holding out for
Category: poetry
because you're you,
she said standing there, shivering in the cold
arms around him.
such a mess, such a mess
everything they spoke of, discussed,
hashed out, hammered out
thrown away.
because you're you, i can't help it she says.
why can't she?
he walks the other way, painfully, slowly,
still believing, yet still walking.
they wake in the morning, cold air leaking
through the window sills, chilling a foot,
a shoulder left uncovered by the blankets
one eye, then the other opened, looking back at him.
this is what he is holding out for,
the forever in this.
laughing, they stroke each others skin,
soft, pale from winters darknesss.
her back, alabaster, with golden brown flecks , worthy
of cathedrals, beautiful,
they talk about nothing, plans for the day, going
to the ocean, laying wrapped round each other
for fear of falling into the abyss.
his face burried in her shoulder,
hands clutching in the warmth of her legs,
the smell of skin and sleep.
the day begs to begin, yet they fight the pullings
of friends, and parties to attend.
standing, backed into him, looking back for a kiss.
and then on their seperate ways.

01/26/2007 01:13 #37873

the painted veil
went to see the movie the painted veil tonite with edward norton and naomi watts. loved it. it was a great movie. story was a good one, kind of predicatble, but the shots were beautiful. there is this small theatre in malverne, two towns over, and it was funny because it was an older crowd that was at the theatre. i was actually on a date, kind of second one, and we were the only two in the theatre for our movie. it was kind of funny. for those who don't know anything about the movie, its about a dr. and his wife and how they take care of a village during a cholera epidimc in 1925 china, and how t affects their relationship. great great movie. go see it. 2 hours, but they fly by. so yeah the date was cool. first date was drinks and watching a band and then hangin with her cousin and his friends. all very nice people. one is actually a producer for spike tv. very interesting fellow. collects the japanese rabbits that smoke. odd, but really smart. he actually one a cable ace award while working at mtv. pretty cool. plus his house is interesting, what he has in it and how it is decorated. well the girl is 32, ooooh an older woman. ha. a nurse, who can prescribe meds peeps. haha. really though. shes nice, and we had a good time. im not sure that i am really up for anything extremely serious right now. really just finalized all that stuff with kerri. we had a long discussion, and she said there is no option for us working. it hurt, and i don't believe that she does not have feelings for me, but i am tired of her games. fuck it. so now i just move forward. i have to concentrate on work because of the new position, and having fun. i am also moving a few towns over, in with my buddy's brother. i will be in a nice big house, and be able to put money away. a win win situation. then hopefully after a year i will be able to move back down to LB. i mean i will only be 10 min away, instead of the 5, but that really is a big difference after 6 years. yeah so fun, and work, work and fun. and i would like to seriously start applying myself to my writing. a lot of things have become clearer over the past 5-6 months. really. but then again a lot is still cloudy, eh such is life. well thats it right now. not a lot to report, well really yes. im just tired and going to bed.
jenks - 01/26/07 07:46
japanese rabbits that smoke??

01/23/2007 01:08 #37830

what did i do wrong?
Category: technical problems
i obviously made some kind of mistake uploading these photos. any suggestions??
metalpeter - 01/23/07 16:48
To be honest I'm not sure what you did wrong. But one thing I can tell you is that when I upload pictures they have brackets around them. I do remember having some pictures that for somereason I still can't figure out wouldn't upload. The one suggestion I can give you is open up a new journal and click on the button that says my media (I havn't tried this since (e:strip) was last updated so this my not work). From there you can see all your pictures by the month you uploaded them. If those pictures are there click on them one by one and they should get added to your journal and then post it. Another idea is to find the pictures and edit them on your computer and rename with a name instead of numbers and make sure to really save them as a jpg.
libertad - 01/23/07 08:05
are they too big maybe? I had trouble loading pics yesterday and then i realized it was because i forgot to save them as jpg

01/23/2007 01:07 #37829

68 degrees in january
Category: photos

Missing Image ;(

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01/12/2007 20:00 #37665

the stinging
Category: poetry
ok so im biased,
but maybe the reason so
many stories, the ones on broadway,
on the silver screens of hollywoodland,
on the pages of of the heart bound with string
take place in this beautiful, dirty place called new york.

it reminds me of a tangerine,
while working with cement, steel, rocks
and nails.
out in the cold, my hands cracked and bleeding,
stained and dirty
sitting with some guys i know,
i work with,
i sit at the bar with.
after eating our sandwichs, reclined on a
bucket upside down, boots crossed way out front, however
far away my legs are long.
another guy sits, indian style.
one paces nervously and the chatter is brief,
scores of games from the nite before.
talk of childish antics in the firehouse, at the bar,
in the sharehouse.
someone has a bag of tangerines.
'want one'?
it was the brightest thing on that job site.
orange, fresh, alive.
we were caked with mortar, saw dust, oil from sawing, drilling steel
I beams up in the sky.
backs stiffining up in the cold wind.
the tangerine was sweet, full of juice.
biting into the meat, the sweet juices run between my
fingers, htting the cracks.
the stinging.
the sting from that sweet flavour, amongst all of
the dirt, grime.
that was progress, the dirt, the grime, the broken backs
i think you
can figure what the tangerine was.