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01/23/2007 01:08 #37830

what did i do wrong?
Category: technical problems
i obviously made some kind of mistake uploading these photos. any suggestions??
metalpeter - 01/23/07 16:48
To be honest I'm not sure what you did wrong. But one thing I can tell you is that when I upload pictures they have brackets around them. I do remember having some pictures that for somereason I still can't figure out wouldn't upload. The one suggestion I can give you is open up a new journal and click on the button that says my media (I havn't tried this since (e:strip) was last updated so this my not work). From there you can see all your pictures by the month you uploaded them. If those pictures are there click on them one by one and they should get added to your journal and then post it. Another idea is to find the pictures and edit them on your computer and rename with a name instead of numbers and make sure to really save them as a jpg.
libertad - 01/23/07 08:05
are they too big maybe? I had trouble loading pics yesterday and then i realized it was because i forgot to save them as jpg

01/23/2007 01:07 #37829

68 degrees in january
Category: photos

Missing Image ;(

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01/12/2007 20:00 #37665

the stinging
Category: poetry
ok so im biased,
but maybe the reason so
many stories, the ones on broadway,
on the silver screens of hollywoodland,
on the pages of of the heart bound with string
take place in this beautiful, dirty place called new york.

it reminds me of a tangerine,
while working with cement, steel, rocks
and nails.
out in the cold, my hands cracked and bleeding,
stained and dirty
sitting with some guys i know,
i work with,
i sit at the bar with.
after eating our sandwichs, reclined on a
bucket upside down, boots crossed way out front, however
far away my legs are long.
another guy sits, indian style.
one paces nervously and the chatter is brief,
scores of games from the nite before.
talk of childish antics in the firehouse, at the bar,
in the sharehouse.
someone has a bag of tangerines.
'want one'?
it was the brightest thing on that job site.
orange, fresh, alive.
we were caked with mortar, saw dust, oil from sawing, drilling steel
I beams up in the sky.
backs stiffining up in the cold wind.
the tangerine was sweet, full of juice.
biting into the meat, the sweet juices run between my
fingers, htting the cracks.
the stinging.
the sting from that sweet flavour, amongst all of
the dirt, grime.
that was progress, the dirt, the grime, the broken backs
i think you
can figure what the tangerine was.

01/06/2007 21:36 #37561

dog running, dog walkin' dogs saying hi
Category: today
so it was a beautiful day today. well i have to admit, it was nice. more than that it was an amazing day. i walked the beach and was actually sweating. it hit 72 degrees down here today. thats not good. we are going to definately pay for that. did anyone else see the article about the very large piece of ice shelf that broke off in northern canada in mid to late august. its odd that the article (well at least what i have seen of it) just came out in the times science section now. that along with the fact that the FDA has felt it a good idea to approve genetically cloned livestock safe for the food supply. wow, i never usually chime in with "science talk" funny really,when i was younger i was a little science freak in a way. had the chem set and made hydrochloric acid, i loved astronomy, had the telescope that i save lawn mowing money to but from the smithsonian air and space catalog. i am sure no one else saw this special on cnn on christmas morning (only because it started i think at 4, or 5. not quite sure because i woke up to it) about the inevitable energy crisis following a terrorist attack in november of '09, a hurricane larger in magnitude than katrina hitting the gulf and completely wiping out our refining capablities. well enough of this. it was really beautiful out today. a lot of surfing, beach volleyball, frisbeeing, dog running, dog walking, dogs saying hello in that all to familiar way. its really a good thing that we do not great one another in the same fashion. it would be very awkward. i have some pics that i took with the new digital cam i got for christmas. its really cool. love it. only there are so many little bells an whistles that i have to learn to use to get the most out of the camera. good news on the job front. got a promotion of sorts. things are going really well there.
libertad - 01/07/07 00:19
Congrats on your promo

I did see that article in the back of the Tampa Tribune it was a small paragrah i think. Luckily I also saw it on or else I wouldn't have known anything about it. It is wierd that they didn't know a sheet of ice the size of 11 football fields had broken off.

2007 is predicted to be the hottest of all previous years on record

2007 will be a busy storm season. For all those who say that oh they said that last year (my mother) they say last year there were some very unusual circumstances that caused the prediction to be false. (As in hurricane predictions).

I did see the CNN thing too, they have shown that several times so far. It really did paint a bleak picture.

And finally, I do enjoy the warming too. Especially the 83 degree day at Clearwater FL.

Dec 2006 the hottest DEC in FL since 1931.

01/03/2007 01:22 #37522

a cherry blossom blizzard
Category: poetry
it is the heart of an empire,
though not of a conquering kind.
but one that goes forth, layed bare upon the rocks,
to embrace any willing to open their arms.
with the beauty of a cherry blossom blizzard on april's
going out into the india of my mind,
i see the power of belief, of faith, we have.
of faith in goodwill, and brotherhood.
though the darkness tries to blot out
the sun of hope, the stars of love,
they cannot be extinquished.
there is a hunger for affection, creation,
beauty, trembling intimacy.
it is with these, in our shirt pockets,
we drive forward, yearn to run 'cross fields of
sun and dandilions,
to climb the cragged ice covered summits of the earth,
and swim the desert sands ancient kings.
it is the empire of the heart,
poured out to run through your fingers, drip down
upon your knees.