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11/20/2006 23:11 #21436 long necks of swans...
Category: poetry
i wonder if all backs are the same, if they

have that gentle, curve leading up to long necks of swans etched in marble

so that my hands feel like those of creation whilst i run my fingers

'neath satin sheets and kiss the contours of heaven.

i hope, would have to imagine so,

tis that that drives our hearts, stirs the stary nebula of passion

and desire

11/11/2006 01:32 #21435

in the beauty of you
Category: poetry
it was after dinner one nite,

we had gone for drinks and the lite touched your skin gently

as it always did.

we sat at the bar

the tea lites licked the inside

of the glass while we talked and talked.

your hand would brush my knee and you lips my ear.

the music was not that loud.

we left the as the crowd came in from the nite

down the alley we ducked and stole a few breaths from one

another beneath the theatre marquee.

driving home you were quiet, brushing your hand cross my neck,

just watching, smiling as i excitedly ramble and fidget with

the radio, watch the road.

we sat on your couch, your legs cross mine,head on my shoulder pointing, narrating, looking at photos, memories

of when you were a little girl, it was then, it struck me.

the love that i had for you, it came from the look you would give me

secretly with everyone was watching.

it was the child in you, that little girl. it was the innocence , the happiness

of a child in

the beauty of you.

jenks - 11/11/06 20:11
mm I like. :)

11/06/2006 23:50 #21434

Rowdy Roddy Piper's Pit on Halloween
Category: halloween pics
incase anyone is interested there is a written post below the lovely halloween action pic.....brian as andre the giant, his lovely girlfriend meghan bringin the hulkamania to the scene and of course me, your very own eric "codyp" as the rowdy one!






lilho - 11/07/06 08:47
i like it.

11/06/2006 23:47 #21433

sunday nite date nite?
hola people. great weekend. great great weekend. the weather, the activities. so firday i went to happy hour at tiki bar (2 buck miller lites all day everyday) for a while with my pal meghan. had some beers and made names for random people. the bartend was dubbed mc titwitch. she had her tits pushed up to a crazy position, and looked like a witch. hence the name. then there was mc rotten ass, some guy who kept sharting himself. just plain rude, especially for happy hour. so i left there and went to a friends house for scrabble and wine and a fire in the fireplace, first of the season. that was ok for a while, but then my friend and his girlfriend got in a fight, like fucking clockwork. so they went to bed fighting and i played with itunes and fell asleep. woke up and came home, watched notre dame play and win! on saturday and then saturday nite hogan, the giant and i (piper) had another costume party to go to. but we sucked and didn't get dressed up. i felt bad cause the girl whose house it was went all out. it was fun. danced on a table with some girl i just met. well im lying. i have met her before, and we just eneded up hangin out and chatting the whole nite. sunday i woke up and felt like i got ran over by a train a few times. didn't get the girls number, but thats ok. i see her around a lot. best part of the weekend was i had a "blind" date on sunday nite and it rocked. my friend meghan's sister knows this girl from her gym and called meg one morning to see if i was single. so then they set to plotting. the girl was willing to give me her number through the go betweens, and so i called. our first convo was 2 hours. i hate the phone. not a big phone talker. let alone someone i don't know and never met. it went well, so we set a date for sunday nite. meet up for a drink, chat, if it bombs, it bombs, if not well go with whatever comes. it was good because she doesn't live in long beach or anywhere immediately around here. she lives at home about 20 min away. thats good cause if it just goes friends, or nowhere at all, we wont see one another. anyways. so we met at croxleys ale house at 8, and left around 12:30. they were closing up cause it was sunday and we were the only two people left besides employees. it was cool we had a couple beers and just talked about a lot of random stuff. really cute girl. freckles on her nose (big sucker for the irish girls with the freckles) blonde hair (never go for blonds, but its more dirty than blonde) and strikingly beautiful eyes. they are a greenish colour. her smile is lovely, and her laugh is nice too. of course i was witty and charming so she was laughing most of the nite. real awkward silences at all. which was nice. there was a moment of awkwardness when we were parting ways...we both stood there and i was like shit, well ill do something, so i gave her a hug. and we both said we wanted to see each other again. of course i got the text 15 min later....i kinda knew...well no, i was hoping it was coming. the weather has given me an overload of ideas for writing, but i have just been to lazy to sit down and put it on paper. i don't know why, just is that way. i miss haikusters wisdom

10/29/2006 20:41 #21432

odd title i guess, but i was watching the movie before i started this so there. i hope everyone is recovering from last nite's festivities. i am sure most had a good time. i did. went out as an 'ensemble' my buddy brian was andre the giant, his girlfriend was hulk hogan and i was rowdy roddy piper. lotta fun. went to a costume party and then out to the bars. it really should be halloween once every season or something. people seem to relax, open up and let their guard down. work is going really well. crazy busy. i am just trying to learn the job really well so that when the time comes, i will be able to move up. reading a separate peace right now by john knowles. one of my favorites. i have so much to say, but just don't want to write i guess. ever feel like that?