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09/15/2006 00:08 #21428

i too dream of canadian nites.
Category: poetry
i too dream of canadian nites
with the quiet hum of american radio
purring over the heaters keeping the windows
from frosting over, keeping us from seeing
our breath in the car.
we pull over to the roadside bars,
stomping our boots free of the slush and
snow, shaking the cold off
our sholders as we walk in the door,
ready to drink, and laugh
and feel the soft hips and cheeks
of rosy lipped girls. with sweet lovey doed
eyes, knowing no more, no less than we.
all ready to dance, listen to juxeboxes
belt out the tunes that are the songs
we will dance to, fall in love to,
discover the wonders of our bodies to.
maybe all in the same nite for those lucky
the wind of our youth, hitchhiking
from the coasts, cross the prairies, navigating
the mountain passes as the heavy winter
skies clear and the brown moon climbs higher in the sky
cleaning itself off, whiter than the freshly fallen snow
some stand outside watching their breath pass
in the air, cold, sharp as glass, the breath so heavy
casting a shadow neath the moonlite.
the bar door opens, closes, and the smells of smoke, beer
sweat drift slowly out on the sounds of
clinking glasses and racous laughter and bop.
the light from within is soft, muted by the dark ruddy leathers,
the heavy stained woods worn from the coat sleeves
of men stopping off on their long wild rides into frontiers of
the provinces, the west.
these canadian nites are american nites too.
the border, the only thing that seperates the people.
but it doesn't really, cause' the wind skips free, dancing the dervish
of wild lusty youth.

jenks - 09/16/06 12:36
nice :)

09/13/2006 00:01 #21427

i've had enough of you mantooth
going to see roger waters on friday nite at jones beach!!! i am slightly excited. supposed to be 80, and the conert is at one of the best venues. the ocean, the great south bay. a bunch of my good friends and work is going well. at least i think it is. haha...i was thrown to the fire on monday. which was tough for more than one reason. first it was a par=tay weekend. my buddy thomas was going back to ireland after a 2 week vacation on the island of long. then saturday was another friend of mine tommy mcpartlans birthday. wow. what a rager that party was. sunday was the met game. pabst brewing co. field box seats. SWEET! right on the field first and second row. it was amazing. one of the best parts of the game is i caught two balls, and gave one to this little boy whose name happened to be Eric as well, and then this cute little girl got the second one i caught. it was such a great feeling seeing their faces light up and there parents were so happy as well. something so simple. well of course there was a large quantity of barley and hops consumed by us four wild men. which probably accounts for us ending up in bayside at sullivans and my friends chatting up these two anchorwomen from DC who fly up everysunday for the mets home games. it would also probably account for my losing the hat i bought as a gift. a hat i had to go out and buy again. so monday was my first day "on my own" at work, anf after a long weekend of tooooo much fun, i was a little foggy. well shook it off, and i think i did alright. i actually have a lot of responsibiliy making sure these publications meet deadlines. exciting. so now i am just lookin to put my nose to the grindstone and try and keep everything going forward. might be coming home end of october for TKE alumni weekend at buff state. while i was not a TKE, a lot of my friends were, and a couple live in manhattan so we may come up. the next two months are going to be busy on the weekends, plus the brunching season is fast approaching. yes i said the brunching season. usually on sundays a whole group of us get together and go to brunch. usually followed by some cocktails and football at someones house. makes for a nice sunday. well im off to bed. nite all

09/05/2006 19:42 #21426

bye bye summertime
hello hello. i have not been here in a while. been busy with my new job, trying to learn everything and stay in an behave a bit more. plus i have been dealing with ex issues, and trying to figure out where i am going in my personal life. i had been "seein" the ex on a regular basis, but that has been interrupted and i am not even sure if i really care. before we statred "seeing" one another again, i met a great girl, we went out a few times, she didn't call me back, then does, and we start hangin out again. a week ago, she calls me and tells me about a serious, i mean really serious ailment that was picked up on a catscan, and bam she has to have sugery on a tumor in her brain. it was really scary. i was scared for her, and i guess a little for me (selfishly) because i was worried she would come out of surgery a completely different person. this is due to an experience in the past. well i spoke with her sunday nite. she is at home with her parents and feeling well considering it was brain surgery. it was wierd. i went to see her in the hospital and she looked fine. strangely beautiful. i mean because she was in the hospital, in bed all day, and cmon everyone knows that when you are in a hospital, you are just not yourself. she was so calm, and it calmed me down, cause i was nervous as fuck. i had no idea how to act, how to behave. it was almost like a date. except i brought two books i picked out for her along with the flowers. we had talked about what she wanted the nite before, and she allowed me to pick the books, so i grabbed one of my favorites, A Moveable Feast by Hemingway, and Jitterbug Perfume by tom robbins cause some people just don't like ernest, and i can understand that....i guess.. an arrangement of lillys, which are still going strong and are her fav flower. not a day went by that i didn't worry about her. i also was hoping that she would not come out of it and lose interest in the things she enjoys, photography being the most important.

so yeah i have a new job. i work in production for a publisher. well its a publisher who does the yearbooks for Pro sports teams, colleges and universities nation wide, and some highschools. its pretty cool. hopefully i will be able to learn a lot, put some time in and then maybe move to a "Publisher" of books. hhahaaha.

hope everyones summer ended well. it was beautiful out in the hamptons after that pesky ernesto finally left us alone. lots of rain before that though. It was to bad i didn't get to see anyone really when i was home. Ran into jenks briefly at founding fathers, but my buddy wanted to go home so i really didn't get to chill. sorry peeps. hopefully thanksgiving.

07/11/2006 22:28 #21425

the goal in the street
Category: poetry
it was this morning
while driving i saw the
goal sitting in the street

i thought of my goal,
and Michaels too
both tucked safely away in backyards

Mine behind the pool deck
his under the patio awning
attached to the garage in back

it was hazy and humid around 8:30
this morning when i first saw
the goal in the street

summer always meant
swimming pools, kickball in school yards, riding
bikes to the ends of the neighborhood

hockey was tough, no one wanted
to play goal, all of the equipment,
the hot pavement

games in the cool grass
in the welcoming pools,
or racing bikes down neighborhood streets were relief
from the heat, not hockey.

07/08/2006 12:38 #21424

reader number 2.
Category: wedding crashers
today is the big day. my buddy seth is getting married and i am standing up in the bridal party. its actually my first wedding to stand up in. at present count i have had i believe 8 friends get married. 3 are divorced. not sure if i am one to have in a wedding. though i must say the last one i was a part of, i was a reader, and that couple is doing quite well. there is a funny story behind that wedding too. i was designated reader number 2, and my job was to read the standard letters from paul to corinthians, or something like that. the letter is about love, so anyways. the nite before the wedding was the rehearsal dinner and we all went out afterwords. well my friend kim, who was marrying my friend josh was one of those girls who watched a wedding story all of the time, and is very well lets say particular. so me knowing this did not get drunk the nite before. i tried to get everyone to go back to our rooms relatively early (3ish) and get some rest. well that did not happen. we went back to the rooms and a melee ensued. just wild drinking and william tell reenactments with full, unopened beer cans. so the next morning we all wake up, myself in good shape but the groomsmen and the groom in not so good shape. well at the ceremnoy it was my turn to read. the priest calls me up and i am walking down the isle. he is still standing at the podium which freaks me out cause he did not do that to reader #1. i get up there and i am nervous as hell. an ex of mine is in the bridal girls and basically right next to me. as i take my spot, the priest grabs my elbow quite solidly and says in a low voice, not a whisper, but loud enough for everyone on the alter area to hear.... Shame on you reader number 2 for keeping the groom and his groomsman up all nite with your carousing! i almost shit myself right there. i seriously think i started sweathing bullets. i read through paul to corinthians at auctioner speed and raced down the isle to my seat. oh but it doesn't end there. so now during the homily the priest is exhalting the need for good friends and close ties with your family. he says that friends are important and good to have, of course unless they are like Reader Number 2!!! Damn this guy had it out for me!!! it was funny though because he then described how kim and josh met at a resturaunt in buffalo while kim was doing homework during lunch hour and josh was working. yeah what a crock of shit that was. they met at bullfeathers, ladies nite, josh was bartending and kim was dancing to when i think about you i touch myself. yeah if the old holy roller only would have known!!! hahahaha....then of course during the reception i got razzed by everyone. jay, josh's best man put the priest up to it, and whoa the groomsmen had a great laugh at that one. so hopefully this wedding will go a lot smoother. hopefully the yamake will stay on. first time wearer. should be interesting. the tux rocks, really nice. all of the guys in the wedding party got really nice pocket watches with our initials engraved. nice touch. so yeah people are getting married and buying homes, or condos. yeah im not. kinda worries me...really does...well just that i am in no position to even think about buying a home. oh well. gotta run and get ready to go soon. yeah pics from 3 to 7. anyone jealous? hopefully i will get some of the pics up here for you to see. have fun at the jealous. havent been there in years.
jenks - 07/08/06 14:09
My sister's wedding now ranks as Most Fun Wedding Ever, but Second Most Fun Wedding Ever was a Jewish wedding... I was surprised, thought it would be kind of stuffy, and thought I'd be confused since i'm not Jewish and don't know all the rituals. So I hope you have fun. Put up pix! (did you get my beach pic yesterday?)