Yea, I can't wait to take off to FLA this week. Not a big deal on the surface since I was there less than 7 weeks ago. It's just that this time I'm heading down there when two events are going on, V-Day on Saturday & the Daytona 500 on Sunday. Plus you have all the Sunshine that should be much warmer this time around.
The weird part is that a part of me as I did mention earlier in some post about "getting out of Dodge" for that weekend.

Well I'm glad that I didn't...
Yea, if I knew what was good for me I'd turn off my computer for the next 20 days
Really that was just generated by i initially making contact with someone on some stupid dating site & realizing that it is the sister of my ex's ex-boyfriend, if you can follow that logic.
So in a strange set of circumstances I have ended up making a kind of date with someone down there in FLA off another site I use. She's pretty cool and intelligent but in reality she wants someone to go to the 500 with and as an added bonus she's not into V-Day at all. So working out the logistics should be fun, but with the timing falling into place with me being there at the right time and coming back it should not be too difficult. How could I turn down an opportunity to check out the "Superbowl" of stock car racing?
So I'm grateful for having the time and resources to do this as well as the dumb luck for reading someone's blog that is a "friend" of mine. Other than that I should have some fun in the SRQ as usual, now the 2.5 day wait...
Lots of interesting things the #20 about being a priest seems interesting. In terms of meeting someone in Buffalo I think there are great women here, I just would have no clue to find them. That being said I think the dating pool is smaller here then a lot of places because of type of place Buffalo is. The good ones are taken. Then if you don't want the person with a kid that takes out a lot of people. Then I'm guessing the College kids are two young, so then who else is there? I'm not saying there isn't anyone. I think it is hard to find someone who is good and that what ever makes that special fit. I'm sure you will have much better luck then I will, hey maybe the next time you go to Canada you will find someone maybe Toronto is the place to look it is a pretty big city.
I really want to visit Auschwitz. I really want to visit Poland in general.
Just talking out loud here, but is not being married something to fear? Rather...if we stop projecting that fear, maybe that's the moment when someone walks into our life forever?