Bottle design
Bottled Michelob was originally sold in a uniquely-shaped bottle named the teardrop bottle because it resembled a water droplet. The teardrop bottle was awarded a medal from the Institute of Design in 1962. Five years later the bottle was redesigned for efficiency in the production line, and later it was abandoned for a standard bottle.
In January 2007 Anheuser-Busch re-introduced Michelob in a similar bottle.
In October 2008, it was decided that the teardrop bottle would be retired and the standard Michelob Craft Bottle would replace any Michelob product currently being sold in the teardrop bottle.

I would hate to see it go. Yea, you can't drink Michelob all the time since it is on par with drinking whole milk all the time, but it is the one things that makes it stand out more than the beer itself. Especially since I'm old enough to remember the Frank Sinatra commercials selling the stuff.
For it to just have it fall back into the pack of the other supposed "craft beers" that the have thrown under the Michelob flag would be a mistake. I love the teardrop bottle & I'm going to be sad to see it go.
That's awesome. thanks for posting.
I was totally freaked out after reading the old one.