Because I'm taking off tomorrow & don't know if I'll have access to a computer I'll make my usual Greg Dulli V-Day post with one of his videos.
I'm not Jaded this V-day. I'm actually feeling the universe throwing me a vibe or two. It's not a dropping roller coaster feeling, but at the same time logically I kind of know that my window for something like that has long passed.
Anyway to the point. I was hanging @ Mothers Saturday night when i was kid of thrown in to the drama of two older women. The one with kind of sexting with some FWB type of thing in which she was lamenting that he "didn't try hard enough to get her into bed that night." There were other vulgar pleasantries eavesdropped on but it was sure enlightening in the sense that I realized that a good chunk of this town is in some kind of FWB situation, I know for myself I've been in more of those kind of situations more than a real committed passionate relationship.
So the next time you get a text @ 3:15 think of thing song
Vincent's Journal
My Podcast Link
02/10/2009 23:03 #47708
Annual V-Day PostCategory: love & relationships
02/08/2009 22:51 #47686
FLACategory: vacation
Yea, I can't wait to take off to FLA this week. Not a big deal on the surface since I was there less than 7 weeks ago. It's just that this time I'm heading down there when two events are going on, V-Day on Saturday & the Daytona 500 on Sunday. Plus you have all the Sunshine that should be much warmer this time around.
The weird part is that a part of me as I did mention earlier in some post about "getting out of Dodge" for that weekend.
Well I'm glad that I didn't...
So in a strange set of circumstances I have ended up making a kind of date with someone down there in FLA off another site I use. She's pretty cool and intelligent but in reality she wants someone to go to the 500 with and as an added bonus she's not into V-Day at all. So working out the logistics should be fun, but with the timing falling into place with me being there at the right time and coming back it should not be too difficult. How could I turn down an opportunity to check out the "Superbowl" of stock car racing?
So I'm grateful for having the time and resources to do this as well as the dumb luck for reading someone's blog that is a "friend" of mine. Other than that I should have some fun in the SRQ as usual, now the 2.5 day wait...
The weird part is that a part of me as I did mention earlier in some post about "getting out of Dodge" for that weekend.

Really that was just generated by i initially making contact with someone on some stupid dating site & realizing that it is the sister of my ex's ex-boyfriend, if you can follow that logic.Yea, if I knew what was good for me I'd turn off my computer for the next 20 days
So in a strange set of circumstances I have ended up making a kind of date with someone down there in FLA off another site I use. She's pretty cool and intelligent but in reality she wants someone to go to the 500 with and as an added bonus she's not into V-Day at all. So working out the logistics should be fun, but with the timing falling into place with me being there at the right time and coming back it should not be too difficult. How could I turn down an opportunity to check out the "Superbowl" of stock car racing?
So I'm grateful for having the time and resources to do this as well as the dumb luck for reading someone's blog that is a "friend" of mine. Other than that I should have some fun in the SRQ as usual, now the 2.5 day wait...
02/02/2009 22:23 #47608
I've finally gotten around to itThat 25 thing virus.
1. My Grandparents were slaves if you consider the fact that they were taken from their homes @ 17 & 18 to work on farms as forced labor in Germany during WWII.
2. After the war they stayed in Germany and that's where my Mom was born and raised until she was 12.
3. That's when my Grandparents immigrated to Canada
4. My Canadian Grandpa lost 4 fingers on one hand in a workplace accident, but by a miracle a surgeon painstakingly by shear determination reattached everyone back on his hand, mind you this was the 70's.
5. My parent's meet on Clifton Hill, the tourist trap in Niagara Falls Canada.
6. I was born in Canada and am pretty proud of that fact.
7. Also I'm grateful to my Father for giving me Dual Citizenship through him.
8. All of my Grandparents have long passed on.
9. Sometimes I think about how life would have been different if my Sister had not been killed in that car accident
10.Another What if scenario is how much my life would have been different if I had said the things I should have said & not screwed up the relationship regarding "The one that got away"
11.The one thing I am grateful from that relationship with her is the love of inline skating
12. I've had a blog since March of '02
13. I'm a sucker for J.Crew
14. Even though I go to Canada all the time I really haven't been to Toronto much in the last 8 years or so. This is something I'd like to change.
15. I'm afraid that I'll never find a wife living here in Western New York. For me I'm convinced that most people in the dating pool around here are severely defective.
16. I still think back about that weekend in NYC that if described could start off with "Dear Penthouse Forum"
17. For most of my life I have been going to Vegas at least once a year. The last could well be at least 15 times but I really don't have an exact number.
18. When I'm there I prefer the "Old Vegas" Downtown on or just off Fremont St.
19. I only got laid once in Vegas and that was with my Ex-Girlfriend at the Hard Rock.
20. At one time I was seriously thinking about becoming a Priest
21. The only way to describe my philosophy on life is Existentialist.
22. For most of my adolescence I thought I was some kind of freak, then I realized that some of my "so called" friends were a negative drain on me & manipulated me into keeping me at their psychic vampire level.
23. Then I went visited Poland and realized that my Grandmother's family are great people and I came from a descent normal gene pool
24. I visited the concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau when I was there
25. I waited way too in posting this but when I first attempted to do so I had a browser error.
1. My Grandparents were slaves if you consider the fact that they were taken from their homes @ 17 & 18 to work on farms as forced labor in Germany during WWII.
2. After the war they stayed in Germany and that's where my Mom was born and raised until she was 12.
3. That's when my Grandparents immigrated to Canada
4. My Canadian Grandpa lost 4 fingers on one hand in a workplace accident, but by a miracle a surgeon painstakingly by shear determination reattached everyone back on his hand, mind you this was the 70's.
5. My parent's meet on Clifton Hill, the tourist trap in Niagara Falls Canada.
6. I was born in Canada and am pretty proud of that fact.
7. Also I'm grateful to my Father for giving me Dual Citizenship through him.
8. All of my Grandparents have long passed on.
9. Sometimes I think about how life would have been different if my Sister had not been killed in that car accident
10.Another What if scenario is how much my life would have been different if I had said the things I should have said & not screwed up the relationship regarding "The one that got away"
11.The one thing I am grateful from that relationship with her is the love of inline skating
12. I've had a blog since March of '02
13. I'm a sucker for J.Crew
14. Even though I go to Canada all the time I really haven't been to Toronto much in the last 8 years or so. This is something I'd like to change.
15. I'm afraid that I'll never find a wife living here in Western New York. For me I'm convinced that most people in the dating pool around here are severely defective.
16. I still think back about that weekend in NYC that if described could start off with "Dear Penthouse Forum"
17. For most of my life I have been going to Vegas at least once a year. The last could well be at least 15 times but I really don't have an exact number.
18. When I'm there I prefer the "Old Vegas" Downtown on or just off Fremont St.
19. I only got laid once in Vegas and that was with my Ex-Girlfriend at the Hard Rock.
20. At one time I was seriously thinking about becoming a Priest
21. The only way to describe my philosophy on life is Existentialist.
22. For most of my adolescence I thought I was some kind of freak, then I realized that some of my "so called" friends were a negative drain on me & manipulated me into keeping me at their psychic vampire level.
23. Then I went visited Poland and realized that my Grandmother's family are great people and I came from a descent normal gene pool
24. I visited the concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau when I was there
25. I waited way too in posting this but when I first attempted to do so I had a browser error.
01/29/2009 08:42 #47552
For left leaning e:strippersThis is where I got the whole Dems= "Party of Hate" Reps="Party of Fear" concept.
metalpeter - 01/29/09 18:13
Pretty interesting video and he does make some pretty good points.
Pretty interesting video and he does make some pretty good points.
dcoffee - 01/29/09 12:07
I gave up on the "Evil" and conspiracy stuff. But I do think their is corruption. I think it's all over politics, local, federal, everywhere. And in both parties. We need to get the money out of politics. I know it's a freedom thing, giving your own money away for whatever reason. But it encourages secrecy, and hurts our democracy.
I gave up on the "Evil" and conspiracy stuff. But I do think their is corruption. I think it's all over politics, local, federal, everywhere. And in both parties. We need to get the money out of politics. I know it's a freedom thing, giving your own money away for whatever reason. But it encourages secrecy, and hurts our democracy.
01/25/2009 18:10 #47518
TV SportsCategory: television
I have to say that even in this "down" week of sports on TV due to the quiet media week for the Super Bowl & the NHL All-Star break I have to say there is plenty to keep me occupied. First off I never realized how much I would actually get sucked into the Winter X-Games. (e:metalpeter) is on to something on that one, although I can go to the next time over and see a bunch of crazy necks drive around on their snowmobiles, it does take it to another level. My favorites have been the ski races. There is just only so much half-pipe tricks that I can take with snowboarders and other mid air flip stuff.
Now since I have been kind of hiding since Friday night due to me taking a spill when I went out to see a band it lead me to just stay home and watch late night sports on TV. So yea I just didn't want to deal with the outside world so I stayed home and enjoyed myself on the couch. The other event was the Australian Open, which is always a good time. Unless that is if you got caught in the middle of that Bosnian/Serb fight last week...
Now since I have been kind of hiding since Friday night due to me taking a spill when I went out to see a band it lead me to just stay home and watch late night sports on TV. So yea I just didn't want to deal with the outside world so I stayed home and enjoyed myself on the couch. The other event was the Australian Open, which is always a good time. Unless that is if you got caught in the middle of that Bosnian/Serb fight last week...
metalpeter - 01/26/09 19:09
One thing I like about the Winter X games and the same thing is kinda true of the ones they have during the summer is the fact that there are different sports. I like the flips and the tricks in the air but don't know enough about them to know what ones are tougher I just know when something looks cool to me. The racing events are pretty cool and I think will be part of the next winter Olympics. Sunday Night After Hockey and the X-games I watched some WEC. The thing with any fighting sport is you never really know how good a fight will be. It might look good on paper and not even last a round or end in a weird way or it could be two people who you have never heard of and it is a great fight. I like the all star stuff that I saw, I didn't see all of it but I did see all of both games and it was cool to see a shoot out. Not sure what my favorite sports moment of the weekend was. There was also basketball and as you mentioned tennis on. I can only watch Tennis if there is some hot lady playing.
One thing I like about the Winter X games and the same thing is kinda true of the ones they have during the summer is the fact that there are different sports. I like the flips and the tricks in the air but don't know enough about them to know what ones are tougher I just know when something looks cool to me. The racing events are pretty cool and I think will be part of the next winter Olympics. Sunday Night After Hockey and the X-games I watched some WEC. The thing with any fighting sport is you never really know how good a fight will be. It might look good on paper and not even last a round or end in a weird way or it could be two people who you have never heard of and it is a great fight. I like the all star stuff that I saw, I didn't see all of it but I did see all of both games and it was cool to see a shoot out. Not sure what my favorite sports moment of the weekend was. There was also basketball and as you mentioned tennis on. I can only watch Tennis if there is some hot lady playing.
Lots of interesting things the #20 about being a priest seems interesting. In terms of meeting someone in Buffalo I think there are great women here, I just would have no clue to find them. That being said I think the dating pool is smaller here then a lot of places because of type of place Buffalo is. The good ones are taken. Then if you don't want the person with a kid that takes out a lot of people. Then I'm guessing the College kids are two young, so then who else is there? I'm not saying there isn't anyone. I think it is hard to find someone who is good and that what ever makes that special fit. I'm sure you will have much better luck then I will, hey maybe the next time you go to Canada you will find someone maybe Toronto is the place to look it is a pretty big city.
I really want to visit Auschwitz. I really want to visit Poland in general.
Just talking out loud here, but is not being married something to fear? Rather...if we stop projecting that fear, maybe that's the moment when someone walks into our life forever?