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02/12/2009 14:11 #47730

I am getting texts from coworkers about the craziness of my job. NOW i totally understand why i got what i called the "26-2 face" of shock and horror during my training last summer. I may need to practice my SCIP-R on friends and family before i go into work this weekend.

I just coloured another bright red stripe in my hair. I am too lazy to do my whole head these days, so i have just been doing a big section at the front. I told myself when i loose a certain amount of weight, i will go get myself Goldwell Elumen-ated.

In bad news, i accepted an overtime shift without looking at my datebook closely enough and i now cannot go to my friend, Kirsten's baby shower. She is due in March and found out recently that she will be having a girl. She's very happy about that. We have plans to eat Mexican together tomorrow for dinner... yum....

02/09/2009 08:51 #47688

Fuck You Stanley Steamer!
It is bad enough they have one of the world's worst tv ads.

I get off work at 11pm. Last evening's shift was a hellish one full of SKIP-R, calls to nurses, emergencies and drama. Full moon fever. I went to Tim Horton's with co-workers to blow off a bit of steam and got home at 1.30am. I went to bed at 2.30am, probably fell asleep by 3am.

This morning at 7.45am, the Stanley Steamer truck struggled to back into the neighbour's driveway. A driveway that is one of those ilegal pads that uses our sidewalk ramp bits and half the time one end of a bigger vehicle blocks our way out. So it can be difficult to get in and out of. Which means the beep beep beep of a vehicle backing up was right outside my bedroom door.

Then, the humming of the vacuums started. And i am cranky. And i hate Stanley Steamer. And i think my neighbour's are assholes. But i thought that before they hired Stanley Steamer.

Work is goint o be peachy tonight.

Oh, and i was supposed to work a double last night. My usual 3pm - 11pm shift follwed immedicately by the 11pm - 7am shift. But, i traded out with someone who wanted nights. Sadly, however, i feel like i didn't get any sleep and worked it anyway.
paul - 02/15/09 23:38
I love vacuums but I hate the noise they make.
ladycroft - 02/09/09 12:17
ugh. neighbors.

hang in there lettuce!

02/08/2009 01:13 #47678

Ha! Made you look. Nope. Not what you think. Nothing as interesting as a human without clothes.

Friday (could have been Thursday, but it wasn't until Friday that i noticed), i lost my sunglasses. And they just don't make them that dark anymore. I miss them.

And, i lost both my Buffalo Zoo AND (e:strip) bumper magnets. My poor car looks so naked.
tinypliny - 02/08/09 09:09
Heh, when I think of naked cars, I think of this: :::link:::

02/03/2009 14:51 #47620

To Do or Not To Do The Do
Kinda funny what gets into my head sometimes.

I want to go and get my hair coloured. Goldwell has these amazingly cool "fun" colours from a line called Elumen. The pure colour range blows my mind and i heart it so much.

And what could be better than celebrating turning 40 by doing something a 16 year old should want too?

So, you ask, what is my problem? I hate upkeep on those colours. I hate to have to go and fork over the bucks for someone to do what i could do if i could just take my head off, put it on the table and do it myself.

So,i heart it but i am lazy and cheap.

What is a girl to do?
hodown - 02/03/09 15:57
Those are really cool colors!

02/03/2009 00:52 #47612

You make me want to have blue hair.
tinypliny - 02/03/09 17:13
theli - 02/03/09 15:20
Niel Gaiman. Glee!
ladycroft - 02/03/09 10:15
I miss my short blue hair!!!!!

and I totally want to see this movie, it's SO me :)