Or in this case, a condesending bitchy nurse practitioner. Heaven forbid i see an actual doctor.
Yeah, ok, so, i got the labs done in September. Got a call that freaked me out. Shit, least they could do is soften things a bit. Or wait, be accurate. Don't tell me disorder X is "under control" if i am not even aware i have said condition! ANd, i never did find out all the numbers and what, exactly, they mean. I went on my 'script based on faith and them saying some results were 'high'. I was asked to come back in 3 months to have the labs redone, check on things, renew the Rx, IF NEEDED. My assumption, fool that i am, was that the highness noted would be lowered with said medication.
Fast forward to now. Yep, been taking the meds. But, i reckoned it was about time to call, ask for my offical numbers and make that 3 month (ok, it's been longer, but, well, life has been busy) revisit.
This all makes sense, right? I mean, go in, get labs done, get a perscription for an issue, come back when the health care professional requsts?
Nope. Wrong. Apparently, i wasn't supposed to come back, want to know what my results were last time, do as requested and return.
Well, at least not until i lost some weight. Because, until i do, there is just no point. Uhm, excuse me, bitch, but was i not just following your orders? And, would you mind telling me what the results of my blood labs were? I got the fuzzy photocopy. I guess my job is to figure out what it all means from google searches, 'cause i'm too fat/stupid/unimportant for her to bother with?
Bitch. And she wondered why my normally low blood pressure was high? Uhm, maybe 'cause i got this lecture last time? Can you spare me the Weight Watchers advert and get to why i came?
Leetee's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/16/2009 00:26 #47422
Venting About Doctors01/12/2009 12:42 #47378
Facinating CycleI find it interesting in a mildly frustrating way how a person can easily get tangled in red tape.
Now that i work for the state of New York, i am in a union. That union gives me and my spouse dental coverage. Back in September, my spouse needed some dental work. The dental office filled out the paperwork and sent it in. Then, i got a notice from my union explaining to me the amount of money i would get back. Cool.
Fast foward to now. I have yet to see said money. I call my union. They say that they cannot tell me anything about the claim because i was not the patient. They also tell me that they will not be able to tell the patient anything because that person is not a member of the union. *sigh*
Uhm, hello? How do i find out the information then? Talk about a vicious circle...
Eventually, she got around to telling me i needed to fill out a HIPAA form if i wanted to know what happened to my 30 bucks. She told me where to find the form to download it.
Yay. Progress.
Then, based on some information my husband gleaned from the form from my union, perhaps the union paid the dentist?
Worth a try. I called the dentist. Yep, they have had the money since late September. OMG. Why did you not send it to us or tell us? Hell if i know.
Can anyone recommend a dentist?
Now that i work for the state of New York, i am in a union. That union gives me and my spouse dental coverage. Back in September, my spouse needed some dental work. The dental office filled out the paperwork and sent it in. Then, i got a notice from my union explaining to me the amount of money i would get back. Cool.
Fast foward to now. I have yet to see said money. I call my union. They say that they cannot tell me anything about the claim because i was not the patient. They also tell me that they will not be able to tell the patient anything because that person is not a member of the union. *sigh*
Uhm, hello? How do i find out the information then? Talk about a vicious circle...
Eventually, she got around to telling me i needed to fill out a HIPAA form if i wanted to know what happened to my 30 bucks. She told me where to find the form to download it.
Yay. Progress.
Then, based on some information my husband gleaned from the form from my union, perhaps the union paid the dentist?
Worth a try. I called the dentist. Yep, they have had the money since late September. OMG. Why did you not send it to us or tell us? Hell if i know.
Can anyone recommend a dentist?
janelle - 01/12/09 13:37
Wow, that last comment felt all off and scattered. I have a headache. It's keeping me from thinking straight and writing properly.
Wow, that last comment felt all off and scattered. I have a headache. It's keeping me from thinking straight and writing properly.
zobar - 01/12/09 13:36
If Dr Vilardo is accepting new patients, he's an excellent dentist.
- Z
If Dr Vilardo is accepting new patients, he's an excellent dentist.
- Z
janelle - 01/12/09 13:36
Leetee, I posed last week about a referral for a dentist too. Check the commenters for their suggestions: :::link:::
Someone on facebook also suggested going to UB Dental School. YOu can look it up on the web. YOu have to apply to be a patient and one visit could turn into multiple visits, etc...but they were highly recommended as being good.
Leetee, I posed last week about a referral for a dentist too. Check the commenters for their suggestions: :::link:::
Someone on facebook also suggested going to UB Dental School. YOu can look it up on the web. YOu have to apply to be a patient and one visit could turn into multiple visits, etc...but they were highly recommended as being good.
01/08/2009 10:53 #47332
RippedI am totally bummed that my coat got torn by my neighbour's fence. They put up a gate a few years back and twisted some metal wire to keep one side attatched. Those 3 metal twisted bits stick out on our side of the fence about an inch or more. Today, while shovelling, i squeezed between my car and that fence and tore my long black down coat. It's not ruined, but now i have a big gapping hole on the left side by my hip... and it looks awful and i haven't had the coat for that long. *pout*
metalpeter - 01/08/09 19:37
That is to bad, but there is a good thing about wearing the coat. It is very possible that something would have gotten caught there and maybe the coat protected you from getting caught, with out being there it is hard to know.
That is to bad, but there is a good thing about wearing the coat. It is very possible that something would have gotten caught there and maybe the coat protected you from getting caught, with out being there it is hard to know.
01/04/2009 11:13 #47274
ObsessionIt started out innocently enough. It was the "hey these are a cute colour (uhm, orange, does anyone even NOT think they would be orange?!) i wonder if they will fit my fat flat feet any better now that Nike owns them" kinda situation. And behold *insert heavenly music here* they FIT. And so, began, the obsession.
Here are the 2 pair my parents were responsible for this holiday season. The elusive purple... and a random pair (look! there is a tiny bit of orange in there!) found at the Converse Outlet store.

On a completely different note.
It was nice to see and meet some of ya'll this NYE. I am glad i made it to the party, even if i was a bit tired from having just gotten off work.
Some (wish i could fit them all in, but i am old and i apologize to those i may have forgotten -- i haven't) of my highlights would be....
Was very nice to SCIP-R you, (e:Terry); i sure hope none of the individuals i work with pick up your methodology, however.
Very happy to chat with you, (e:Matthew), as always. You're so right, we need to do it more often.
(e:Paul), it was totally a good time, totally, it was. Like totally.
Glad you were all happy about the coasters, (e:PMT). Very cool that they match the kitchen. :O) Thank you, once again, for hosting.
Thanks for all the pictures, (e:Metalpeter)... i'm glad you took them.
Thrilled to bits to meet you, (e:Tinypliny). You are charming and sweet... and i would love to cook with you some day...!!
Always a pleasure to chat with you, (e:Vincent). Someday, we need to talk about something other than what a hole Hamilton is.
(e:imk2), do you remember that i was there? I was the car blocking yours when you needed to leave for.... well.....
Nice to breeze by you on my way in and your way out, (e:Mrmike). Are you SURE you are away from your desk when i call?
I would love that recipe for bean dip you made, (e:Libertad)... it was devine. As are you... i think you light up a room just by being in it.
(e:Joshua), it was nice to say hi and the party... and sit and chat at Spot.
(e:Ladycroft) and (e:Rory) (ok, dude, you need to get an (e:name) so i can come back and change this when you do). Thank you. For making the trip. I am over the moon thrilled to see you looking as happy and content, (e:Ladycroft). Thanks for lunch. And next time, i promise not to only talk about English things, (e:Rory). Kinda hard for an anglophile not to do...
Happy 2009, (e:peeps).
Here are the 2 pair my parents were responsible for this holiday season. The elusive purple... and a random pair (look! there is a tiny bit of orange in there!) found at the Converse Outlet store.

On a completely different note.
It was nice to see and meet some of ya'll this NYE. I am glad i made it to the party, even if i was a bit tired from having just gotten off work.
Some (wish i could fit them all in, but i am old and i apologize to those i may have forgotten -- i haven't) of my highlights would be....
Was very nice to SCIP-R you, (e:Terry); i sure hope none of the individuals i work with pick up your methodology, however.
Very happy to chat with you, (e:Matthew), as always. You're so right, we need to do it more often.
(e:Paul), it was totally a good time, totally, it was. Like totally.
Glad you were all happy about the coasters, (e:PMT). Very cool that they match the kitchen. :O) Thank you, once again, for hosting.
Thanks for all the pictures, (e:Metalpeter)... i'm glad you took them.
Thrilled to bits to meet you, (e:Tinypliny). You are charming and sweet... and i would love to cook with you some day...!!
Always a pleasure to chat with you, (e:Vincent). Someday, we need to talk about something other than what a hole Hamilton is.
(e:imk2), do you remember that i was there? I was the car blocking yours when you needed to leave for.... well.....
Nice to breeze by you on my way in and your way out, (e:Mrmike). Are you SURE you are away from your desk when i call?
I would love that recipe for bean dip you made, (e:Libertad)... it was devine. As are you... i think you light up a room just by being in it.
(e:Joshua), it was nice to say hi and the party... and sit and chat at Spot.
(e:Ladycroft) and (e:Rory) (ok, dude, you need to get an (e:name) so i can come back and change this when you do). Thank you. For making the trip. I am over the moon thrilled to see you looking as happy and content, (e:Ladycroft). Thanks for lunch. And next time, i promise not to only talk about English things, (e:Rory). Kinda hard for an anglophile not to do...
Happy 2009, (e:peeps).
ladycroft - 01/11/09 08:40
it was great to see you too! and thanks, it feels so good to finally be HAPPY.
p.s. i want that recipe too!
it was great to see you too! and thanks, it feels so good to finally be HAPPY.
p.s. i want that recipe too!
libertad - 01/08/09 13:50
awe you're so sweet! i'll look up the recipe and send it to you but I dont have time right now.
awe you're so sweet! i'll look up the recipe and send it to you but I dont have time right now.
tinypliny - 01/04/09 14:56
It's been quite a while since I have been called any of those adjectives. HAHAHA! :)
I was delighted to finally meet you in person as well! I would love to get together and cook some yummy veggie meal some day!
It's been quite a while since I have been called any of those adjectives. HAHAHA! :)
I was delighted to finally meet you in person as well! I would love to get together and cook some yummy veggie meal some day!
metalpeter - 01/04/09 12:50
Glad you had a good time, I thought the de-pantsing attempt of mike was pretty funny.
Glad you had a good time, I thought the de-pantsing attempt of mike was pretty funny.
12/20/2008 00:08 #47118
2008 In Review, EarlyThis time of year makes me emotional....
And it took me round to thinking about 2008 and what a ride it has been.
Last year at this time, i worked a crappy retail job. I took the bus to work every day. I continued the 7+ years of not having health insurance.
Now (thanks to the influence of a neighbor and some hard work finally getting a GED in 2007), i have a moderately stressful part time job and get anywhere from 5 to 15 calls for "extra" time a week. It could be full time hours. If i were not sick, i could have worked today 3pm - 11pm, tonight 11pm - 7am, tomorrow 7am - 3pm... but i am saving what little strength i have for the 3pm - 11pm i am already scheduled for. Last pay week, i worked about 37 hours, having turned down every overnight shift offered to me. The job itself requires me to be mentally alert and ready for any kind of emergency situation. I avoided being bitten twice last week. My boss's boss yelled at me for not knowing something that a co-worked was in the middle of telling me about and her boss came to where i was at to apologize to me on her behalf. Nice to feel appreciated now and then. I work with some amazingly wonderful people that are not even aware of how highly i regard them. And some completely lazy asshats who mightbe very aware. It's a good job.
Got a driver's licence. Got my frist car. Got my second car. Both used (my dream car, the mini cooper, will have to wait for now... *sigh*). First one written off after being rearended on 9/11 by some old dude who should not be on the road anymore and if i had my way, he would not be. Loved my first car. Appreciate my second. It has brand new snow tires and some cinder blocks in the trunk for extrta weight since i work in West Seneca and HATE driving in the snow. Being a new driver and this being my frist winter driving, i reckon i miss taking the bus sometimes.
I have health insurance for the first time since i moved to the US. It costs me almost $200 every pay for (e:uncutsaniflush) and myself... and i still take home enough bucks to pay for car insurance, gas, a few cups of chai and a lunch here and there, so i suppose that makes me ahead of the game.
Having health insurance means going to the doctor. Meant finding out i have some health issues. Some i should have known about, just looking in the mirror and down at the scale, but it's interesting how we can fool ourselves sometimes.
I met some incredible people when i was doing my training for work. Some i miss like crazy. Wished they lived closer so i could see them more... but if driving to West Seneca and its snow scares me, imagine driving to Fredonia and Dunkirk and Cassadaga and Gowanda?!?!
Socially, i have been a bit of a recluse in 2008. The changes have brought about more of an introspection, more thought, more growth and less of an ability to engage in what others might be doing or thinking. I hope 2009 will be different in that way. I would like to make new connections and reconnections to some interesting people that have been on the outskirts of my life.
I may even make a short appearance at the (e:strip) party on New Years Eve... on my way home from work... if the love of my life has no other ideas for the 5 or so minutes we might see each other before 2008 turns to 2009.
Which brings me to him. And how he and i are both misfits, often unable to connect with others, or understand the socail norm. But somehow, i get him, understand how he feels and know, no matter what anyone else may think they see, he is the most kindhearted man that i have ever been lucky enough to know... and i hope he gets me sometimes. I love him more now than i did when i met him 8 years, 2 months and 14 days ago.
Here's to 2009....!!!
And it took me round to thinking about 2008 and what a ride it has been.
Last year at this time, i worked a crappy retail job. I took the bus to work every day. I continued the 7+ years of not having health insurance.
Now (thanks to the influence of a neighbor and some hard work finally getting a GED in 2007), i have a moderately stressful part time job and get anywhere from 5 to 15 calls for "extra" time a week. It could be full time hours. If i were not sick, i could have worked today 3pm - 11pm, tonight 11pm - 7am, tomorrow 7am - 3pm... but i am saving what little strength i have for the 3pm - 11pm i am already scheduled for. Last pay week, i worked about 37 hours, having turned down every overnight shift offered to me. The job itself requires me to be mentally alert and ready for any kind of emergency situation. I avoided being bitten twice last week. My boss's boss yelled at me for not knowing something that a co-worked was in the middle of telling me about and her boss came to where i was at to apologize to me on her behalf. Nice to feel appreciated now and then. I work with some amazingly wonderful people that are not even aware of how highly i regard them. And some completely lazy asshats who mightbe very aware. It's a good job.
Got a driver's licence. Got my frist car. Got my second car. Both used (my dream car, the mini cooper, will have to wait for now... *sigh*). First one written off after being rearended on 9/11 by some old dude who should not be on the road anymore and if i had my way, he would not be. Loved my first car. Appreciate my second. It has brand new snow tires and some cinder blocks in the trunk for extrta weight since i work in West Seneca and HATE driving in the snow. Being a new driver and this being my frist winter driving, i reckon i miss taking the bus sometimes.
I have health insurance for the first time since i moved to the US. It costs me almost $200 every pay for (e:uncutsaniflush) and myself... and i still take home enough bucks to pay for car insurance, gas, a few cups of chai and a lunch here and there, so i suppose that makes me ahead of the game.
Having health insurance means going to the doctor. Meant finding out i have some health issues. Some i should have known about, just looking in the mirror and down at the scale, but it's interesting how we can fool ourselves sometimes.
I met some incredible people when i was doing my training for work. Some i miss like crazy. Wished they lived closer so i could see them more... but if driving to West Seneca and its snow scares me, imagine driving to Fredonia and Dunkirk and Cassadaga and Gowanda?!?!
Socially, i have been a bit of a recluse in 2008. The changes have brought about more of an introspection, more thought, more growth and less of an ability to engage in what others might be doing or thinking. I hope 2009 will be different in that way. I would like to make new connections and reconnections to some interesting people that have been on the outskirts of my life.
I may even make a short appearance at the (e:strip) party on New Years Eve... on my way home from work... if the love of my life has no other ideas for the 5 or so minutes we might see each other before 2008 turns to 2009.
Which brings me to him. And how he and i are both misfits, often unable to connect with others, or understand the socail norm. But somehow, i get him, understand how he feels and know, no matter what anyone else may think they see, he is the most kindhearted man that i have ever been lucky enough to know... and i hope he gets me sometimes. I love him more now than i did when i met him 8 years, 2 months and 14 days ago.
Here's to 2009....!!!
Sorry Leetee. Best of luck finding someone with some compassion. If you ever do let us know who it is! At least you got jenks offer to try and sort things out.
I can (try to) interpret the labs for you if you want....
Health care sucks. Well generally. You just need to find a doctor you like and that is almost impossible.