I am so boring,
Lately, my life consists of working, sleeping and eating. I try to slide chores in there, too, when there is time. Oddly enough, i am not working tons of hours, but my hours are always being changed on me. Ah, but i have kvetched about that many times before and it is not about to change, so i guess i have to get used to the chaos of it all.
Today, however, i FINALLY got 'round to doing a few things that so needed to be done. As well as cleaning -- those of you with a big house like us will understand that sometimes, it takes a whole day to dust and vacuum -- i also did some rearranging.
The bookshelf in our sitting room can now accept more books. Having to stay up all night while working overnights has led me to more reading, which i forgot how much i love doing, despite the severe limitations on what i can read while working. But i digress.
We also got to hanging up a few peices of artwork... and photos and such. Would you believe that i finally found the *perfect* place for that lovely framed pciture of the geese you gave me many moons ago,
(e:Matthew)?!? I still adore it and it now has a permanent place above my rolltop desk.
This is the veiw of my desk in the den, sitting here at the computer, just behind and to my left.
That looks quite yummy!
(e:tinypliny) - I've shied away from fake meats also, but we joke that a meatless-meatlovers pizza should be the way to try them all at once!
Looks great. I haven't tried tofurkey yet. Somehow I am little hesistant to try meat substitutes as well...
I really used to love tofurkeys, although I was not a big fan of the tofurkey drumstick.