Speaking of cars. If you need one, DO NOT go to Niagara Nissan in Lockport. The sales people there are lying sacks of shit. All the little things that the sales person, Michael Bauer, said would be fixed on my car BEFORE i came to get it were not fixed. I have had to go back twice to have them taken care of. And one issue they will not fix unless i pay for it. While testdriving, i tried the sunroof and saw that it would not close using the little button and Michael Bauer said, "that will be fixed. it probably just needs to be lubed." he really meant, "if it doesn't cost too much, we will fix it, otherwise, we will just close it and tell you that we fixed it". Why do used car salesman have to live up to their reputations of being scumbags?
For 3 weekends in a row i have worked "extra time". While driving from West Seneca to Clarence with a van full of people, i was asked to decide if i could work 2 doubles in a row. I said i could do one if someone could do another. Someone was willing to do overtime on Saturday, so Sunday it was for me. I worked 3pm - 11pm on Satuday then 7am - 11pm on Sunday. I wonder when i will actually work the hours i was hired for? I will not hold my breath....
We have a full house at work now. Things are far more chaotic. I think it means our unit will not be closing, like the rumour mill said, but we just never know. Like everything where i work, you find out things only when you walk in the door. And even then, unless you spend hours reading charts and papers that you do not have time to do because you are working, you spend the day in total confusion, always erring on the side of caution, just in case it might be in someone's plan.
I was sick of election coverage months and months and months ago. I cannot wait for all this shit to be over with. Why are politicians such big babies who can't play nice in the sandbox? Yeah, yeah, attack ads work, so they say. Then why are we all such assholes who want to know all the dirt? I can hear it now... "not me!". Then who? SOMEONE must respond, or the ads would not be there. No one is stupid enough to waste money on ads that don't work....
Maybe i am just jealous 'cause i can't vote. Election in Canada today. Can't vote there, 'cause you have to be a resident to vote. Can't vote here, because you have to be a citizen. How backwards am i?
You didn't sound bitchy to me, (e:Lauren). I got the point you were making. And as i was reading your first post, i was nodding my head in agreement. I made the assumption that reading the journals of others merely made you think, not that you were responding to someone's journal.
I reckon we all have rasict thoughts now and then, but it is what we decide to do about them that matters most. And to whom we blurt them out to.
Personally, i attempt to recognize differences in us all, but have them not matter....
Unless you are a suburbanite brunette woman with streaky blonde highlights, are the size of a twig and driving a giant SUV, speeding down the thruway, unable to decide which lane you want to be in, while on the phone, putting on makeup and chewing gum so that everyone can see down your throat... In which case, i fucking hate you.
Not much shocks me anymore. And if it does, i have to practice my "i'm not shocked" face at work. Since i work with people with developmental disabilities who were court ordered to be in our facility or are unable to be with the general community because their normal every day behaviour is, at the very least, inappropriate, i get lots of practice not being surprised or shocked.
Mostly, i understand that the people i work with may not understand themselves that their behaviour is not appropriate, so it is very easy for me to stay in a place without judgement. I hope i can continue to...
I got the chance to colour my hair recently. Why is there no red that is red enough for me?
Hi Lee I just wanted to ask you could you please not refer to used car sales men as Scumbags, it is insulting to scum bags, thank you, HA!!!!!!!!!!!
1. go slash his tires *evil grin*
2. i do NOT miss the days of being overworked for 14 hour shifts to turn around 7 hours later and work another 16 etc etc. Sigh.... hang in there!
3. happy belated anniversary!
Lee- Because red is THE hair color for fall. You're so in style :)
I've never heard of Niagara Nissan in Lockport, but it is always good to know these things (and I know plenty of people and spend a lot of time out there). I had thought that slimy salesmen would become a thing of the past now that people have more access to information and are privy to dishonest tactics. Always being proved otherwise, I guess.
You had me thinking on many of your post points, but I just want to touch upon the "I'm not shocked" face at work. I never really had a discussion with anyone about it, perhaps others weren't aware that it happens, but it is interesting that it does. The emergence of the the 'poker face' is beneficial at work because you never know what sort of reinforcement that having an expression in response to the persons behavior may have on them. If they know that it had an effect, then it becomes leverage on their side to engage in the behavior again.
Yet what you will notice is how you will be the same way in everyday life as well. Nothing will appear to phase you, or at least the feelings wont rush in as quickly. They are still there, just not being shown on the face and body language.
When and of you do an overnight again, that is a good time to catch up on plans, daily communications etc. Is there a standard bedtime for people? Perhaps that time allows for a little catch up on reading? Do your shifts go by quickly with all of the chaos and activity?
ok, thats it for now :)