To the asshat tailgating me all the way from Filmore to Richmond on Best/Summer this morning around 7.30am, i just want you to know that since me driving 40 in a 30 wasn't enough for you, i thought perhaps 28 would be better. I had just gotten off work and not in a hurry, so i slowed down just to piss you off. Looked like it worked, too. Have a nice day.
Leetee's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/14/2008 08:11 #46683
It Was Me!10/24/2008 19:21 #46310
Botanical GardensYesterday, (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i decided to celebrate the nice day with naturey kinds of things. Our camera was in my purse and i took a few snaps.

(many thanks to (e:Tinypliny) for your attempted assistance last night, to (e:Paul) for your emailed assistance and the lovely (e:Uncutsaniflush) for his always valuable techy assistance)

(many thanks to (e:Tinypliny) for your attempted assistance last night, to (e:Paul) for your emailed assistance and the lovely (e:Uncutsaniflush) for his always valuable techy assistance)
tinypliny - 10/24/08 22:29
Very pretty! Where is this in Buffalo? Is this a "bus-able" location? :D
Very pretty! Where is this in Buffalo? Is this a "bus-able" location? :D
heidi - 10/24/08 22:01
Great pix! Thanks for sharing them. And now I've got another "gotta see" destination in Buffalo :-)
Great pix! Thanks for sharing them. And now I've got another "gotta see" destination in Buffalo :-)
gardenmama - 10/24/08 21:49
The pix are beautiful! I, sadly, have never been to the Botanical Gardens. I think I'll have to make a point of going.
The pix are beautiful! I, sadly, have never been to the Botanical Gardens. I think I'll have to make a point of going.
libertad - 10/24/08 21:16
Those are nice! I can' wait to go to Botanical Gardens on the weekend. I'm going to see if there is a bus there too in case I wanna go when Mikey is busy.
Those are nice! I can' wait to go to Botanical Gardens on the weekend. I'm going to see if there is a bus there too in case I wanna go when Mikey is busy.
10/22/2008 22:48 #46265
Deja Vu?I can't remember if i have posted this, or someone else did. But, it has been a while and cuteoverload

Gotta love that song, man....
theecarey - 10/23/08 12:03
I was thinking, "please pet the kitty already!" then finally someone did. That's all the kitty wanted with all her rolling around and looking super cute.
I was thinking, "please pet the kitty already!" then finally someone did. That's all the kitty wanted with all her rolling around and looking super cute.
10/22/2008 00:10 #46244
Frustrated? Who, Me?So, the Hepatitis B vacination is a series of three that has to be done over a period of time. After many calls, i finally got myself in to see the nurse at the clinic at work so i can get my second of three.
I was supposed to go on my way to work, between 3.15 and 3.30, since i was to start work at 4pm. Then, my supervisor asked if i could change my work day from the 4 - 8 shift i was supposed to work to a 7am to noon shift. I said yes.
And called the nurse to change the time i would come get the shot. She said that she is at lunch at noon and could i come at 1pm? I figured waiting 45 - 60 minutes would be ok. Better than waiting around until 3.15 or having to drive there and back (90 minutes) on a day off -- or "pass day" as the lingo goes there.
So, this morning, i arrive at 7am and my supervisor looks at me and says "why are you here so early?" and my reply was "because you asked me to be here now" to which she said, "oh, i meant to call you and tell you to come in later". All i could think of to say was "but you didn't". So, she asked me if i could stay later... until when, she wasn't sure. I told her yes, but on one condition -- SHE had to call the nurse at the clinic to reschedule.
Instead, i was driven over there from the building i was in along with an individual going to a doctor's appointment. We both had to be there at 1pm and surprisingly, we were both on time. Rare event at my unit.
After my jab, i went and got another individual for his appointment and shuttled the first one back to his work program. Then, at the end of the "work" day, i drove him, the other individuls at the same work site building over to the clinic to get the individual who had the second appointment and drove everyone back to the living unit.
I left work at 3pm. I could have kept the same 3.15om appointment.......
I was supposed to go on my way to work, between 3.15 and 3.30, since i was to start work at 4pm. Then, my supervisor asked if i could change my work day from the 4 - 8 shift i was supposed to work to a 7am to noon shift. I said yes.
And called the nurse to change the time i would come get the shot. She said that she is at lunch at noon and could i come at 1pm? I figured waiting 45 - 60 minutes would be ok. Better than waiting around until 3.15 or having to drive there and back (90 minutes) on a day off -- or "pass day" as the lingo goes there.
So, this morning, i arrive at 7am and my supervisor looks at me and says "why are you here so early?" and my reply was "because you asked me to be here now" to which she said, "oh, i meant to call you and tell you to come in later". All i could think of to say was "but you didn't". So, she asked me if i could stay later... until when, she wasn't sure. I told her yes, but on one condition -- SHE had to call the nurse at the clinic to reschedule.
Instead, i was driven over there from the building i was in along with an individual going to a doctor's appointment. We both had to be there at 1pm and surprisingly, we were both on time. Rare event at my unit.
After my jab, i went and got another individual for his appointment and shuttled the first one back to his work program. Then, at the end of the "work" day, i drove him, the other individuls at the same work site building over to the clinic to get the individual who had the second appointment and drove everyone back to the living unit.
I left work at 3pm. I could have kept the same 3.15om appointment.......
tinypliny - 10/22/08 18:55
That is frustrating!!
That is frustrating!!
10/19/2008 00:27 #46186
Cranky GirlI swear, i colour my hair red just as an excuse to be a hothead bitch....
YOU would be cranky too if your neighbour's wee dog barked you awake on a regular basis and today it happened for what seemed like eternity but was probably closer to 30 - 40 minutes and finally at 7am you could take it no more.
Of course, i didn't need to yell and scream as much as i did.
But, please, people, tell me how it is i am supposed to get the damn dogs to stop barking if the humans will not answer their doorbell? What is the solution?
However, i really did not need to be called a "white cracker bitch". I didn't bring race or skin colour into any of my ranting and raving. Just that it happens daily (which it doesn't, but it does happen about 3 or 4 times a week) and i am fed up, frustrated and tired.
Even though she started in on the arguement i had with her friend because he was blocking my driveway and refused to move, swore at us while telling us to not swear at her and got all upity about how hard she works for a living (uh, we all do!), i still say i need to apologize. I was a bitch and i need to let them both know that i was being unreasonable.
YOU would be cranky too if your neighbour's wee dog barked you awake on a regular basis and today it happened for what seemed like eternity but was probably closer to 30 - 40 minutes and finally at 7am you could take it no more.
Of course, i didn't need to yell and scream as much as i did.
But, please, people, tell me how it is i am supposed to get the damn dogs to stop barking if the humans will not answer their doorbell? What is the solution?
However, i really did not need to be called a "white cracker bitch". I didn't bring race or skin colour into any of my ranting and raving. Just that it happens daily (which it doesn't, but it does happen about 3 or 4 times a week) and i am fed up, frustrated and tired.
Even though she started in on the arguement i had with her friend because he was blocking my driveway and refused to move, swore at us while telling us to not swear at her and got all upity about how hard she works for a living (uh, we all do!), i still say i need to apologize. I was a bitch and i need to let them both know that i was being unreasonable.
- sigh*
mrmike - 10/19/08 19:26
Oh that cranky lettuce
Oh that cranky lettuce
janelle - 10/19/08 09:06
Leetee, do you ever call the non-emergency Buffalo Police line to deal with these issues. Several people in my area, including us, use it to deal with a neighbor who can be a little too much. It has helped with a few issues. And that way you don't have to go out and yell and scream.
The police might be able to go out and write a ticket with a fine for the barking dog. And they'll tow a car blocking your driveway.
Leetee, do you ever call the non-emergency Buffalo Police line to deal with these issues. Several people in my area, including us, use it to deal with a neighbor who can be a little too much. It has helped with a few issues. And that way you don't have to go out and yell and scream.
The police might be able to go out and write a ticket with a fine for the barking dog. And they'll tow a car blocking your driveway.
i do that too. and why do people feel the need to fly all the way up to the right side of cars stopped at a red light - as if they are turning right - and then fly out in front of EVERYBODY when the light changes?
That is, slowing down when tailgated, not grandpa driving, hehe.
I do the same thing!
I always drive like 10 mph too slow. Everyone says I am going to get a ticket for going to slow.
I've done that!