It sounds good. Almost like you get to date a man. Mandated. Ain't nothing of the sort.
What it really means, ultimately, is feeling like shit for a few days because you cannot leave work.
When someone calls in, and no one on the "i want overtime" list answers their phone (and who is going to do so at 9pm on a Saturday night?) or returns a message, the next card in the overtime book has to stay for the next shift. By law, we cannot be understaffed.
Being new, i was the first card in the book. I went in for my usual shift... wait... i went in for the shift i have been working. Technically, i am flexed every week because i do not work the 4pm - 9pm shift i was hired for. I work 3pm - 11pm 2 days a week and a random 4 hour shift some other time of the week. I digress.
I had some notice. The person being mandated does not always have that luxury. Sometimes, they find out at 10.45pm that their shift does not end at 11pm.
My wonderful husband, (e:Uncutsaniflush) even drove out to West Seneca to put my phone charger in my car so my cell phone would not run dead while working (we have to keep a working cell phone with is in case there is an emergency that isn't serious enough to hit the 911 emergency bracelets we are required to wear). Luckily, i didn't end up needing my cell phone.
Luckily, they were kind to me. I was on relief duty. Not an individual's 1:1, having to sit in a darkened room, watching someone sleep all night.
But still, working from 3pm Saturday afternoon all the way through the night until 7am Sunday morning was tough.
Relief duty means chores. Better for me to stay awake, really.
I had food to thaw for the Sunday's meals and Monday's lunches. I made some of Sunday's lunch. I cleaned out the Health and Beauty cabinet of the med room. I washed kitchen linens. I cleaned out the fridge of all opened food over 48 hours old (state law!). I cleaned out the laundry room. And yeah, i drank coffee!
Unfortunately, i also had to work Sunday.... from 3pm - 11pm. So, bleary eyed, i drove home, talked to my mom on the phone for a few minutes and around 8am crawled into bed. By 12.30pm, i was up drinking strong tea and getting ready for work again.
All this backed by last weekend.... working 3pm - 11pm Saturday then 7am - 11pm Sunday -- voluntarily.
Just when i was caught up on sleep, i get mandated.
Thank goodness i am only part time.
In the good news department, today is mine and (e:Uncutsaniflush)'s 7th wedding anniversary. He is as imperfect as i am. But together, even in the rough times, it just feels perfect. I cannot know how i went through life without him. Nor do i ever want to again.
We are having a low key day due to my work and the fact that he had to work this morning. But i made us a big mid day meal of (vegetarian) sausages and peppers with pierogies and mushroom sauce, mizzeria (a cucumber sour cream salad) and an apple cinnamon cake. We were too full for the cake, so it waits for a later.
Leetee's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/06/2008 16:38 #45965
Mandated and Married09/30/2008 21:59 #45867
New Bitch In TownAnd she's not blue this time, but red, and slightly less old.

Of course, if she does not cough up the Morrissey and New York Dolls cds stuck in her supposed 4 cd changer, she is meat.
I think red and orange look good together. She needs an (e:strip) bumper sticker...

Of course, if she does not cough up the Morrissey and New York Dolls cds stuck in her supposed 4 cd changer, she is meat.
I think red and orange look good together. She needs an (e:strip) bumper sticker...
tinypliny - 10/01/08 20:41
Is it true that red cars have a higher insurance premium here in the US?
Is it true that red cars have a higher insurance premium here in the US?
theecarey - 10/01/08 11:21
YAY!! She better be good to you! :)
YAY!! She better be good to you! :)
mrmike - 10/01/08 07:46
I was thinking the same thing about my recent new ride. Got to estrip it. Congrats on being mobile once more.
I was thinking the same thing about my recent new ride. Got to estrip it. Congrats on being mobile once more.
paul - 09/30/08 22:54
sweet car. I can get you as many bumper stickers as you need. Are you coming to the Halloween party?
sweet car. I can get you as many bumper stickers as you need. Are you coming to the Halloween party?
09/29/2008 23:41 #45854
I Am So MeanBut it thrilled me to no end today to get a text from an old workmate saying this one simple sentence -- "rita got fired". About time. Worst manager ever. I know no details... just that the person who sent me the text still works for the company, if not at that location. I have to say, every time i thought of it, i was giggling. Not very long ago, i got a questionaire from the head office asking me what i thought of the company, asking the reasons why i left. I assume i got it because i left on good terms and would not have if i had gotten fired or just walked off the job like i considered so so so many times. In it, i was factually honest, trying not to sound as though i had an axe to grind. Oh, damn, how i hope my 2 pages describing the things my manager did and how inappropriate they are had even a tiny little bit to do with why she was fired. Might be too much to ask for, but i would be so proud. How much of a bitch does this make me?
tinypliny - 10/01/08 20:43
Let go. You will be happier. :)
Let go. You will be happier. :)
hodown - 09/30/08 14:15
Eh you're not a bitch at all. It's karma coming around to bite her in the ass.
Eh you're not a bitch at all. It's karma coming around to bite her in the ass.
mrmike - 09/30/08 07:40
How much? just the right amount. Isn't it great to be right in the end?
How much? just the right amount. Isn't it great to be right in the end?
jessbob - 09/30/08 00:21
as someone who has written some pretty harsh reviews, I do hope it has something to do with yours.
as someone who has written some pretty harsh reviews, I do hope it has something to do with yours.
paul - 09/30/08 00:11
Thats awesome.
Thats awesome.
09/28/2008 06:13 #45819
RemindedI am Canadian, and i hate hockey. Last night, i was reminded why. In person, at the HSBC Arena. Of course, i did not volunteer to go. In fact, i tried desperately to get out of it. Not only because i assumed that the state of New York would not, could not pay for anything but nosebleeds. But also because it saddens me to no end to hear in person the cheers from the crowds during fights. WTF? Why not just go to boxing if that is what you're looking for?
Luckily, the individual i weasled my way into taking care of (instead of the person i was assigned to) needed special seating that was slightly less high up.
I laughed when Toronto scored... and got lots of dirty looks. But, it was seriously funny how many people booed the people cheering and the goal itself.
In a funny twist, our driver decided we were going to leave when it was just under 5 minutes on the board or jumbotron thingie... and we heard tons of cheers. I thought it might be due to us leaving, but i think it might be because Buffalo scored...
Luckily, the individual i weasled my way into taking care of (instead of the person i was assigned to) needed special seating that was slightly less high up.
I laughed when Toronto scored... and got lots of dirty looks. But, it was seriously funny how many people booed the people cheering and the goal itself.
In a funny twist, our driver decided we were going to leave when it was just under 5 minutes on the board or jumbotron thingie... and we heard tons of cheers. I thought it might be due to us leaving, but i think it might be because Buffalo scored...
metalpeter - 09/28/08 10:31
Hey lee you had best be caurefull if you say you don't like hockey Canada might not let you visit ever again, HA, What next you won't like Tim Hortons, HA. I just messing around. There is this weird thing about Leaf fans I don't know what it is and I don't know how to explain it. There are people who love Toronto but hate Leaf Fans. But seriously coming to Buffalo for a game is cheaper then to stay in Toronto (assuming you can get tickets) Plus they used to (not sure if they still do now that there money is worth more then ours) take Candian money at Par for food don't know as that extended to the Sabres store but why would a leafs fan buy any sabres stuff well maybe they like both teams. It sounds like you didn't have to bad of a time. Oh in terms of the fights: they are part of the game and fun to watch. Yes there are some fans who watch mainly for the fights just like some people watch NASCAR for the crashes. Sometimes two guys will just agree and throw down and then sometimes some goon runs the goalie or the scorer. On a side note yes sometimes the goalies or the scorers will fight but not that often. Well unless your Rey Emery and you feel like kicking The Goalies ass then getting cheap Shoted by Peters and whopping his ass too that I think I like Biron and thought he had a lot of Heart to go after Emery but it wasn't very smart, I wish we still had him great goalie. I know some people think that the fighting might give kids the wrong message and maybe it does, or maybe it teaches them when someone is a bully and picks on someone you should punch the bully in the nose and there is some truth to that. Hope the rest of your weekend is good.
Hey lee you had best be caurefull if you say you don't like hockey Canada might not let you visit ever again, HA, What next you won't like Tim Hortons, HA. I just messing around. There is this weird thing about Leaf fans I don't know what it is and I don't know how to explain it. There are people who love Toronto but hate Leaf Fans. But seriously coming to Buffalo for a game is cheaper then to stay in Toronto (assuming you can get tickets) Plus they used to (not sure if they still do now that there money is worth more then ours) take Candian money at Par for food don't know as that extended to the Sabres store but why would a leafs fan buy any sabres stuff well maybe they like both teams. It sounds like you didn't have to bad of a time. Oh in terms of the fights: they are part of the game and fun to watch. Yes there are some fans who watch mainly for the fights just like some people watch NASCAR for the crashes. Sometimes two guys will just agree and throw down and then sometimes some goon runs the goalie or the scorer. On a side note yes sometimes the goalies or the scorers will fight but not that often. Well unless your Rey Emery and you feel like kicking The Goalies ass then getting cheap Shoted by Peters and whopping his ass too that I think I like Biron and thought he had a lot of Heart to go after Emery but it wasn't very smart, I wish we still had him great goalie. I know some people think that the fighting might give kids the wrong message and maybe it does, or maybe it teaches them when someone is a bully and picks on someone you should punch the bully in the nose and there is some truth to that. Hope the rest of your weekend is good.
09/23/2008 23:03 #45779
Good and BadThe good news is that i finally got some numbers today that i can live with. Allstate is going to give me about 50 bucks less than i paid for my car. Minus towing fees to take away my poor smashed up, but beloved, Blue Bitch. Their towing is a bit high, but it is worth it to not have to see her pathetic dead body in my driveway for much longer. Really, makes me cry to see my first car go like this... not even talking about my frustrations and stress over the whole thing.
Speaking of... thanks to those (e:peeps) for your support and sympathies.
I should have a check in my hand in a few days. And a couple of license plates without homes.
Finding them new homes might be tough. No one seems to have much in my very tight budget, and the task seems so daunting. I just do not want to be ripped off and end up with a lemon.
(e:MrMike) has suggested Mission Motors to me and a visit there yesterday didn't result in anything. Maybe i am being too picky. I would rather not have pieces missing. And i don't want an SUV or MiniVan. Great idea, going there.... maybe i should take a second look at the Chevy Beretta
they had. I think it was an automatic...
Sadly, too, the dealer i got the Blue Bitch from has nothing in my price range.... i sorta kinda trust them.
Anyone else have any suggestions?
Speaking of... thanks to those (e:peeps) for your support and sympathies.
I should have a check in my hand in a few days. And a couple of license plates without homes.
Finding them new homes might be tough. No one seems to have much in my very tight budget, and the task seems so daunting. I just do not want to be ripped off and end up with a lemon.
(e:MrMike) has suggested Mission Motors to me and a visit there yesterday didn't result in anything. Maybe i am being too picky. I would rather not have pieces missing. And i don't want an SUV or MiniVan. Great idea, going there.... maybe i should take a second look at the Chevy Beretta

Sadly, too, the dealer i got the Blue Bitch from has nothing in my price range.... i sorta kinda trust them.
Anyone else have any suggestions?
hodown - 09/24/08 12:10
You should talk to Paul- his dad always know where to go for cars.
You should talk to Paul- his dad always know where to go for cars.
tinypliny - 09/24/08 07:38
All the best, (e:leetee)!! Hope you find a good one. Floating some good wishes around for you!
All the best, (e:leetee)!! Hope you find a good one. Floating some good wishes around for you!
mrmike - 09/24/08 06:58
I had no money to buy my new ride in June, but I called West Herr's used store in Clarence and told them what I could spend in a month and they called back with a few suggestions. Liked suggestion number 2 so I bought it, so no more lil red bus that got journaled about
I had no money to buy my new ride in June, but I called West Herr's used store in Clarence and told them what I could spend in a month and they called back with a few suggestions. Liked suggestion number 2 so I bought it, so no more lil red bus that got journaled about
paul - 09/23/08 23:20
Good luck - I hate car shopping.
Good luck - I hate car shopping.
wow, I remember all to well those long work hours, call-ins, overnights and so on. I hope you dont experience too many of them!
It is wonderful to hear about your anniversary! congrats :)
Congratz on the anni!
and wow...that schedz is killah! hang in there
Aww, congrats!
Congrats on the anniversary! Happy to count you guys among my cool neighbors. And Congrats about the vicissitudes of work -- beats Sallys all to hell I'm sure.