OK, i should be studying. I am rewriting so much.. right now, on the differences and the different kinds of seizures... partial, simple and complex; general, tonic clonic, absence, myoclonic and atonic.... *sigh*
So... i thought i would answer your questions from my last journal,
wow, so do they give you a credit card to pay with?
yes, it's a Wegman's card with a pin number. every unit/house/dayhab has one for their location. i have to sign for it and sign the two receipts.
Wegmans must make a mint on us, i saw at least 2 other units shopping today at the same location.
and do they give you a list of what they want?
yeah, it all revolves around the meal planning. since everyone has special dietary needs (some may, for example, be diabetic, or be on meds that require little or no calcium), there has to be a list. the first one i was given was very specific, now, it just says (example name only), "Bob's cereal, 2 boxes". the meals are planned by a dietician, based on nutritional standards and all that stuff.
and why so much groceries? how many people is this for?
the number of residents has varied in the time i have been there for many reasons that i can't get into without concern for the privacy of those we serve, but i can say that i have to purchase food for anywhere between 15 to 20 people, 3 meals a day, plus snacks for all the residents and the staff.
since one of the things we are required to do is model appropriate behaviour and socialization, we must eat meals with the individuals we serve. it would be inappropriate, rude, demeaning and all sorts of other things if we plunked down a plate and stood behind/beside them watching them eat. so, it is considered a good time for teachable moments of appropriate behaviour and socializations. family style meals with everything in bowls that must be passed around, the appropriate amount taken and passed to the next person without fingers in bowls and hands grabbing is a big thing with the ddso.
how do you decide what is the best deal, do you get trained for this?
not really that much training. i was given general guidelines... such as, if they run out of, oh, i don't know, the $3.99 wafer turkey from the deli, i cannot substitute a higher price point, but i can substitute a price point that is the same or lower. budget issues. most often, i am told to get the Wegmans brand of something unless otherwise specified. Like coffee... oh, lordy, do NOT buy anything but Folgers Classic!!!!!!!!!!
Yikes. Also, someone was robbed at gunpoint at Elmwood and Bidwell yesterday night. :/