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07/14/2008 20:37 #45017

Exam III of IV
This week's exam is tomorrow morning... on The Cardiovascular System, the Respiratory System and Vital Signs. For some reason, i find myself unfocused and unable to absorb all this information. Particularly, as usual, the medications. I seem to be getting vasodilators and antiarrythmics and digitalis preparations all mixed up... can i not just say they are all heart meds and be done with it?!?! No? Ok... back to the books...
boxerboi - 07/15/08 08:31
you're almost done... just a couple more :o)
paul - 07/14/08 22:40
Exams are no fun. SOon it will be over.
tinypliny - 07/14/08 21:14
And all those side-effects and a zillion mechanisms of action. Ugh.
tinypliny - 07/14/08 21:13
Good Luck! If it makes you feel any better, I had trouble remembering all the generic names and ridiculous details of cardiovascular drugs in my pharmacology class, as well! It was monotonous and uninspiringly boring. If you really want to learn them properly, in a fun way and remember them, try Lippincott's Review of Pharmacology. It's an excellent review for people bored with dull as chalk textbooks.

07/04/2008 22:35 #44864

That's A Fact, Jack!
i am so over being under the weather

mrmike - 07/05/08 15:36
I feel your pain, into my second week of Bell's Paulsy. Looking forward to my face not sticking like that.
tinypliny - 07/05/08 11:46
Yeah, beat that sickness!! Good Luck, (e:leetee)!
Get better soon!!

07/04/2008 04:28 #44853

night bitching
i am up at 4am not because i was out having fun, but because i am sick. been sick for a while and i thought, like it has in the past, my body would heal itself. i no longer think this cold is just a sore throat. i think i may have infections, probably both ears and maybe my throat. been about 10 days of pain and now, i think things are getting worse. sucks since my health benefits for work haven't kicked in yet... and, of course, i wait 'til a holiday weekend to want to see a doctor. and, of course, i have no idea where to go... does the US have walk in after hour type clinics or is the only option an emergency room? i reckon (e:uncutsaniflush) will probably... *sigh* i just want to cry.... but... it hurts too much... waahh... what a big baby am i!
museumchick - 07/04/08 11:21
Hey, take good care of yourself. I hope you are feeling better soon!
drew - 07/04/08 09:30
(e:janelle) says there are walk in clinics here. Ready care in Amherst is open every day, even on a holiday:

But at times like this, I think it might be better to be a Canadian.
ladycroft - 07/04/08 06:24
boo for sickies! get better ((hug))

07/02/2008 20:37 #44843

Destination Procrastination
I did ok on my first exam, meds I, II and III (but do NOT ask me what the Kefauver-Harris Amendment of 1962 is until the finals, pleeease); got 94%. BUT, we had over a week to study.

Now, i have less than 48 hors to learn all the bits of the Gastrointestinal System as per the instruction and papers i received on Tuesday. The exam is tomorrow morning. So, i am taking a break/procrastinating.

I am not so great with all this medical jargon. And although i know what some of these things actually are, it can be difficult to remember official definitions... like digestion. Go ahead, try (not you, (e:Jenks), you better know!) and do it without using the word "digest".

I've got flatus though... not the actual gas, but the definition. Gas formation in the intestines; expulsion of intestinal gases.
mike - 07/02/08 23:33
goooood luck!!!!!!!!!
tinypliny - 07/02/08 22:00
Good luck!! Rock those exams!!

You are headed to Destination Paradise!

06/21/2008 20:37 #44744

For over 20 years, i have had 14 silver sleeper style hoops in my ears -- 6 on one side and 8 on the other. The idea was to eventually get 6 on one side and 9 on the other since i was born in '69, but for some reason, that 9th one just never happened.

Whenever i have seen a cute lil charm, i have purchased it and attached it to a random hoop. A few years ago, i got myself an evil eye from a place called Courage My Love in Kensington Market in Toronto (on my birthday, 3 years ago i think). That evil eye clinks, jingles and makes a general light metallic sound as the blue eye inside its sliver casing moves around... and as it hits other earrings. The hoops made a slight noise too, but probably one only i could here. Others could hear my evil eye. And, i kinda got used to those sounds.

But, with this new grown up job i have now, i needed to remove the hoops. Actually, it is more because they are a safety hazard to myself and the developmentally disabled individuals i will be working with and for.

Took me about half an hour, but i took them all out and replaced them with a fine gage (maybe i will increase that in time, but the hoops were a fairly fine gage) bone style nose bars.

So weird. So quiet.
jenks - 06/23/08 18:51
wow... isn't it kind of sad?
I took my tongue ring out for work a while ago.
It had been in ten years.
I felt a little defeated for actually taking it out.
tinypliny - 06/21/08 21:27
Damn.. I would have loved to meet you with all that music - evil eye and all! Perhaps you might be persuaded to wear it to an (e:strip) picnic? :)