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02/10/2009 21:24 #47706

weekday nights
So normally every weeknight, I am busy with some sort of rehearsal until at least 9:00. Tonight, I was finished with my rehearsal by 7 and was home by 8 after stopping and purchasing a camera at Circuit City (store closing sale). Normally this would be a good thing right?

My issue is...I have no idea what to do with myself. What do people do at night? Like what do couples do? Let me tell you, if the answer is "watch TV on the couch together", well I'd basically rather do ANYTHING than that. I mean i KNOW there's cleaning or organizing I could do, or catch up on some schoolwork, but who wants to do work all the time??? I checked Facebook, I went on the treadmill for a few minutes, ate some Raisinets, and here I am. In bed. At 9:15 pm. There's no Sabres roommate aka boyfriend is working on some music...

P.S. Boys will never outgrow video games, will they? Not that I expect to be entertained at all times, but I feel that he may be more committed to Super Mario Galaxy than me right now (and I actually got it for him for Christmas) I feel that I take second place to Mario and his cool little adventures. I'm not nearly that interesting.

Haha ok I think I actually hear him coming to bed. Uh oh, is he going to try and find out what's bothering me?!?...dun dun dunnnnnn...stay tuned...
james - 02/11/09 22:28
You shouldn't be telling us you have a problem with his video game playing. You should be telling him.
hodown - 02/11/09 21:36
Wait what happened?!?
theli - 02/11/09 11:52
For some reason, I can only ponder why we can't just tell each what might be bothering us.

We're too often our own worst enemy.

Btw, SMG has a kind of cooperative mode! If you have a second remote you can stun the little goombas to help out! Try it! :p
tinypliny - 02/10/09 21:33
I think its so cool to be involved with theatre...
tinypliny - 02/10/09 21:31
I scan journals and write.

02/09/2009 21:26 #47696

Does anyone else on (e:strip) share my crazy, undying love of Raisinets?

I seriously eat 4 bags a week. I'm obsessed. And they have less fat than other candy. And raisins are good for you. Antioxidants and stuff. If only I liked the dark chocolate, then I would be REALLY healthy.

tinypliny - 02/10/09 21:33
I don't think I have ever had these ever. *gasp*
theli - 02/10/09 09:51
Dark chocolate is healthier? Really? Cool!
mike - 02/09/09 23:06
i don't love them like you do but i love that you brought them to the movie the toher day, they were the perfect addition
drew - 02/09/09 22:36
I love them, but I practice self control.

02/07/2009 12:36 #47668

buff half mar
Category: running
I think I may abandon my lack of exercising in March and start training for the Buffalo Half Marathon. Anyone else thinking of doing it?
jessbob - 02/07/09 22:34
I am doing the Pittsburgh marathon at the beginning of may, so I am not sure if I will be ready yet for another
james - 02/07/09 13:55
man... I can just now run for a full hour. A half marathon might be a bit much, but it is very tempting.
janelle - 02/07/09 13:50
I've thought about doing the relay at the Buffalo marathon where you have a team of four people. I forget exactly how you split it up but the first three people run the same number of kms and the last person runs a few extra kms or something.

I'm not sure if I could pull off anything by Memorial Day though, I think I can run about 2 miles right now, tops.
mk - 02/07/09 13:28
Whatever the Sunday before Memorial Day is. May 25th maybe?
drew - 02/07/09 13:25
when is it?

02/04/2009 16:59 #47637

winter exercise
I never want to exercise anymore. Ever. I think I need to accept the fact that during winter, the chances that I will find the energy or time to exercise are quite low. I used to like be really into running and now I couldn't really care less. I accept the fact that I don't exercise, yet I can't accept the fact that my legs and rear end are not toned and muscular. It seems to be a conflict of interests.

I went cross country skiing like two weeks ago and I loved it and I was so sure that would be my new fun form of winter exercise...hmm, didn't really happen...

In other news, my cat is crazy and I love him.
enknot - 02/05/09 18:52
I've loved 3 cats in my time and though I should not be with one I often find myself craving their compainonship. I'm jelous...
mike - 02/04/09 22:31
the last time i exercised was prolly circa august 1983 when i had to shimmy out of the uterus!

12/23/2008 22:17 #47162


metalpeter - 12/24/08 19:42
just from the pictures it is kinda covered I mean you see it but the tip isn't showing so.....
paul - 12/23/08 22:20
I think he was trying to show it off.