So I always had my dad's tax guy do my taxes too cuz he would just do it in addition to my dad's and so it seemed easier that way cuz then I didn't have to do anything. This year I decided I was going to do my own online, and was super nervous about it. I had planned on doing it with (e:terry) the irs workers supervision but then on sunday just decided to see if i could do it on my own. HOly heck, it is so easy, I mean of course I have really simple taxes since I make like no money, have no dependents, property etc. But still it was way easier than I imagined. I used taxslayer on the recommendation of someone at work and it was super easy and free for both federal and state taxes. This is also the first time I did the automatic deposit so I should have my refund in 10 days. I really like getting checks in the mail and so I didn't ever like doing it that way, but i really want my money now. Well hopefully I did it all right and will not be arrested for false tax claims or something> I am still kinda nervous that will happen.....wish me luck
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
02/02/2009 23:33 #47609
Did My Own Taxes, what, what!01/22/2009 16:21 #47491
Happy Birthday Big Bro!Happy 32 Birthday! May you always be the puppet master of your world....

ladycroft - 02/06/09 06:32
i completely missed this! Happy belated birthday Paul!
i completely missed this! Happy belated birthday Paul!
joshua - 01/23/09 13:28
I've been waiting for a scandalous photo to pop up. Thanks Mike!!
I've been waiting for a scandalous photo to pop up. Thanks Mike!!
kookcity2000 - 01/22/09 22:42
I had that little plastic Rowlf! Happy Birthday dude
I had that little plastic Rowlf! Happy Birthday dude
libertad - 01/22/09 19:52
how cute!
how cute!
paul - 01/22/09 18:01
Omg, I was so obsessed with the muppets. I remember reading muppet magazine and wondering if there really was a place where humans interacted with muppets like other humans.
Omg, I was so obsessed with the muppets. I remember reading muppet magazine and wondering if there really was a place where humans interacted with muppets like other humans.
hodown - 01/22/09 16:25
That is amazing!
That is amazing!
01/11/2009 13:34 #47367
Young At Heart- BEST THING EVER!So (e:maureen) was raving about the documentary Young at Heart about this community center senior citizen chorus in Boston where the average age is 80 years old and they sing rock songs. She loved the documentary and had seen them in person. She built it up so much that i thought for sure it oculd not be as good as she said but it was! AND BETTER! It seriuosly is so happy and sad and inspiring and entertaining. it is like everything a documentary could be. The scene in the jail is so heartwarming. It was voted the number one scene in a movie for 2008 by newsweek!!!seriously watch it!
I have to admit, I love old poeple in general so I am a little bias but i seriously do not believe anyone could not like this movie! My parents just watched it and loved it too! IT is so good!I recommend it to everyone. It is in th enew releases at blockbuster and i'm sure it is on netflix and everything too, it just came out this year!!! here is the trailer
I don't want to put any more clips cuz i want you to see the whole tihng, it is so much better as a whole!! i mean you can watch clips on youtube but the whole thing together is so much better and in context!
I have to admit, I love old poeple in general so I am a little bias but i seriously do not believe anyone could not like this movie! My parents just watched it and loved it too! IT is so good!I recommend it to everyone. It is in th enew releases at blockbuster and i'm sure it is on netflix and everything too, it just came out this year!!! here is the trailer
I don't want to put any more clips cuz i want you to see the whole tihng, it is so much better as a whole!! i mean you can watch clips on youtube but the whole thing together is so much better and in context!
lilho - 01/11/09 20:58
incredible... i think it may have to go to front of my queue right now!
incredible... i think it may have to go to front of my queue right now!
mk - 01/11/09 18:40
Watching this movie was kind of an assignment for one of my classes this summer. I didn't end up going because it wasn't an actual assignment, but it sounds like such a good movie.
Watching this movie was kind of an assignment for one of my classes this summer. I didn't end up going because it wasn't an actual assignment, but it sounds like such a good movie.
leetee - 01/11/09 14:06
Have you ever considered volunteering at a nursing home? You would probably love it!!
Have you ever considered volunteering at a nursing home? You would probably love it!!
01/03/2009 01:08 #47258
My Final ChristmasThose of you who know me know my family has sorta a lot of family things over the holidays and then when you add in my holidays with various friends and (e:libertad) it ends up to be a lot of christmas celebrations! Well tomorrow is the official end of the season for me. Me and (e:mk) are going to the Eastern Hlils Mall like we do eveyrwhere to exchange gifts, eat some bad chinese food prolly and scope out sales and sauciness. It is really a great tradition, that mall is like the basis of ever5ything me and (e:mk) stand for. It is empty and 80's style and now it got a makeover but is still really not graet and i love that about it. YOu can always get good deals cuz stuff gets to clearance cuz noone shops there. All in all a great christmas season!!! p.s. thanks (e:matt) for letting me borrow your white chrimstas tree to make the perfect late christams for me and (e:libertad)!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.P.S. I learned in a n awesome book that (e:libertad) gave me that Lord Byron saved the pubic hair from each person he slept with in an envelope with their name and the ocllectio njust dissappered in like the last decade! good to know
P.P.S. I learned in a n awesome book that (e:libertad) gave me that Lord Byron saved the pubic hair from each person he slept with in an envelope with their name and the ocllectio njust dissappered in like the last decade! good to know
12/27/2008 18:09 #47198
The Gay? Book I am readingSo I bought this book on clearance at Borders a couple months ago ( i buy all books that i read for like $1 on clearance, so really i only read the best), anywho that's not the point. It is called Little Chapel on the River by Gwendolyn Bounds. The back says it is a story about a journalist in NYC who has to move after 9/11 when her apt building is damaged and accidentally ends up in a tiny hamlet called Garrison outside NYC and the book is the story of the people as told though the bartender of the local bar. Anyway it is pretty good but that is not the point either. In the entire description of the book nowhere does it say that the author/main character (it is a real story) is a LESBIAN! So even after reading the first section where it talks about the author's girlfriend i was like "wow i didn't realize Gwendolyn could be a boy's name" assuming it must be a man if they have a girlfriend and it does not say she is a lesbian. The reason I find this so remarkable is that I don't believe I have ever seen a book before that doesn't specifically say like "lesbian author in NYC" or "gay writer Joe Shmo", like always that is in the description. I thought it was pretty cool that it wasn't even mentioned on the book, like it just is part of her life but doesn't really necessarily need to be mentioned because it is not the focus of the book anymore than you would say "straight author in NYC". I don't know I found it cool that it didn't even mention it. It is so shcoking though that i actually was at first more convinced that Gwendolyn must be a man's name.
tinypliny - 12/31/08 11:11
Oh man. I feel SO vindicated. When I was back home, I was writing all these emails to so many graduate administrative staff and faculty and I was NEVER really sure who was male and who was female. So I flipped coins when I was really unsure and Gwendolyn landed on a male spin. I am totally with you here! You never know!
Oh man. I feel SO vindicated. When I was back home, I was writing all these emails to so many graduate administrative staff and faculty and I was NEVER really sure who was male and who was female. So I flipped coins when I was really unsure and Gwendolyn landed on a male spin. I am totally with you here! You never know!
mk - 12/28/08 20:22
Gotta love all those gay Joe Shmoes.
Gotta love all those gay Joe Shmoes.
james - 12/28/08 20:17
If you ever write a book you could be "gaytalian author, Mike Visco". Super classy.
If you ever write a book you could be "gaytalian author, Mike Visco". Super classy.
libertad - 12/27/08 19:00
I would not be happy if I wrote a book and was labeled as a gay author, unless of course I only wrote gay themed books.
I would not be happy if I wrote a book and was labeled as a gay author, unless of course I only wrote gay themed books.
oh, there was supposed to be a Congratulations, Mike! in there somewhere.
Congrats! I'm glad you had such a good experience with efiling.
I've used to file my and several other people's taxes for the past six or so years. Super easy and way cheap! :::link::: has lists of free efiling sites. Some coordinate with NYS free file to make it entirely paperless & easy so look around. Most people can file for free. In, if you want them to save your data year-to-year, there's a fee. In my opinion, for anyone with just W-2 income, you should be doing it yourself, even if you have a mortgage. Really, it's just a matter of seeing what forms you have and putting the numbers in the matching boxes. (It's asking for box 7. Look, right on the piece of paper there's box 7! type type type) The web software does all the rest for you.
H&R Block is a total rip off. Do NOT use their refund system in particular. You earned all that money, you should get your whole refund back, not give them 10% or whatever it is this year. With direct deposit, you'll have your refund in 8-16 days anyway, so just be slightly more patient! And everyone should check for Earned Income Tax Credit eligibility, especially people with dependent kids.
That makes me nervous. I get anxiety attacks filing my tax paperwork. Its got more and more complicated what with the institutions I am now affliated to and different "status" at both. Ugh.