I was really in a bad mood and tired after work and it got progressively worse and so i was pretty ready to go to bed early at like 10:30 but then i couldn't sleep and now I still can't. I was just reading through all my old journals, wowser I used to write a lot back in 2003 and 2004 and stuff. I used to seriously write every single thing that happened each day. It was kinda insane. I also forgot how many people have passed through elmwoodstirp.org, but alas I am watching golden girls now and it is the one where it is Dorothy's birthday and they go to the chuckie cheese like place. MY FAVORITE EPISODE EVER so it is great that i stayed up I guess..
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/05/2008 01:58 #46966
Can't Sleep12/02/2008 00:39 #46914
Ugly Green MonsterIs that what they call jealousy? It is something like that? green eyed monster? i can't remember. Anyway, I am becoming such a jealous person. I was never really that way I don't think, i was always just so content in my own world and just had a very like "eh to each there own, didn't really bother with other people, or getting jealous about things kind of attitude" But lately I am so jealous of so many things, it is out of control.And when I really reason it out , i think and realize that other things are no better and I really shouldn't be jealous. Like sometimes I just cannot stop being jealous. If I really think about it I have it pretty good but sometimes I find I can't even be happy for people cuz I am so jealous. This is really not like me at all I don't think.Why shouldn't I be able to be happy for someone getting something that really doesn't take anything away from me. I just don' know. Hopefully this is gonna be a quick passing phase.
ladycroft - 12/02/08 04:10
hmm. that's very interesting. maybe there's something bothering you that hasn't surfaced yet. once it does, you'll be fine.
hmm. that's very interesting. maybe there's something bothering you that hasn't surfaced yet. once it does, you'll be fine.
11/30/2008 14:14 #46892
Sprint Vs. VerizonSO i have had sprint ever since I have had a cell phone, prolly around like 7 years or so. And while the service like reception and stuff is always good eveyr time I have to make a new contract they screw it up really bad, add all these things I specifically say I don't want, and then their customer service line is the worst thing ever. Seriously I have to spend around 8-10 hours to get it resolved each time I sign up for a new contract and it is extra infuriating because thye are not able to help me at all and then say, now that we have fixed that problem can i offer you this service, and i have to be like YOU HAVEN'T FIXED MY PROBLEM AT ALL , AND THEPROBLEM IS YOU GIVE ME SERVICES I DON'T WANT. It is really the worst customer service line/store service in their stores that could ever be. So now I need to sign up for a new contract and here is my dilemna....
I was all set to switch to Verizon , I vowed after the last customer service bruhaha i would never use Sprint again, I even convinced people like (e:jill) to switch to Verizon and convinced her sprint was horrible and we would all have Verizon. BUT Now that it is time to switch and my contract is up Sprint has sent me $65 dollar credit if I satay with them which is like a free month of service. Also comparing the plans online , I wasnt like 400 minutesish and unlimited texting and nothing else and it seems the sprint plan is about 10 dollars cheper per month. SO WHAT DO I DO? should i stick with Sprint which has been crap and i have vowed never to sign up again because i owuld likely save that original 65 and 10 dollars a month so that is like 200 dollars over a year or do i switch to Verizon and then save myself the hours of frustration with Sprint and feel better because thye no longer will get my money. I don't know what to do. I ugess I should go talk to the verizon person and see what they offer cuz I just compared online, i don't know, i have to decide soon though cuz my phone is real broke and I need a new one.
I was all set to switch to Verizon , I vowed after the last customer service bruhaha i would never use Sprint again, I even convinced people like (e:jill) to switch to Verizon and convinced her sprint was horrible and we would all have Verizon. BUT Now that it is time to switch and my contract is up Sprint has sent me $65 dollar credit if I satay with them which is like a free month of service. Also comparing the plans online , I wasnt like 400 minutesish and unlimited texting and nothing else and it seems the sprint plan is about 10 dollars cheper per month. SO WHAT DO I DO? should i stick with Sprint which has been crap and i have vowed never to sign up again because i owuld likely save that original 65 and 10 dollars a month so that is like 200 dollars over a year or do i switch to Verizon and then save myself the hours of frustration with Sprint and feel better because thye no longer will get my money. I don't know what to do. I ugess I should go talk to the verizon person and see what they offer cuz I just compared online, i don't know, i have to decide soon though cuz my phone is real broke and I need a new one.
mrmike - 12/01/08 10:06
I'm with you with the issues when talking to anybody at Sprint over the phone and online. I reupped with Sprint because I got a decent discount when I was still with Time Warner. I wanted to keep the existing plan that I had. They did that and gave me a new Lotus phone at new customer prices as well as the 65 bucks. If they didn't bend, I was going to see Felly quickly.
I'm with you with the issues when talking to anybody at Sprint over the phone and online. I reupped with Sprint because I got a decent discount when I was still with Time Warner. I wanted to keep the existing plan that I had. They did that and gave me a new Lotus phone at new customer prices as well as the 65 bucks. If they didn't bend, I was going to see Felly quickly.
lilho - 12/01/08 00:01
i think they all suck, seriously, i was getting charged $80 a month for some stupid jokes texts, and the aries horoscope and i'm a libra, without ever signing up for any of that. and then it turned into this whole long ordeal. but verizon is the only service that works super well where i live. if you get verizon, you can see when people read your texts if they have verizon too, and then be mad when they don't reply. ;)
i think they all suck, seriously, i was getting charged $80 a month for some stupid jokes texts, and the aries horoscope and i'm a libra, without ever signing up for any of that. and then it turned into this whole long ordeal. but verizon is the only service that works super well where i live. if you get verizon, you can see when people read your texts if they have verizon too, and then be mad when they don't reply. ;)
james - 11/30/08 21:03
If you change your service you can get a new phone. How awesome is that?
If you change your service you can get a new phone. How awesome is that?
paul - 11/30/08 15:10
I think (e:fellyconelly) works for verizon, ask her. I also left sprint because of customer service issues. I left for AT&T and I love that I can switch phones wheve I want by moving my sim card around without calling customer service like with sprint of verizon.
Speaking of which, why do you need a new contract. Just get a new phone on the same contract.
I think (e:fellyconelly) works for verizon, ask her. I also left sprint because of customer service issues. I left for AT&T and I love that I can switch phones wheve I want by moving my sim card around without calling customer service like with sprint of verizon.
Speaking of which, why do you need a new contract. Just get a new phone on the same contract.
11/16/2008 23:56 #46711
Box Tops For EducationSo I don't know if you have noticed but a lot of products such as general mills cereals, pillsbury muffins, betty crocker, pull ups, cottonelle toilet paper and many more products have little pink boxes that say box tops for education on them. Well (e:jill)'s mom teaches at a Catholic school in Kenmore, (St. Pauls) and I have been on a crusade to collect those box tops for them. My mom buys a lot of ziploc bags as anyone who has been in our basement knows, so that was a good start and she saves a lot of them. I now have (e:libertad) in on it, i have checked all his products and he better save those box tops. Seriously I have become slightly obsessed with it , I just signed up online so that I could get five extra box tops and see the progress of the school in reaching its goals. It started as a simple endeavor to help (e:jill)'s mom's class win dress down days and has blown into a full-fledged obsessive passion of mine. So if anyone wants to save their box tops I am totally willing to take them and turn them in for you. Here is the link to the website about it...

tinypliny - 11/17/08 17:13
I will drop them off at the 24 when I have them - I think I have some. Have to root through collected recycling...
I will drop them off at the 24 when I have them - I think I have some. Have to root through collected recycling...
gardenmama - 11/17/08 00:11
I use a lot of that kind of junk. I'll try to remember to save them for you.
I use a lot of that kind of junk. I'll try to remember to save them for you.
james - 11/17/08 00:03
I think only one item in my kitchen has that. It is yours.
I think only one item in my kitchen has that. It is yours.
10/31/2008 17:49 #46452
Taped and Pinned InI am gonna have to be duck taped and safety pinned into my very shotty craftmanship of a costume and it comes across as more creepy than fun but I like it! Procrastination worked again!
tinypliny - 11/01/08 10:40
I vote creeptastic.
I vote creeptastic.
I love that episode! I just saw it recently and Bea Arthur is hysterical, as always, but even more so!
Yeah, I vote for more (e:mike) journals
You should write more. I blame stupid facebook.