So i am in the process of converting our VHS tapes to DVD but the only way to do it is to actually plya ll the VHS tapes, which is fun to see all these old videos. All i know is I just yelled out at my 8th brithday "yeah of course I have troll pants!" , the Debbie Gibson moment (you all know what i'm tlaking about) must be coming sooN!
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
02/19/2009 17:11 #47810
My LIfe on VHS02/17/2009 18:12 #47785
Wormy Plum ew ew ewSo i have kept wanting to post but then not feeling like it by the time i got to the computer but this juts has to be posted. I WENT TO EAT A DELICIOUS PLUM yesterday and it was weird because I swear soon as i picked it up i just had a feeling of dread about it but i started to eat it anyway.......and as i am pleasantly chomping my way through i look down and there is like a hole near the pit and curled all up in there is a little white worm like creature! EWWWWW! I don't think i ate any of it because it was just little and in there, but maybe there were more and i ate them. End of that story is i am not just eating into fruit anymore i am thoroughly cutting and inspecting it alL!!!
paul - 02/19/09 17:14
Once I ate one of those oversized grapes and it had a grub like giant white plump bug inside. I bit the grape and the bug in half. When I realized, it was too late as I had already swallowed. Now I more carefully inspect grapes.
Once I ate one of those oversized grapes and it had a grub like giant white plump bug inside. I bit the grape and the bug in half. When I realized, it was too late as I had already swallowed. Now I more carefully inspect grapes.
tinypliny - 02/18/09 23:33
Haha... ever heard this story -> :::link:::
It tells the story of a mythical king of India who was killed by a worm - that was actually the king of snakes in disguise. :)
Haha... ever heard this story -> :::link:::
It tells the story of a mythical king of India who was killed by a worm - that was actually the king of snakes in disguise. :)
mk - 02/18/09 19:52
james - 02/17/09 23:27
compared to other worms, I bet those are pretty delicious.
compared to other worms, I bet those are pretty delicious.
02/04/2009 22:44 #47646
OWning my own storeI was really thinking today how much I would like to own my own store. I would love it. I am not sure what kind of store, prolly knick knacks cuz that is what i know and love. Maybe a bar/knick knack store. Me and rachelle at work have talked about opening a bar called Drinks and Trinks where you get like trinkets with your purhcases, like you can buy a value meal of like a vodka cranberry and two shots and you get a free toy like a happy meal. I tihnk it could really work well, haha. Well i do really want to own a store though but the whole idea seems so daunting!
mk - 02/05/09 21:59
Do we still have our old "blueprints" from sophomore year??
Do we still have our old "blueprints" from sophomore year??
metalpeter - 02/05/09 17:38
Just be careful and learn you blue laws and Liquar the reason I say this is I think if you sell it you can't sell much else. The law might change though because Paterson wants stores to be able to sell wine. I think if that law changed then you might have to do something to change the law so that Liquer stores could compete with them. I guess their highest profit margin is on wine. I do have an idea for something you could sell. Some drink has a worm at the bottom of it, what about drinks with gummy worms in them or an alcohol store and a Candy store?
Just be careful and learn you blue laws and Liquar the reason I say this is I think if you sell it you can't sell much else. The law might change though because Paterson wants stores to be able to sell wine. I think if that law changed then you might have to do something to change the law so that Liquer stores could compete with them. I guess their highest profit margin is on wine. I do have an idea for something you could sell. Some drink has a worm at the bottom of it, what about drinks with gummy worms in them or an alcohol store and a Candy store?
iriesara - 02/05/09 16:08
you could put all those cash registers to use!
you could put all those cash registers to use!
matthew - 02/05/09 13:47
What if you put trinks at the bottom of the drinks!?! Oh wait, that would be a major choking hazard. Scratch that idea.
What if you put trinks at the bottom of the drinks!?! Oh wait, that would be a major choking hazard. Scratch that idea.
hodown - 02/05/09 10:21
can I work at your store?
can I work at your store?
trisha - 02/05/09 09:18
haha, that is a great idea! would you bartend?
haha, that is a great idea! would you bartend?
james - 02/05/09 00:02
a very nice variation on the 'if you buy enough drinks you might get to sleep with the bartender' theme.
a very nice variation on the 'if you buy enough drinks you might get to sleep with the bartender' theme.
02/02/2009 23:33 #47609
Did My Own Taxes, what, what!So I always had my dad's tax guy do my taxes too cuz he would just do it in addition to my dad's and so it seemed easier that way cuz then I didn't have to do anything. This year I decided I was going to do my own online, and was super nervous about it. I had planned on doing it with (e:terry) the irs workers supervision but then on sunday just decided to see if i could do it on my own. HOly heck, it is so easy, I mean of course I have really simple taxes since I make like no money, have no dependents, property etc. But still it was way easier than I imagined. I used taxslayer on the recommendation of someone at work and it was super easy and free for both federal and state taxes. This is also the first time I did the automatic deposit so I should have my refund in 10 days. I really like getting checks in the mail and so I didn't ever like doing it that way, but i really want my money now. Well hopefully I did it all right and will not be arrested for false tax claims or something> I am still kinda nervous that will happen.....wish me luck
heidi - 02/05/09 00:00
oh, there was supposed to be a Congratulations, Mike! in there somewhere.
Congrats! I'm glad you had such a good experience with efiling.
oh, there was supposed to be a Congratulations, Mike! in there somewhere.
Congrats! I'm glad you had such a good experience with efiling.
heidi - 02/04/09 23:59
I've used to file my and several other people's taxes for the past six or so years. Super easy and way cheap! :::link::: has lists of free efiling sites. Some coordinate with NYS free file to make it entirely paperless & easy so look around. Most people can file for free. In, if you want them to save your data year-to-year, there's a fee. In my opinion, for anyone with just W-2 income, you should be doing it yourself, even if you have a mortgage. Really, it's just a matter of seeing what forms you have and putting the numbers in the matching boxes. (It's asking for box 7. Look, right on the piece of paper there's box 7! type type type) The web software does all the rest for you.
H&R Block is a total rip off. Do NOT use their refund system in particular. You earned all that money, you should get your whole refund back, not give them 10% or whatever it is this year. With direct deposit, you'll have your refund in 8-16 days anyway, so just be slightly more patient! And everyone should check for Earned Income Tax Credit eligibility, especially people with dependent kids.
I've used to file my and several other people's taxes for the past six or so years. Super easy and way cheap! :::link::: has lists of free efiling sites. Some coordinate with NYS free file to make it entirely paperless & easy so look around. Most people can file for free. In, if you want them to save your data year-to-year, there's a fee. In my opinion, for anyone with just W-2 income, you should be doing it yourself, even if you have a mortgage. Really, it's just a matter of seeing what forms you have and putting the numbers in the matching boxes. (It's asking for box 7. Look, right on the piece of paper there's box 7! type type type) The web software does all the rest for you.
H&R Block is a total rip off. Do NOT use their refund system in particular. You earned all that money, you should get your whole refund back, not give them 10% or whatever it is this year. With direct deposit, you'll have your refund in 8-16 days anyway, so just be slightly more patient! And everyone should check for Earned Income Tax Credit eligibility, especially people with dependent kids.
tinypliny - 02/03/09 08:02
That makes me nervous. I get anxiety attacks filing my tax paperwork. Its got more and more complicated what with the institutions I am now affliated to and different "status" at both. Ugh.
That makes me nervous. I get anxiety attacks filing my tax paperwork. Its got more and more complicated what with the institutions I am now affliated to and different "status" at both. Ugh.
01/22/2009 16:21 #47491
Happy Birthday Big Bro!Happy 32 Birthday! May you always be the puppet master of your world....

ladycroft - 02/06/09 06:32
i completely missed this! Happy belated birthday Paul!
i completely missed this! Happy belated birthday Paul!
joshua - 01/23/09 13:28
I've been waiting for a scandalous photo to pop up. Thanks Mike!!
I've been waiting for a scandalous photo to pop up. Thanks Mike!!
kookcity2000 - 01/22/09 22:42
I had that little plastic Rowlf! Happy Birthday dude
I had that little plastic Rowlf! Happy Birthday dude
libertad - 01/22/09 19:52
how cute!
how cute!
paul - 01/22/09 18:01
Omg, I was so obsessed with the muppets. I remember reading muppet magazine and wondering if there really was a place where humans interacted with muppets like other humans.
Omg, I was so obsessed with the muppets. I remember reading muppet magazine and wondering if there really was a place where humans interacted with muppets like other humans.
hodown - 01/22/09 16:25
That is amazing!
That is amazing!
Electric Youth!
PS come to Paulies- I have the surprise at his place. I was too lazy to mail it.
I expect to see Debbie Gibson on here.