every small detail must go my way, or else that is it.
i think i do quite a good job at hiding my rage... since i tend to just avid all people when i am like this, because i don't enjoy being so angry all the time.
i don't really think it has to do with anyone but myself, but when i get in these fits of rage... such as the current moment, i really feel like screaming.
anyway, i have found that focusing all of this rage on school and work helps, but as soon as i am not involved with either, and something bothers me i begin to freak out again.
maybe the super bowl makes me really angry???
one thing that does not make me so mad is the fact that i am now getting back all of my hours at work and then some. this is definitely good news because having to search for another job right now would be such a hassle, and also likely to cause another fit of rage.
when i get mad, i try to think of steve carell because i am in love with him forever and always...

I don't like the smokey smell, but I love the Smell of McDonald's, but not sure how that would smell on someone. What some people love the smell of some people hate. This new type of blog should get pretty interesting.
Yuck! I'm glad that I don't smell like smokes anymore and I am really glad that I don't smell like McDonald's. Last night some guy at the gym had on cologne and it was all I could smell a half hour after leaving. There is nothing more invasive than somebody's stench that clings to you and follows you around.
Speaking of smells, how about the "too much cologne" people? I think i might rather of had the cigs and McDonalds guy over the too much cologne people...