my infamous white coat, for those of you who know me and have seen it, has not unzippered at the bottom for two years.
well, now tonight, i came home, well home to the
(e:pmt), AND i went to unzip it down to the bottom, and then step out of it, and it unzipped!!!!
such a small thing, but makes me sooooo happy!
i also found an amazing and cute hoodie on sale today, and it is so lovely and warm.
these things and the tim hortons hot chocolate i had today somewhat makeup for the fact that i am a loser and left my ipod in the back pocket of the plane seat. :(
plus at lunch the waitress though i was a movie star today, which feeds the ego.
and we are making beef stroganoff for dinner...delish!!!
so far, im loving this trip.
Third one down of you looks like you got your hand stuffed way up your kooch or you are missing a hand or something.
Good job. You posted all attractive pictures of myself.