Happy Birthday Paul!
I wish I had some pictures of us when we were little, they'd be hysterical! Or from the sewers, or the grainmills, or hitchhiking home from Grand Island (misc. nipples), or falling through the ice at Delaware Lake (yes, I know it's Hoyt lake, but to me it'll always be Delaware Lake), running around a "ghostbusters" downtown on 1/2-days or playing tortoise and making you come find me...so many crazy crazy times. I wish it were still like that and we could just go on adventures all day, but alas, we had to grow up!
Love you very much, little brother!
Iriesara's Journal
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01/22/2009 13:38 #47490
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAUL!!!!Category: friends
12/12/2008 18:32 #47046
T Minus 10 Days & CountingJust a reminder (for anyone who knows me or cares in the least - hint, hint) that I, my man, and my boy will be touching down in the B-Lo a week from Monday (the 22nd). Can't wait to see everyone, maybe meet some of you I've known voyeuristically these past few. We will definitely be in attendance for the New Year's Eve shindig (minus the 9-year-old), which I am much looking forward to.
So listen, Paul Terry & Matt, you better clear up your calendars, because we've got three years worth of chillin to do in less than 2 weeks, plus all my other relatives to see.
So listen, Paul Terry & Matt, you better clear up your calendars, because we've got three years worth of chillin to do in less than 2 weeks, plus all my other relatives to see.
terry - 12/12/08 22:39
10 days...I am so excited! We are gonna party you right up. Can't wait to see you and Elijah.
10 days...I am so excited! We are gonna party you right up. Can't wait to see you and Elijah.
paul - 12/12/08 20:14
Yes, it shall be a grand ol' time. I can't believe Elijah is 9.
Yes, it shall be a grand ol' time. I can't believe Elijah is 9.
matthew - 12/12/08 18:37
Woohoo! Can't wait to see you again! We are old and boring now, so we'll have lots of free time for you.
Woohoo! Can't wait to see you again! We are old and boring now, so we'll have lots of free time for you.
11/05/2008 13:09 #46558
scratch that, damn things happen fastBan on Gay Marriages Approved:

I'm ashamed, but whaddya goin do? I'm not gay so there's no one I can sue, but I'm thinking there's going to be bunch of lawsuits over it.
Crap, damn fear-mongers.
I really wish you guys could've seen some of these Yes on 8 commercials. They were pretty classic and sickening.
Talking about that your kids are going to learn in school about "boys marrying boys and girls marrying girls". Then they come up real close on this little girl whose face looked like her puppy just got ran over in front of her.
Damn fear-mongers.

I'm ashamed, but whaddya goin do? I'm not gay so there's no one I can sue, but I'm thinking there's going to be bunch of lawsuits over it.
Crap, damn fear-mongers.
I really wish you guys could've seen some of these Yes on 8 commercials. They were pretty classic and sickening.
Talking about that your kids are going to learn in school about "boys marrying boys and girls marrying girls". Then they come up real close on this little girl whose face looked like her puppy just got ran over in front of her.
Damn fear-mongers.
metalpeter - 11/05/08 18:06
I don't agree with it but that is a real concern that a lor of parents have. There are things in this world that they may not disagree with but that they don't know how to deal with telling there kids about. When it is something they don't they don't understand that could be a factor also.
I don't agree with it but that is a real concern that a lor of parents have. There are things in this world that they may not disagree with but that they don't know how to deal with telling there kids about. When it is something they don't they don't understand that could be a factor also.
hodown - 11/05/08 16:31
Wow Mike- brains AND beauty.
Wow Mike- brains AND beauty.
iriesara - 11/05/08 16:22
I hadn't read about that. That's really....odd, and unfortunate.
I hadn't read about that. That's really....odd, and unfortunate.
drew - 11/05/08 15:40
Good insight, Mike!
Good insight, Mike!
mike - 11/05/08 15:31
From some things I read, it seems like it is kinda Obama's fault that prop 8 passed , ok not his fault but his candidacy that affected it. african americans were the only racial group to overwhelmingly vote yes and they voted in greater numbers than ever before because of Obama. crazy coincidence.
From some things I read, it seems like it is kinda Obama's fault that prop 8 passed , ok not his fault but his candidacy that affected it. african americans were the only racial group to overwhelmingly vote yes and they voted in greater numbers than ever before because of Obama. crazy coincidence.
11/05/2008 12:52 #46555
Prop 8 Opponents refuse to concede09/11/2008 17:18 #45643
Not for RepublicansSo today on the way back from work after my lunch break, I saw this on a car. Not a bumper-sticker, mind you, but hand writtten (very neatly, I might add, which I always appreciate with things of import) in whiteboard marker on the back window.
Now, unlike Michele Obama, there's no backlash for me to admitting the lack of pride (or shame) of my country that I have felt in the last recent years, but this filled my heart with pride.
Seriously, no offense to Republicans, you can't help yourselves, I know that. Now, there is at least one (well, no, now that I'm thinking about it, only 1) republican that I can honestly say I love and respect personally, and he would be furious and indignant at this, at which time I would laugh at him.
Now, unlike Michele Obama, there's no backlash for me to admitting the lack of pride (or shame) of my country that I have felt in the last recent years, but this filled my heart with pride.
Seriously, no offense to Republicans, you can't help yourselves, I know that. Now, there is at least one (well, no, now that I'm thinking about it, only 1) republican that I can honestly say I love and respect personally, and he would be furious and indignant at this, at which time I would laugh at him.
Thanks! I wish so bad that I had a camera back then.