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10/10/2006 16:55 #23216

if your thong causes you to sin...
pluck it out!

Subtitle: Let's make an official "Free-Ball at Work Day"

So this super nice girl at work (Leslie) gave me a BEAUTIFUL dress last week. It's kind of silky-ish short lining, and then all crocheted in different colors of brown (my favorite color) over it.

So, I wear it to work today for the first time wearing it, and another lady goes "omg, I can totally see your thong".

Well you know what, I don't freaking care.

So I ignored it, and tried to walk down less-lighted hallways.

Then someone complained to our attorney, who complained to my boss (the president of the company), who totally didn't care and you could tell he was embarrassed (although not terribly, we're pretty close)

So my solution: ditch the chonies.

So now that I'm actually wearing less, and have my chonies in my purse, I'm apparently more "office-friendly".....

bueller? bueller?

people need to settle down....

So I hereby encourage everyone to freeball - it's good for you!

Now I'm just hoping no one can see my ass-crack.

eh, fuck em!
kookcity2000 - 10/10/06 19:11
excellent post!

09/25/2006 12:48 #23215

Too ong for comment
Category: elmwood
Okay, One thing at a time:
1. Elmwood Village?? uh, No. It will really suck to come back to Buffalo & hearing people say that - it's a total marketing scam. I don't like it at all.
2. Thanks for the pics Paul - I love the memories! We Never (aka the 2-4 store) TRIPPED me the fuck out! I bet I could still walk in the door, hear that little "DING" & I would feel like I was on acid, which I was for much of the time living at 1097 Elmwood. Same thing with Jim's Steak Out. Too many times in there all fucked up & those pink neon lights - yikes!
3. Yes, the Murder. It seems the guy's name was Casey - I actually didn't know him, but I knew the guys that killed him - Big Dave & Red John. Incidentally, Big Dave beat the shit out of the landlord there a few months before the murder, apparently he was on liquid acid. I'm not sure if it's one those cases where you didn't know the person was totally fucked up, or if he just snapped, but Big Dave was always very nice whenever I hung out with him. Poor Red John - I think he was just a pawn in the game. He got a lot more time though, even though Big Dave was more the aggressor, because he fessed up, and Big Dave didn't. Totally unfair. From wht I heard there was some witch that they were in love with, and she told them that Casey had raped her, that's why they killed him. Let tht be lesson boys, don't fall in love with any witches - you'll totally get played. That place was totally cursed....lots of fucked up things going on there. When I lived there, one of the crackheads in another apartment tried to set the building on fire. Nice. Emily was there at the time. I think she lived there when the murder went down. I moved in slightly after, but hung out there all the time with the boys across the hall, where the actual thing happened I herd sometime later that the place used to be an underground abortion "clinic". I use quotes because I think it was more of chop shop. So all those unborn baby spirits are probably pretty pissed off.

Yes, insne for sure!
imk2 - 09/25/06 16:52
yeah, i went to high school with casey, and then not too long ago i dated his best friend from back in the day, so he filled me in on this story. i was so completely shocked when i found out that someone had brutaly murdered him like that, and over something like that! he always seemed like such a nice quiet guy in school, AND i remember thinking how totally hot he was.

01/23/2006 12:05 #23214

feliz cumpleanos, paulo, hermano, mi mejor amigo....
I know it was probably this weekend, but I have no computer at home. Also, to be honest, your birthday is the one that I can never remember. I always know it's January like 20-something, but I'm never sure. Maybe I'll learn it sometime before we're dead, huh?

Anyway, love you Paul, and miss you terribly.

I've started taking pictures of So Cal to post, but I haven't downloaded the software on my work computer yet - a little weary of the IT gestapo....

Anyway, later!


12/23/2005 01:16 #23213

I'm wondering if...
We can actually achieve something other than self-indulgence on this site.. I'm a little bit doubtful...

12/16/2005 14:27 #23212

Initiate countdown
So I was talking to my parents last night, and made sure to throw a bunch of "oh, gosh, I wish I could be there for christmas" and "Oh I wish I could see your tree" and "I'll just be sitting in my apartment alone for christmas" and all such things. Cracks me up, I almost had to just get off the phone with them. My dad's all, "I wish there was some way, some great deal on plane tickets or something" and I'm all "I know Daddy, me too." Gosh they're gonna be blown away....

Y'all have fun at the party tomorrow - have a few drinks and smokes for me!

Don't party yourselves out too much, because I'll be in town next week, and be expecting to party a little myself!

ladycroft - 12/16/05 15:56
Hope to see you again!