I had been waiting all semester to get to Bowers v. Hardwick

Lawrence v. Texas

and Romer v. Evans

they were scheduled for Thursday, an extra-long class, 8:30 - 11:50. I had even stayed up late to make sure I had read and thought about the opinions. (LvT reminded me of the Molly Ivins gem I posted Wed night.

) which I also posted as my facebook status so the law school kids would see it ;-) Got to class and the prof was
speeding thru the decisions... and at 10:45 he says, okay, we're done, good luck on the exam! I was like WTF??? 10 min for Romer??? I feel totally ripped off. Someone told him we don't get out of class until 11:50 and he said, oh... do you want to come back and talk about it more? I was practically yelling from my perch at the top of the room Yes Yes Yes! and my classmates were glaring at me. We got back from break and we didn't even go back to the cases, we just talked about the exam. What a disappointment.
I'm planning to go to the Friday, Dec. 12 8pm show of Dreaming out of the Digital by the Stripteasers & Alt Performance Group... Tickets available at

Wanna come with me? :-)
She was riding her new horse down Main St.
That sounds like a story. Wow.