I'm so confused about the snow removal situation in Buffalo. Allen Street got plowed about once a day Friday to Monday. Most of the sidewalks did not get shoveled, or just to the top layer got taken off. Irving didn't get plowed at all. Is this typical? It seems awfully dangerous to me!
Until Friday I had been telling folks at home that the weather in Buffalo is pretty similar to Tioga County - it snows, it's cold, Buffalo is windier. Oh my! Windy!!! I took Nisha outside sometime Sunday evening and she almost blew away!
Heidi's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/23/2008 12:42 #47151
what's up with the plowing?Category: weather
12/17/2008 16:07 #47093
Homicide in Tioga CountyCategory: crime
Since y'all were talking about crime in the downtown area (e:paul,47085)
The last time there was a murder in Tioga County was about 1984, a love-triangle murder-suicide. Last gun-related homicide was in 1997. (Last homicide: a woman riding her new horse down Main Street in Blossburg got hit by a drunk driver, both woman and horse were killed.)

12/12/2008 18:01 #47045
Google Maps Transit: Now in Buffalo!Category: bus

fellyconnelly - 12/14/08 09:25
oh man that is so cool!
oh man that is so cool!
tinypliny - 12/12/08 21:59
OMG! I am over the moon~~~~~~~! Thanks for breaking the best news today. :D
OMG! I am over the moon~~~~~~~! Thanks for breaking the best news today. :D
12/10/2008 21:00 #47020
Yea for science!Category: politics
Obama's pick to solve the energy crisis
- Andrew Leonard
"You should interview Steven Chu," the scientist at the Joint Genome Institute in Walnut Creek, Calif., told me. "He already has one Nobel Prize. He wants to get a second one for solving the energy crisis."
That was two years ago, and I sorely regret not following through and landing an interview with Chu, a physicist who has dedicated his post-Nobel Prize career to the development of alternative sources of energy. Because as Barack Obama's nominee for secretary of energy, Steven Chu is going to get a chance to make his dreams come true, with the full backing of the U.S. government.

fellyconnelly - 12/11/08 10:36
awesome! peace love and hippieness for all!
awesome! peace love and hippieness for all!
tinypliny - 12/10/08 21:38
This is a hopeful turn of events. But it will be wise to keep in mind that scientists with political power are not really the same as scientists with dew-scented motivations. :/
This is a hopeful turn of events. But it will be wise to keep in mind that scientists with political power are not really the same as scientists with dew-scented motivations. :/
james - 12/10/08 21:32
oh great. We replace an administration run by big oil interests for one run by big hippie interests. What next? The Department of Just, You Know, Hangin' Out?
oh great. We replace an administration run by big oil interests for one run by big hippie interests. What next? The Department of Just, You Know, Hangin' Out?
12/07/2008 23:38 #46995
Ridiculous puppy cutenessCategory: pets

fellyconnelly - 12/09/08 11:02
gardenmama - 12/08/08 23:27
They're both way too cute!
My brother has a coonhound too but it's dark with spots on it's chest (blue something, maybe). He's really pretty but he's afraid of everything. My brother rescued him from a no-kill shelter that the dog had been at for (around) the first 3 years of his life.
They're both way too cute!
My brother has a coonhound too but it's dark with spots on it's chest (blue something, maybe). He's really pretty but he's afraid of everything. My brother rescued him from a no-kill shelter that the dog had been at for (around) the first 3 years of his life.
tinypliny - 12/08/08 18:01
ZOMG cute indeed. :)
Wouldn't they scare the squirrels to death if they barked up the wrong tree? (pun totally intended!) LOL
ZOMG cute indeed. :)
Wouldn't they scare the squirrels to death if they barked up the wrong tree? (pun totally intended!) LOL
heidi - 12/08/08 17:19
Poodles are hypoallergenic :-) (although maybe not to the degree that (e:paul) needs)
Yeah, 70lbs is not a beagle... most likely a coonhound. Whitey looks like a monstrously overgrown beagle. She's big for a female, close to 70lbs. Her mom is a small slender thing, maybe 45lbs, but still ridiculously overgrown for a beagle.
here's a picture of her brothers Nailer & Bounce at work
Poodles are hypoallergenic :-) (although maybe not to the degree that (e:paul) needs)
Yeah, 70lbs is not a beagle... most likely a coonhound. Whitey looks like a monstrously overgrown beagle. She's big for a female, close to 70lbs. Her mom is a small slender thing, maybe 45lbs, but still ridiculously overgrown for a beagle.
here's a picture of her brothers Nailer & Bounce at work
matthew - 12/08/08 15:33
Awww, if I didn't already have an (e:Paul) I would want a small poodle. Soo cute!
Friends of mine have a coonhound, I think. They claim it's a beagle but the dog is like 70lbs and growing!! Maybe it's a mix?
Awww, if I didn't already have an (e:Paul) I would want a small poodle. Soo cute!
Friends of mine have a coonhound, I think. They claim it's a beagle but the dog is like 70lbs and growing!! Maybe it's a mix?
heidi - 12/08/08 14:23
The grey one is a poodle. She weighs about 7.5 lbs. and is almost two years old. The other one is a Treeing Walker Coonhound (a hunting dog that chases raccoons up trees).
The grey one is a poodle. She weighs about 7.5 lbs. and is almost two years old. The other one is a Treeing Walker Coonhound (a hunting dog that chases raccoons up trees).
paul - 12/08/08 09:40
I don't even like dogs and that one is so cute.
I don't even like dogs and that one is so cute.
janelle - 12/08/08 07:42
I want!
I want!
leetee - 12/07/08 23:50
puppy envy! so damn cute!!!
puppy envy! so damn cute!!!
What happens most of the time is that the first streets to be plowed are the main streets like (Elmwood, Richmond and streets like that). Then there are also what might not be quite as busy like bus routes or streets that are used by lots of cars. The side streets are last and how they decide when and where I think is just kinda random I'm guessing. Today I got to shovel out the driveway again oh so much fun trying to figure out where to toss the heavy snow.
They have plowed our street, but only one side of the street, the opposite side than me. So I had to dig an entrance ramp, so to speak, to the side that was plowed so I can get out of the drive through the street to the plowed side of the street.
The lazy bums on Lexington who have to park their cars on the street also did not feel like digging out their cars in time to move them. Last night was switch night. So this morning I had to carefully back out of my driveway (with some pushing help from a neighbor) and gingerly slide my way down a street with cars lined on either sides of a street that is intended to be two way.
On my way home, the cars had all finally moved so hopefully the other side will get hit with the plow. That would be nice.
I live on a two block side street and we have ben graced with a plow only once on Monday afternoon. Sidewalks, however, are the responsibility of the owners of the building next to the sidewalk.
Hope you are enjoying the murderous weather.