Obama's pick to solve the energy crisis
- Andrew Leonard
"You should interview Steven Chu," the scientist at the Joint Genome Institute in Walnut Creek, Calif., told me. "He already has one Nobel Prize. He wants to get a second one for solving the energy crisis."
That was two years ago, and I sorely regret not following through and landing an interview with Chu, a physicist who has dedicated his post-Nobel Prize career to the development of alternative sources of energy. Because as Barack Obama's nominee for secretary of energy, Steven Chu is going to get a chance to make his dreams come true, with the full backing of the U.S. government.

awesome! peace love and hippieness for all!
This is a hopeful turn of events. But it will be wise to keep in mind that scientists with political power are not really the same as scientists with dew-scented motivations. :/
oh great. We replace an administration run by big oil interests for one run by big hippie interests. What next? The Department of Just, You Know, Hangin' Out?