Have been on a few dates with a new boy. Am taking it slow, will see how things go. But so far he seems like a sweetheart.
But so last week he asked if I was going to the game on monday. I had to admit that I didn't know there was a game, and that I had in fact never been to a Bills game. So, he invited me to come with him and his friends to remedy that travesty.
Then later asked "so, did you get a ticket?"
Oh, oops, I sort of thought the invite included a ticket. Didn't realize I was supposed to supply my own.
But so I had so many reasons not to go-
1: don't care about football
2: really cold out
3: will not get home before 1am, and have to work at 6
4: no ticket
But, everyone I mentioned it to told me rational thought had to go out the window, and that given the opportunity, I simply MUST go, no bones about it. Had a few false alarms about tickets becoming available, but by the time it was time to head to OP for tailgating, I had nothing.
But I decided to go anyway. Figured if worst came to worst, I would hang out with them and tailgate, and then they'd go in to the game, and I'd go home and get some sleep like a reasonable person. I was in fact almost excited about that idea.
Kickoff was at 830. I left at 4 to go tailgate. Even then traffic was insane. Met up with the dude, and met his brother and some of his friends (who all loved me, (of course!!) (ha)). A friend ended up having a random ticket for $50, so I went for it. And rather than make me sit alone with my random ticket, his bro sat alone and let us sit together.
At first I was tired, and I was freezing my tush off. (literally. Whose brilliant idea was it to make bleachers metal?) I was starting to think skipping the 4th quarter and beating the traffic home was a fine idea. But, we kept staying... then it got all exciting...
I'm the first to admit I'm not much of a sports fan, but even I was pretty excited for those last two minutes...
So, we went back to the car, and had to sit and wait for traffic to clear out. Figured that rather than sit in traffic for an hour, we could sit around the fire and/or make out in the car like teenagers for an hour. So, even though the fact that it was already 1am and I had to be up in 4 hours was making me a little anxious, we stayed.
And then it started snowing. Good thing he lives in OP and I didn't have to drive all the way home. ;)
But in order to maximize sleep, there was no time for a shower this morning. Didn't realize that was such an issue... I mean I showered right before I went out, and could shower as soon as I got home from work. I mean I look like shit at work anyway... scrubs and a ponytail every day, it's not like I'm trying to impress anyone. (and besides, I have noticed some weird phenomenon: it seems the overly primped/made-up female doctors are taken LESS seriously than the 'no-nonsense' "who has time for makeup? I have more important things to do!" ones. Fortunately my laziness puts me in the latter category.)
But anyway, I did not anticipate the side effect of no shower until I was picking my clothes up off the floor and realized I REEKED of smoke. My hair stunk all day. Oops.
but anyway, I'm glad I went. Good times.
And then today I randomly saw
(e:enknot)! woohoo, it's a twofer!!
yes, I guess it was leftover from the citrus stuffing.
Unfortunately dad said it looked better than it tasted- it was undercooked b/c they were so afraid of overcooking it. Bummer!
lemon is good with poultry
yea! Food porn
Hope yours was as good as that picture looks, ok back to some football on NFL network.