12/05/2008 09:21 #46967
LOVETTE!!12/03/2008 15:34 #46938
Another example...This one is kind of cute...
So I was working with a medical student on the vascular surgery service, and she was scheduled to help out with an amputation the next day. It was a BKA, or Below Knee Amputation. We suggested that she go home that night and read about the procedure, so that in the OR she could really shine.
Well so the day of surgery comes along, and the poor thing is scared to death...
She said "I tried to read about it last night... I looked and looked but I couldn't find it ANY of the books! I even went to the library! I couldn't find "Baloney Amputation" ANYWHERE! How do you spell it??"
Haha poor girl.
12/02/2008 10:42 #46921
weekend...I'm such a sports retard. haha. And I totally don't care.
First of all, I saw a pic of a friend with some guy. I didn't recognize the guy, but it totally looked like a "pose with the celebrity" pic. I figured it was like when I met Ryan Miller and didn't know who he was. So I asked a friend "hey, who's that?" and she said "Jim Kelly". (I guess it's a crime to not recognize Jim Kelly.) But even worse than that, I had to say "Who's Jim Kelly?"
I was also teased for not knowing about 'wide right'.
Beh, whatever, I really don't care if people make fun of me for not knowing football.
But then on sunday I went to the game... that rain was miserable. I think snow would have been preferable. At least this time I thought to bring a blanket to sit on. That helped a lot.
But here's a prime example of my sports idiocy.
the sentence was "JP Losman's pass complete to Fred Jackson."
But what I heard was "JP Losman's pass completes a French Accent".
So I asked "what's a French Accent?" thinking it was some play or something. And everyone just looked at me like "french accent?? wtf are you talking about?"
Oh and I went to the disco sat... it was really fun! I went last year, and it was kind of blah... maybe b/c my feet hurt. But this year was a blast. Yay!
now back to work... was on call last night. It was the busiest I've even been at BGH. Yuck. But apparently people talk, b/c this morning someone stopped me to say "I heard you did a great job last night."
Huh? I don't think I did a great job... I was so cranky and tired I was about to kill someone.
But what the hell, I'll take the compliment! In fact, it kind of makes my day...
Now it's off to sleep, and to wait for the cable guy, who will show up "any time" today. I tried asking "ok, any time before when? 5? 8? midnight?" and they said 'any time. not midnight.'
whatever. a bunch of my HD channels have disappeared, so he needs to come fix it.
oh- and random aside.
so one guy at work is a rabbi. he's a great guy. but he was all sad on monday- turns out the rabbi killed in Mumbai was like his sister's husband's brother's wife... something like that... they were all close friends. :( How sad.
11/27/2008 21:12 #46862
Turkey coma...Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
In response to Paul-
Here is a pic my dad just sent me, of the dinner I was not home for. (not sure what's up with the lemons).
My dinner was great, too, though.
11/26/2008 10:20 #46848
ahh...So I was on call yesterday/last night. Just got home. And by some amazing stroke of luck, I don't think I have to go in to work at all tomorrow. I don't have to be back til 7a on friday. Then I'll get off at 9a on saturday, and have the rest of saturday (disco!!), and sunday, off.
I feel like it's a month of vacation or something. I am so looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow.... Until I was asked to come to the turkey trot tomorrow. At 8am.
Hmmmmm, sleep in for the first time in weeks in my nice cozy bed, or...... stand outside in the snow and wait for a race to be over? yeah, I don't think so.
Until I talk to normal people who have thurs-sun OFF, and maybe even wed-sun.
So jealous. Sometimes I really wish I had a 'normal' job.
So... obviously I'm not going home.
This new boy invited me to his family thanksgiving. Hope they're not scandalized by what a heathen I am. ;)
Love the hair
She is so pretty! :)
What a cutie! I trust you are well on your way to cool aunt-hood