I admit it. I am totally jealous of
(e:pmt) weekend trips so I determinedly took one of my own this Sunday. I headed out to Forest Lawn Cemetery and decided to do this entirely by foot. Took me around 25 minutes to walk to the Cemetery from home. Not bad at all. I sorely missed Mt. Hope all these days and I think Forest Lawn is a worthy competitor. It was beautiful and I loved the fact that it was hilly and had somewhat steep-ish slopes just like Mt. Hope. Some photos from the hike...
I love that the entrance is so grand and has a small road fork of its own!
The entrance gate is actually crowned! Nice touch. :)
Is the green on this statue actually Copper patina or is it just green concrete/sculpting clay? I was in a hurry to rush all across the cemetery so didn't stop to read the inscriptions. Usually, I like to stop and read all of these random details and weave them into my own personal story versions. Hasty me. :/
There is something so soothing about walking on a bed of crackling yet soft leaves layered on grass...
Fall was out in all its glory at Forest Lawn!
The water-bodies across the cemetery are spell-binding. I could have easily believed that throwing coins in them and wishing like crazy might have made all my dreams come true! They were just that perfect! This is Jubilee spring - the first of the three.
Crystal Lake - as you can see it lives up to its name. Each leaf colour was reflected back in perfection!
A couple more view of that magical lake.
There were these morbid looking dark mushrooms all over the place.
(e:imk2), can Slawa tell whether these are edible?
The Bridge to the mythical geese kingdom. :)
The compass for lost souls.
There were sections of the cemetery that looked like you were looking through some virtual convex glasses, when in fact you weren't. Such a cool effect!
Creek Scajjy. ;-)
The ferocious guardian of the mythical kingdom of geese (otherwise known as the mirror lake).
The Geese Kingdom!
These geese actually posed for me. :)
From one of the mounds near Delaware avenue, you can see across the road on to distant plains and I think that is Delaware Park? (Not sure, though.) It was like one of the scenic moments described in a George Eliot novel.
The colours on the leaves were gorgeous!
There was this monument with angels and gargoyles that reminded me of churches in Prague.
These crosses were set off by a riot of colours in the background.
Not to be outdone by those below, some really delicate clouds were floating in the sky.
This monument somehow reminded me of a water tank and nuclear cloud all at once!
A flashback to Mt. Hope in Rochester that has Egyptian sphinxes as well!
I thought this Roman influenced priest had such a dramatic background!
I wasn't paying much attention to the inscriptions as I always do but these two picked me up ;-) The husband has measuring tools and a hammer on his side and the wife has humming birds (?) :)
And, having that name must have been hard at school...
It was a lovely afternoon! Forest Lawn is a real treasure. :)
It is so crazy! I didn't know about Twizzlers in January this year and the Andy Capp thing came along somewhere in September when (e:imk2) was eating a pack in the office. I blame this addiction on all the craziness going on with school. But I have to admit that the Andy Capp fries are awesome!
@(e:Gardenmama): I need to check out these Mrs Vicki's chips. I think I have seen them in California! They also have an intense jalapeño chips called Tim's Jalapeño chips there. I had them once and they are seriously spicy. But I haven't spotted them around here so thankfully they don't get listed as addictions.
I need to kick these two. They are probably ruining my metabolism.
I am so surprised you eat things like that.
Yum to both! I have a little addiction issue with Mrs. Vicki's pepper & lime potato chips. Thankfully, you can't buy them anywhere here that I am aware of. I have a friend who is Canadian but lives in the States. When she goes to visit her folks she brings the chips back. I always share them with my office and now they all want their own. Next time she goes she's going to pick up 10 bags for all my co-workers. Made them all pepper & lime chip junkies too, but they're delicious!
I KNOW! Aren't they like the TASTIEST snack on earth???!!!
I LOVE hot fries!!!!