-- As of today and in no particular order --
1. Propose. Propose. Propose.
2. Finish that grant paragraph/page.
3. Learn how to bake bread.
(I love the smell of bread, but I have never dealt with artificial yeast before. I am somewhat worried that whatever bread I do manage to make will come out smelling yeasty. This also seems like a ridiculous fear especially since I haven't even attempted to make any bread till now.)
4. Learn how to low vault that wall on my way to Roswell. (I think I might need strong arms for this trick. Did I mention that my arms are out of proportion to the rest of my body? They look like sticks. If someone were to whack my forearms hard, I think there is a strong likelihood that they might break in two. Both ulna and radius in one go.)
5. Get some wool yarn for my halloween costume.
6. Actually sew my halloween costume
7. Finish this literature search I am doing and write it up ASAP.
8. Get a haircut (OMG, my hair is so long and untidy, its covering my ears now. UGH)
9. Learn to make that perfect cup of coffee that I once had at this Italian restaurant called Pane Vino's in Rochester. Seriously, that coffee must have come from bean heaven because I was so enamoured that I had 7 cups of it. I skipped dinner altogether in favour of coffee. I know it must have made a weird impression on the faculty but hey, truly good coffee can only be appreciated via loon worship and erratic behaviour. I tried to explain later that it was done in the spirit of coffee but hardly anyone at the table agreed. Oh well. That coffee was awesome.
10. Start on the practical part of my dissertation research. (And learn some cool laboratory basic sciency things on the way.)