Now that I stopped crying (for the most part) I think I can write about what happened.
Actually I can't. All I can say is he was amazing, but too self centered to see anything other than what he wanted to.
I feel hurt because he made it seem like it was ok to show him my feelings and emotions (which I think we all know I am adverse to doing under any circumstances). And in the end if I would have just kept my distance, like I do with everything, I would have never ended up hurt.
Normally, knowing myself, I'd be a vengful bitch and say a bunch of mean things. But in reality I have no desire to do anything other than sit on my couch and cry.
Hodown's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/26/2008 11:28 #45459
So08/24/2008 02:59 #45432
And if I threw a partyand invited everyone I knew (Mike Visco fill in the rest)..
I'm home from a night out. I'm so thankful (redundant I know) for my girl friends. I can not imagine life with out them. It makes me cry even more to know I have such amazing people who want to give me hugs and get me drunk (which I so am) and share cupcakes with me.
I'm home from a night out. I'm so thankful (redundant I know) for my girl friends. I can not imagine life with out them. It makes me cry even more to know I have such amazing people who want to give me hugs and get me drunk (which I so am) and share cupcakes with me.
lilho - 08/24/08 09:54
i would share cupcakes with you. and cups of whipped cream. and i would never make you eat shredded lettuce or canned olives.
i would share cupcakes with you. and cups of whipped cream. and i would never make you eat shredded lettuce or canned olives.
08/23/2008 13:55 #45422
ThanksSo thanks to everyone for their kinda words. Once I feel like I can go blog about what happened you can bet I surely will! It was really hard not being about to share everything (the good and the bad) via my blog. I feel like this is such an outlet for me.
Until then I'm so thankful for my friends here in the city. As always they have banded together and are making me feel so much better (booze and cupcakes heal everything).
Until then I'm so thankful for my friends here in the city. As always they have banded together and are making me feel so much better (booze and cupcakes heal everything).
08/20/2008 15:06 #45377
My Manga08/14/2008 15:44 #45328
If you're a girlCategory: shoes
You'll want these shoes:

The are $24 from wet seal. I'm totes in love.

The are $24 from wet seal. I'm totes in love.
- Also the blackout on blogging on my personal life continues. It makes me sad because I really like blogging about the dirty details of life, but out of respect for those involved in my life the blackout is in place. Let's just say I'm so happy and he's fantastic!!
libertad - 08/16/08 22:12
OMG shoes~
OMG shoes~
museumchick - 08/15/08 13:53
I think those shoes are sexy. I wouldn't be able to wear them, but I love them.
I think those shoes are sexy. I wouldn't be able to wear them, but I love them.
jason - 08/15/08 08:56
Heh. Tiny, I don't think guys in general scrutinize a girl's shoes. That's chick stuff. We're superficial about other things.
Heh. Tiny, I don't think guys in general scrutinize a girl's shoes. That's chick stuff. We're superficial about other things.
tinypliny - 08/14/08 22:13
I am, most certainly, a girl but I will have to (very civilly, mind you) disagree. Those shoes look like a most uncomfortable pair of torture and a sure trip to either the ER or the Chiropractor, if you are lucky. I will take the Roman strapped orthopaedically conforming flip-flops (that you posted a couple weeks back) most readily. ;^D
All the blokes who think girls ought to be in such shoes can please jump off the ledge, preferably tottering about in those restrictive monstrosities.
I am, most certainly, a girl but I will have to (very civilly, mind you) disagree. Those shoes look like a most uncomfortable pair of torture and a sure trip to either the ER or the Chiropractor, if you are lucky. I will take the Roman strapped orthopaedically conforming flip-flops (that you posted a couple weeks back) most readily. ;^D
All the blokes who think girls ought to be in such shoes can please jump off the ledge, preferably tottering about in those restrictive monstrosities.
joshua - 08/14/08 18:03
Ahh, the Scottish lumberjack model! Aye, bonny lass.
Ahh, the Scottish lumberjack model! Aye, bonny lass.
ummm, yea better to have loved. maybe. i think better to eat giant brownie sundaes... heartbreak or not.
"And in the end if I would have just kept my distance, like I do with everything, I would have never ended up hurt."
... no pain, no gain. One _has_ to take risks to reap the rewards.
Sorry to hear that you got hurt; but, it doesn't always end this way.
"'tis better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all" . . . .
lame. i want the juicy details