I knew it would happen one day, it was only a matter of time
Pet Store at Eastern Hills Mall - m4m - 22 (Eastern Hills Mall)
Reply to: pers-797446656@craigslist.org
Date: 2008-08-15, 1:05AM EDT
You work at the pet store at the Eastern Hills Mall. You are very cute! I made eye contact with you today. I was wearing darkblue jeans and a black and grey striped hoodie.
James's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/15/2008 05:03 #45332
M4ESTSTRIP!08/13/2008 23:38 #45324
AwayI will be downstate visitng my folks and friends for the weekend.
My youngest brother is going away to his first year of college this weekend. All the way in the middle of no-where Ohio, nearly a hundred miles West of Pittsburgh. So, it will be nice to see him off.
One friend has a huge party at his parents house every summer. I haven't been able to attend in nearly eight years. It will be great seeing so many drunken friends. So, no one is allowed to throw a party while i am out of town. Got it?
Jim will be all alone and carless. So, if you want to rescue him or break in and assault him this is the weekend to do it.
My youngest brother is going away to his first year of college this weekend. All the way in the middle of no-where Ohio, nearly a hundred miles West of Pittsburgh. So, it will be nice to see him off.
One friend has a huge party at his parents house every summer. I haven't been able to attend in nearly eight years. It will be great seeing so many drunken friends. So, no one is allowed to throw a party while i am out of town. Got it?
Jim will be all alone and carless. So, if you want to rescue him or break in and assault him this is the weekend to do it.
08/11/2008 08:51 #45299
Everything I hate about everythingTed Nugent Concert - M4m (Williamsville) 27yr
Hey dude this might be a long shot but I seen u at the Ted Nugent concert at the fair and we both caught eachother looking at eachother, u were with your 2 friends 1 guy and 1 girl i gave your guy friend 2 cigarettes, I was working the concert.. If u see this let me know what kinda work i was doing there... You are very cute....
Hey dude this might be a long shot but I seen u at the Ted Nugent concert at the fair and we both caught eachother looking at eachother, u were with your 2 friends 1 guy and 1 girl i gave your guy friend 2 cigarettes, I was working the concert.. If u see this let me know what kinda work i was doing there... You are very cute....
tinypliny - 08/12/08 17:20
Hey, I actually like some of Ted Nugent's tunes! Back OFF!
Hey, I actually like some of Ted Nugent's tunes! Back OFF!
07/24/2008 10:14 #45119
Michael Bay presents: Raising McCainHave you seen the new John McCain promo poster?

The lighting, that overly-poised face, the jets, the cheesy tag line. It reminds me of something.

And then it hits me. John McCain is the Michael Bay candidate. Can't you just see it. Ben Affleck plays young John McCain. He is looking at the engine of his fighter jet. Meagan Fox playing John's fellow fighter pilot, Cindy, walks over and does the same to her jet. She speaks like she is doing porn about how great peace and freedom are, but they aren't free ya know. SUDDENLY the alarms blair, Jets scramble!
High above the jungles of Vietnam our two Americans bravely battle the Viet-Cong air force. John and Cindy keep trying to out do each other, shooting down enemy one for one. Then, a missile is launched at Cindy! She can't shake it, we see an explosion in the air, a big Michael Bay explosion. When the smoke and fire clears we see Cindy still flying. But, crashing towards the ground is John's plane. The hot shot John took the missile to save her. The drama!
(Three months later) A sinister looking Vietnamese man walks into a cell made of bamboo. John McCain is sitting there, bloodied but with the same confident look on his face, his hands tied behind a chair. "you will never get me to talk!" spits McCain. "We don't expect you to talk Mr.McCain. We expect you to scream". John breaks the man's neck with his legs. Then, a more officious looking vietcong walks in. "You may be commander of these people, but America is going to get you some day." Just then, the commander takes off a mask. He isn't Vietnamese. No, it is Osama Bin Laden!
It will be great.

The lighting, that overly-poised face, the jets, the cheesy tag line. It reminds me of something.

And then it hits me. John McCain is the Michael Bay candidate. Can't you just see it. Ben Affleck plays young John McCain. He is looking at the engine of his fighter jet. Meagan Fox playing John's fellow fighter pilot, Cindy, walks over and does the same to her jet. She speaks like she is doing porn about how great peace and freedom are, but they aren't free ya know. SUDDENLY the alarms blair, Jets scramble!
High above the jungles of Vietnam our two Americans bravely battle the Viet-Cong air force. John and Cindy keep trying to out do each other, shooting down enemy one for one. Then, a missile is launched at Cindy! She can't shake it, we see an explosion in the air, a big Michael Bay explosion. When the smoke and fire clears we see Cindy still flying. But, crashing towards the ground is John's plane. The hot shot John took the missile to save her. The drama!
(Three months later) A sinister looking Vietnamese man walks into a cell made of bamboo. John McCain is sitting there, bloodied but with the same confident look on his face, his hands tied behind a chair. "you will never get me to talk!" spits McCain. "We don't expect you to talk Mr.McCain. We expect you to scream". John breaks the man's neck with his legs. Then, a more officious looking vietcong walks in. "You may be commander of these people, but America is going to get you some day." Just then, the commander takes off a mask. He isn't Vietnamese. No, it is Osama Bin Laden!
It will be great.
mrmike - 07/24/08 11:38
It will bomb like most Michael Bay movies except for Transformers:Republicans in Disguise!
It will bomb like most Michael Bay movies except for Transformers:Republicans in Disguise!
james - 07/24/08 11:20
Joshua: Ya, that was pretty terrible. I sometimes wonder how things like that pass through so many people, each giving their approval.
Janelle: Yesterday was everyone's first day. By the end of the week they will be lean, mean canvassing machines! Thanks for breaking them gently.
Joshua: Ya, that was pretty terrible. I sometimes wonder how things like that pass through so many people, each giving their approval.
Janelle: Yesterday was everyone's first day. By the end of the week they will be lean, mean canvassing machines! Thanks for breaking them gently.
janelle - 07/24/08 10:52
James - A Sam Hoyt volunteer stopped by my house the other day. It was kind of funny. She asked if I was planning on voting for Sam Hoyt and she looked a little confused as to how to precede when I said maybe. She asked if I needed any information, I said no. And she still didn't seem sure what to do, so she left.
Poor thing. She seemed kind of young. I'm not sure I would have done any better, though. lol.
James - A Sam Hoyt volunteer stopped by my house the other day. It was kind of funny. She asked if I was planning on voting for Sam Hoyt and she looked a little confused as to how to precede when I said maybe. She asked if I needed any information, I said no. And she still didn't seem sure what to do, so she left.
Poor thing. She seemed kind of young. I'm not sure I would have done any better, though. lol.
joshua - 07/24/08 10:25
Personally I enjoyed Barack Obama's pseudo-Presidential seal that they were embarrassed into scrapping, and rightfully so. This picture of McCain is certainly over the top. I mean really - do we need the Navy jets in the background?
Personally I enjoyed Barack Obama's pseudo-Presidential seal that they were embarrassed into scrapping, and rightfully so. This picture of McCain is certainly over the top. I mean really - do we need the Navy jets in the background?
07/21/2008 21:39 #45096
Greased Pole FestivalOh the exotic places I have been.
Yesterday I had to go to the Greased Pole festival at the Olivencia center on Swan. It was so freakin crazy. For those not familiar with it, as I was, it goes like this: you take a telephone pole, staple a six pack to the top, and grease the whole thing. Next you have teams of people climb on top of each other in an attempt to reach the top and win prizes. The people though are only partially clothed. A pail of shorts and a shirt pulled over the neck with the arms still in, giving something to grab on to as the next guy climbs up.
A pile of greased up guys with no cloths on, and the homoeroticism is just getting started.
One grip is the shirt, but before that you pull on the shorts. Then you use the shorts as a foot hold. Add several tons of crisco and the shorts were just slipping off. There were so many asses it looked more like Marchelas.
The South Park team won easily. But saddest of the five teams was Rochester (when said in Spanish sounds like Rach-Chet-Tar). They came all the way to Buffalo to barely get two guys up. South Park needed six guys standing on top of each other's shoulders to win. Too bad RachChetTar. Come back again next year and give it your all.
Yesterday I had to go to the Greased Pole festival at the Olivencia center on Swan. It was so freakin crazy. For those not familiar with it, as I was, it goes like this: you take a telephone pole, staple a six pack to the top, and grease the whole thing. Next you have teams of people climb on top of each other in an attempt to reach the top and win prizes. The people though are only partially clothed. A pail of shorts and a shirt pulled over the neck with the arms still in, giving something to grab on to as the next guy climbs up.
A pile of greased up guys with no cloths on, and the homoeroticism is just getting started.
One grip is the shirt, but before that you pull on the shorts. Then you use the shorts as a foot hold. Add several tons of crisco and the shorts were just slipping off. There were so many asses it looked more like Marchelas.
The South Park team won easily. But saddest of the five teams was Rochester (when said in Spanish sounds like Rach-Chet-Tar). They came all the way to Buffalo to barely get two guys up. South Park needed six guys standing on top of each other's shoulders to win. Too bad RachChetTar. Come back again next year and give it your all.
fellyconnelly - 07/23/08 07:19
the picture in my head is of how people staple flyers to telephone poles and how most are now so covered iwth staples, there is no actual wood left on the surface. And how this must feel scraped against the skin.
the picture in my head is of how people staple flyers to telephone poles and how most are now so covered iwth staples, there is no actual wood left on the surface. And how this must feel scraped against the skin.
lauren - 07/22/08 13:21
oh buffalo.
oh buffalo.
tinypliny - 07/21/08 22:50
oh, I meant that as an expression of stupefaction that such an outlandish and totally fun game existed here. We have a "Desi"* version during the festival of Holi. A huge pole is set up and a clay pot with milk or water or some gooey sticky liquid is tied to the top - sort of like a piñata. Teams take turns at climbing the pole and whacking at the pot with a stick while they get pelted with water balloons, colour sprays, and other unimaginable coloured wild stuff. I am not sure what they win when they finally break the pot to make it worth all the pelting though. They get drenched with more ickiness. :)
oh, I meant that as an expression of stupefaction that such an outlandish and totally fun game existed here. We have a "Desi"* version during the festival of Holi. A huge pole is set up and a clay pot with milk or water or some gooey sticky liquid is tied to the top - sort of like a piñata. Teams take turns at climbing the pole and whacking at the pot with a stick while they get pelted with water balloons, colour sprays, and other unimaginable coloured wild stuff. I am not sure what they win when they finally break the pot to make it worth all the pelting though. They get drenched with more ickiness. :)
- Desi: Hindi for the adjective of country. I could have said "Indian" but that doesn't quite hit the spot. The word is a combination of
james - 07/21/08 22:41
Ya, no pictures.
It was the first public event I went to in Buffalo where police patted me down before I could go in.
Ya, no pictures.
It was the first public event I went to in Buffalo where police patted me down before I could go in.
paul - 07/21/08 21:54
What no pictures? I am sad to have missed it.
What no pictures? I am sad to have missed it.
re: craigslist missed connections
The #1 place to miss a connection, by state, illustrated.
- Z
I meant that an estripper was bound to be the object of Craig's List Missed Connection lust.
"I knew it would happen one day, it was only a matter of time"
What do you mean by this????? lol
We arent sure which of us he is talking about, but I do remember exactly who it is.. lol
Heh heh.
M4 Asianesque Chick
"Hey, I saw you over at Fat Bob's last Thursday. While I licked my wounds from my darts loss you bumped into me on the way to the jukebox and said I saved your life. That deserves a back rub, or at least a hug. I think we really made a connection. Contact me so we can get physical, physical."
Hey, it almost fits my template:
I saw you at [vague location], you were [vague description] and [you/I] [vague action]. If you're interested, please [demand for specific description] so we can connect!
Is there any distinction between making eye contact and a lustful gaze?
But is it chris or chris?