heidi - 08/24/08 21:30 <giggle> now i get the "leathery face" joke. Formal gala is very appropriate.
james - 08/24/08 21:11 The Folsom Street Fair takes up blocks of San Fransisco. It is the largest fetish fair in the world. You will see human dogs, men getting flogged, and naked flesh as far as the eye can see.
So, a formal gala is certainly not inappropriate.
heidi - 08/24/08 21:03 Who has a FORMAL street fair? Very silly.
Or maybe i'm misreading it and the fair has a formal gala event as part of it? still seems silly...
You work at the pet store at the Eastern Hills Mall. You are very cute! I made eye contact with you today. I was wearing darkblue jeans and a black and grey striped hoodie.
"Hey, I saw you over at Fat Bob's last Thursday. While I licked my wounds from my darts loss you bumped into me on the way to the jukebox and said I saved your life. That deserves a back rub, or at least a hug. I think we really made a connection. Contact me so we can get physical, physical."
jim - 08/15/08 12:29 Hey, it almost fits my template:
I saw you at [vague location], you were [vague description] and [you/I] [vague action]. If you're interested, please [demand for specific description] so we can connect!
joshua - 08/15/08 12:02 Is there any distinction between making eye contact and a lustful gaze?
I will be downstate visitng my folks and friends for the weekend.
My youngest brother is going away to his first year of college this weekend. All the way in the middle of no-where Ohio, nearly a hundred miles West of Pittsburgh. So, it will be nice to see him off.
One friend has a huge party at his parents house every summer. I haven't been able to attend in nearly eight years. It will be great seeing so many drunken friends. So, no one is allowed to throw a party while i am out of town. Got it?
Jim will be all alone and carless. So, if you want to rescue him or break in and assault him this is the weekend to do it.
jim - 08/15/08 11:42 COME BACK NOW. You've been gone long enough, 4 hours so far!
tinypliny - 08/14/08 06:07 But the real question is, is he careless as well? ;)
Hey dude this might be a long shot but I seen u at the Ted Nugent concert at the fair and we both caught eachother looking at eachother, u were with your 2 friends 1 guy and 1 girl i gave your guy friend 2 cigarettes, I was working the concert.. If u see this let me know what kinda work i was doing there... You are very cute....
tinypliny - 08/12/08 17:20 Hey, I actually like some of Ted Nugent's tunes! Back OFF!
museumchick - 08/11/08 22:58 Ted Nugent is still alive??!!
joshua - 08/11/08 11:28 I'd ask if it was (e:jim) with the cigarettes (caught!) but I know it is totally implausible that you'd be at a Ted Nugent concert... even on behalf of who know who.
<giggle> now i get the "leathery face" joke. Formal gala is very appropriate.
The Folsom Street Fair takes up blocks of San Fransisco. It is the largest fetish fair in the world. You will see human dogs, men getting flogged, and naked flesh as far as the eye can see.
So, a formal gala is certainly not inappropriate.
Who has a FORMAL street fair? Very silly.
Or maybe i'm misreading it and the fair has a formal gala event as part of it? still seems silly...