I love Lifetime as many of you know but it seems like it is always playing Frasier lately. At all the key times that I watch , its FRASIER FRASIER FRASIER. i like frasier and frankly often it is hysterical but i don' tturn to lifetime to see Frasier, give me golden girls, give me the Nanny or some Will and Grace but no more frasier!!!!!!!!!
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/29/2008 00:00 #45177
It's Always Frasier07/26/2008 20:41 #45154
So Many Missing PeopleSo i decided to come on estrip and just keep clicking on the random journal link instead of reading specific ones and holy heck there are so many people i have forgotten about that used to be big parts of this site and then there are also tons of poeple i don't remember ever bein gon here but I guess they were. How strange and totally cool to look back at all the people that have been around/
metalpeter - 07/27/08 11:03
It would be interesting to see those names of people who like stopped posting. It would be interesting to see how many of those people still read them though. That might be something to look into later.
It would be interesting to see those names of people who like stopped posting. It would be interesting to see how many of those people still read them though. That might be something to look into later.
boxerboi - 07/26/08 23:39
that's so funny. (e:tinypliny) and I were just talking about this on friday
that's so funny. (e:tinypliny) and I were just talking about this on friday
paul - 07/26/08 20:56
Ya, it took a lot of people to make it to 24,000 entries.
Ya, it took a lot of people to make it to 24,000 entries.
07/24/2008 19:55 #45130
Gin BlossomsGin Blossoms is the only band I really care about out of the whole thrusdya at the square line up . not care in like i really am a huge fan kinda way but care in like thye are on the empire records soundtrack and other soundtracks. but alas noone is going and it is rainy. ok i rally only wrote this cuz i wanted to be post 24,000 and needed something to write aobut. chadi
07/23/2008 23:46 #45115
RIP SophiaSo jill sends me a text at work the other day that says simply RIP Sophia and I think "oh no Estelle Getty died" or "wow that is a really tacky way to tell me this girl we went to school with and were acquantances with has died".SO it turns out it was Estelle. That is horribly sad but i heard she had really bad dementia so really it is prolly for the better.
For all you hardcore gg fans out there , they are having a Golden Grils marathon from 12pm-5pm on Friday on Lifetmie showcasing the best of Estelle. And you can vote for what episode plays last at lifetime.com. And watch hillarious clips of sophia ....sophia you were one classy broad....the world won't be the same wihtout ya
here is the classy gal i loved

For all you hardcore gg fans out there , they are having a Golden Grils marathon from 12pm-5pm on Friday on Lifetmie showcasing the best of Estelle. And you can vote for what episode plays last at lifetime.com. And watch hillarious clips of sophia ....sophia you were one classy broad....the world won't be the same wihtout ya
here is the classy gal i loved

flacidness - 07/24/08 15:03
wasn't she the youngest of all he girls? Oh well R.I.P. Sophia we all loved the Golden girls.Keep watching.
wasn't she the youngest of all he girls? Oh well R.I.P. Sophia we all loved the Golden girls.Keep watching.
hodown - 07/24/08 10:03
Mike- I love this post. Even more than the post I heart the pictures.
Mike- I love this post. Even more than the post I heart the pictures.
paul - 07/24/08 00:14
So much for actually being the youngest - she died the fastest - just like she was the oldest. Somehow, I kind of feel like my third grandma is dead, weird.
So much for actually being the youngest - she died the fastest - just like she was the oldest. Somehow, I kind of feel like my third grandma is dead, weird.
07/21/2008 23:34 #45100
What happened to me?When is the last time anyone has seen an embarassing picture or heard an embarassing story of me. Its been a while.Its not that i am not having a lot of fun this summer cuz I am and i have done a lot of tings that were really fun and in a lot of ways that stuff is all a lot more fun and doesn't end in vomitting, i barely remember the last time i threw up. but I feel like i never really go out (read: drink copious amounts of alcohol and say/do embarassing things) anymore. It seems like I somehow lost all that. That is what is fun about summer in Buffalo, the going out every night but I don't know , I am failing miserably at it this summer. It seems like whenever something fun is going on , I already have a less fun plan booked and then when I want to go out or am free nothing is going on. How did tihs happen? This has to be fixed. There is only one month left. I am not that old yet. Like i always tihnki i don't want to go out late drinking the night before a 13 hour day, but i used to all the time and i would be fine, i think i actually enjoyed it more cuz at least it was like oh i hate being here but at least last night was a lot of fun, or the infamous "ugh i feel so sick which is ridiucloous since I ddin't even go out last night" only to go back and read text messages and realize i feel sick cuz i did go out and drank way too much. Its better then "ugh i hate being at work, and i went to bed a t11 o 'clock last night" I hope to have some embarssment soon...don't worry.....
fellyconnelly - 07/23/08 07:16
i remember when this happened to me. NOw i don't do anything at all, and if i drink more that 3 beers or 2 drinks I have a hangover. Far cry from the 8 pints of vodka and redbull and WHAT THE HELL DID I DO LAST NIGHT??
sad isnt it? Cheer up, run out and act a fool, and please post pics!
i remember when this happened to me. NOw i don't do anything at all, and if i drink more that 3 beers or 2 drinks I have a hangover. Far cry from the 8 pints of vodka and redbull and WHAT THE HELL DID I DO LAST NIGHT??
sad isnt it? Cheer up, run out and act a fool, and please post pics!
tinypliny - 07/22/08 23:02
Can't wait for the super embarrassment/weird/wacky stories.
PS: Yeah. By definition, stalkers are supposed to live vicarious exciting lives through their stalkee (is that even a word, I wonder...)
Can't wait for the super embarrassment/weird/wacky stories.
PS: Yeah. By definition, stalkers are supposed to live vicarious exciting lives through their stalkee (is that even a word, I wonder...)
lilho - 07/22/08 02:49
i thin it has a lot to do with me being gone. as the younger siblings of two formerly ridiculous partiers, (e:hodown) and (e:paul), it's only in our nature to be an unstoppable force when together... because i don't remember doing anything like getting auctioned off to make out with a strange man in a midget tent, after loosing a pop-lock-n-drop-it contest in so so so long! do not fear, i will be back sooner than you know!!!!!
i thin it has a lot to do with me being gone. as the younger siblings of two formerly ridiculous partiers, (e:hodown) and (e:paul), it's only in our nature to be an unstoppable force when together... because i don't remember doing anything like getting auctioned off to make out with a strange man in a midget tent, after loosing a pop-lock-n-drop-it contest in so so so long! do not fear, i will be back sooner than you know!!!!!
james - 07/21/08 23:46
Since it has been so long you really need to have an epically embarrassing moment.
Since it has been so long you really need to have an epically embarrassing moment.
Hehehe.. I like Frasier as well. I especially like the whiny little brother psycho, oh and the stubborn father, and the scottish housekeeper and the free-spirited coworker-producer. :)
Can't comment about the lifetime channel because I don't think I ever watched it back when I had a TV set.
Designing Women- How can you forget about Delta Burke? Her and her hoarding addiction are awesome.
omg you're right, it has completely obliterated my viewing of designing women to the point where i almost forgot about it!
You forgot about Designing Women.