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08/16/2008 19:50 #45344 also
So (e:paul)'s journal got me hooked on , i love this one



tinypliny - 08/17/08 00:34
Moral of the story: Takes a generous dose of dangerous sharp objects to attain extreme good looks.

08/12/2008 19:32 #45315

According to the mail...I'm Old
So I get mail today from an insurance company that says across it "DO YOU WISH YOU WERE YOUNG AGAIN? YOU STILL HAVE A SECOND CHANCE" goes on to say "for a long time we wanted to do something really important for a too-long neglected group of Americans. Especially the ones in yoru ages group. The solid, decent, dependable Americns" it was all about how if i didn't get insurance when I was young I still have a hope. I'm thinking they think I'm older or at least I'm hoping they think that. I mean i don't want to be quarter-century anymore than the next person and I hate hate hate that I am now in like the 25-32 category on surveys instead of 18-24 but is it really time for my to be wishing I was young again? Ugh it makes me feel even worse about being old in 19 days.
iriesara - 08/13/08 11:29
I just turned 31, and it was way more depressing than 30. At least 30 has some type of milestone attached to it; now I'm just over 30. I know yall in your 40s & 50s are saying, aw, 30, poor thing, just wait. Let me pity myself for a few minutes...okay I'm done.
Age truly is a relative thing. No matter how grown up you feel, 10 years later you'll look back and say, I was just a kid.
tinypliny - 08/12/08 19:33
Hey, life begins at 50. You are hardly even born!

08/10/2008 16:38 #45297

The logo on the front page
The logo on the front page , the black one with the letters in bubbles, the RIP at the end of elmwoodstrip sticks out. I totlaly thought it was like someone died or something, like RIP elmwood , i don't know , just a random thougt,.
tinypliny - 08/10/08 22:41
Admit it. You secretly want someone to die!


08/06/2008 23:59 #45260

Making Old Ladies Go Wow
So there is this lady who is one of my favorite customers even though she is crazy and buys i would say like 8 36 packs of beer a week. Anywho she loves me and only lets me cash her out and to get beer you have to type in a date of birth and so I know her date of brith and it was today. So I decided to call her and wish her a happy birthday! She was sooo excited and then she came into the store later to get some stuff and was telling the other people in line how great i was and that i did that. She is is funny! I love how somehting so simple can make someone feel so good, it is truly great!!! Part of why i love my job is these people, they make it worth it!
tinypliny - 08/10/08 22:42
I love surprising people like that! :) I think I might be addicted to random stuff. (not always kind though. hehehe)
heidi - 08/07/08 00:09
Actions like that help create a healthy community atmosphere... As the old bumper sticker says, practice random acts of kindness!


08/04/2008 22:32 #45242

The Big Meeting
So (e:libertad) met the 'rents this weekend on Sunday. It went very well if i do say so myself. He was very charming and brought over chocolates and they seemed to all get along well. My mom felt bad thought cuz she only had one meat and as many of you know from (e:paul)'s journals there is usually a 2 meat minimum at my family dinners. She had a busy weekend though and it was sorta not a lot of pre planning. It still was good though. It was relaly nice to have them all meet and get along. It just felt like "phew this is good, reeeals good!"
museumchick - 08/06/08 23:29
I'm so glad it went well for you both!
lilho - 08/05/08 23:34
wow, im so happy for you and proud of you!!!!!
imk2 - 08/05/08 17:21
awww...what sweetness!
mrmike - 08/05/08 13:16
Good for you. Glad it went well and you guys have that behind you. Must be a great relief
hodown - 08/05/08 10:57
libertad - 08/05/08 00:13
I will never forget when your mother asked what kind of meat was my favorite and I froze. I was so worried that if I said any particular meat that is all that she might make for me in the future. Your Dad was kind of fun. It was funny how he kept apologizing for being late and you had to get him from the lotto store where he was chatting it up with (e:jill)'s Lebanese uncle.

It was so nice to meat (haha) them.
tinypliny - 08/04/08 22:43
Glad it went well. I was on red-alert for the bail-out email/call. Hehehe :)