For those that don't know I'm not for decriminalising weed. I think it should be made legal and sold in stores with smokes but that companies can't add all the stuff that they ad to cigs. Then you can tax places that grow it, importation and the sales and use a certain percentage of that tax to go into education (real facts not propoganda and lies) and into rehab for people that want it. I don't think that will ever happen because the Beer and "Smokes" company poor a lot of money into the campaign Against drugs, not to mention all the legal drug companies that could lose out if weed and other drugs became legal.
Here are some pictures of the Blue Cross & Blue shield building.

I hope people are enjoying this lovely weather because I'm guessing soon a lot of us will have the air conditioners on and complaining that it is to hot or that it is raining all the time I'm going with the hot.
First of all I want to say that I'm not sure who the group is who put this up and what they stand for so I'm not endorsing them or using stuff like that to get high, I should have made that more clear. If I where to try getting high that way I would and hope no one else would do it alone, there should all ways be someone who isn't high around when people get high encase there is a problem of some kind. I just found it very interesting that this was on sort of like a mailbox thing out in public and wonder if more of this kind of thing gets posted on "The Strip".
In terms of Where the Blue Cross building is I'll describe it the best I can. 4th and Gennesse. It is down near the high way that separates the laSalle park and the waterfront from the westside and downtown Buffalo. It is kinda past and behind City hall. It is close to the Silver channel 7 building. It is close to the street that takes you down to the waterfront. from there you can kinda walk next to a road that goes under the highway. It is past that post office in the picture. I guess that is the best way I know how to explain it.
Thanks for the pics! Looks like Buffalo skipped spring and went straight to summer. BTW, where exactly is the blue cross blue shield building? A bunch of us were trying to figure out the locations of the buffalo sculpture photos at the Roswell cafeteria. I think the red buffalo might have been posing in front of this building.
Nice pictures. Those Morning Glory seeds that are mentioned on that sign can be very dangerous. Not just because they are drugs but because they often lace them with toxic chemicals to deter people from ingesting them. IF you were ever to eat them, I would suggest growing them first and then collecting your own seeds and not eating the seeds directly out of the package.
From the Natural High's FAQ www.erowid.org :::link:::
Most commercially available Morning glory seeds are treated with chemicals to thwart consumption. Seeds are also sometimes treated with Methyl mercury to prevent spoilage. Chemically treated seeds can cause severe nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.