Yesterday I went to the Buffalo Bisons opening day with my sister. Except for them losing and the down pour of rain for a little bit it was a fun time. I was surprised they played through it.
Here are some pictures on our way to the game around the Allentown/west side area.

As I said it is to bad the Bisons lost and the rain during the game but I still had a good time and the fire works where pretty nice to. Here are some random pictures from the Stadium..

I hope everyone is having and continues to have a great weekend. I didn't do to much but I really enjoyed having Friday off from work sometimes it is just nice to be able to sleep in and not do much. I doubt I'll go out tonight have a bunch of pictures to put away hopefully I can decide what to watch as I do so.
I know I have seen clips of the first season of the real world but not sure if I have seen any full episodes of it. I guess I should look for it on line and see if I can find it.
You know the very first "Real World" was just that Peter. The first season (1992)was in this tiny apartment in New York City. It's completely different from what it is today. I'm sure you can find episodes online and watch them :)