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04/13/2008 11:56 #43998

Winter or Spring
Category: snow
I don't know if anyone remembers this but we had a snow fall some time back and I said that it wouldn't be the last snowfall. Well when I woke up this morning and left the house I thought it might be rain but that little bit of stuff was snow, it was hardly anything but snow it was. Before the weekend I heard it could snow on Monday. I wish I had more to say that was more interesting but you gotta love Buffalo.
jenks - 04/13/08 15:14
i almost cried when I saw this snow this morning. :(
metalpeter - 04/13/08 12:10
I have a memory (not sure if it is correct or not) about being at my grand mothers for easter and my cousin and his family was there and it either snowed and or there was snow in the back yard I think it might have stuck. I think one year on easter we went to the botanical gardens and everyone had winter coats and there was a dusting of snow, crazy buffalo weather.
ladycroft - 04/13/08 12:05
i remember on year when i snowed on easter..back when easter was in late april

04/12/2008 16:22 #43990

Super Hero Movie and Bisons
Category: weekend
So Today I went to go see "Superhero Movie". I thought it was pretty good. I like how at the end the played around with the credits a little bit and then I think they had like two batches of Deleted scenes some of them where pretty good and the interesting thing is that one of the scenes from the previews was in those. If you liked spider man or if can remember the tick as a cartoon or live action or even as the movie they came out with then you would like this movie. I like that it wasn't like how some spoofs are and about 15 movies they put together to make one story. You have to give those movies credit for doing it that way. But I liked that story wise you could call it maybe 3 movies at the most. If you have seen other spoof movies then there are people you will know who they are. Nice to see Leslie back in one he picked a good one to be in.

Yesterday I went to the Buffalo Bisons opening day with my sister. Except for them losing and the down pour of rain for a little bit it was a fun time. I was surprised they played through it.

Here are some pictures on our way to the game around the Allentown/west side area.













As I said it is to bad the Bisons lost and the rain during the game but I still had a good time and the fire works where pretty nice to. Here are some random pictures from the Stadium..










































I hope everyone is having and continues to have a great weekend. I didn't do to much but I really enjoyed having Friday off from work sometimes it is just nice to be able to sleep in and not do much. I doubt I'll go out tonight have a bunch of pictures to put away hopefully I can decide what to watch as I do so.

04/07/2008 19:53 #43940

Jays Bandits Part 2
Category: photos
So if anyone is reading this journal you might want to read the one before it first since this is a part 2 journal. I know I have done other part 2 journals with pictures before but not sure if a story has been part of that. I last left off saying that Toronto has a lot of hot ladies there even if they may not all be from there.

Back to the Blue Jays Game: It really was a pretty good game. The Blue Jays won and if I heard correctly it meant that they swept the "Bo Sox". I have been to games in Toronto before but I don't think that I have ever been there for an opening weekend. That reminds me there is a Spot Coffee in Toronto but we didn't go. Well here are some random pictures from the game.
















It was a good game and Boston had there chance to win up couldn't do it. If it wasn't for the grand slam the Jays may have lost, if memory serves that was during a railie with two outs and Frank Thomas got the grand slam not sure who gets credit for the winning run though.

I can see time wise that I won't have time to post the Bandits pictures so I will say that it was a great game Saturday night and the cheerleaders where hot and it was a lot of fun, ok dance team sorry. The bandits beat the Mammoth buy only one goal so it was close, the bandits where way outshout so we won with good goal tending or better shooting depending how you look at it or some of both I say goal tending.

Back to Toronto, the reason we went was for my Mothers Birthday. Hopefully there is a Yankees Game in the future but we shall see. Here are pictures from us leaving Toronto to go home.































(doing a moonlighting or as they call it "speak to the Audience" "break the 3rd wall). I hope anyone who read booth journals enjoyed them. I'm kinda pictured out so that isn't all of them so sorry about that. It is strange because unless someone leaves a comment you never really know if your journal is read. Yeah you can look at the views and that is kinda a marker. But that doesn't tell you if anyone really read it or not. There is often the pull that the journal is for your self but also for those who read it, it is a very gray area. Well I had a great weekend and hope everyone else did also. Hopefully some time this summer I can go back to TO and just explore and take pictures maybe just along the waterfront and see where that takes me.
metalpeter - 04/08/08 20:50
I know it is tacky to put up a a comment on my post as the first one and for that I'm sorry. But if anyone is reading this I just wanted to add that my Toronto Pictures and my bandits pictures are now up on my webshots page if anyone wants to see them or see more Toronto and more of the game.

04/07/2008 19:19 #43939

Jays Bandits Weekend
Category: photos
So On Friday night Club Diablo was having this Fetish Ball thing and I thought it would be cool to go. I didn't wind up going. After going out to dinner and eating a lot I didn't really feel like it plus I figured I was going to have a busy weekend so I would just skip it. Friday was my mother's Birthday so we wound up going to JP Bullfeathers the plan was Indian but there was no parking. There where a few hot sexy ladies there as a slight distraction. We wound up getting sat in the same area where (e:ladycroft)'s dinner was. It wasn't the same table but it was close by. I'm not sure what is up those stairs or that doorway but some people went up there. I thought my food was pretty good.


I think though so this blog is more fun and more exciting instead of getting into Saturdays Bandits game I go to the Blue Jays game. It is good that we got to Toronto early because as luck would have the keys got locked in the car. Waiting around for Triple A wasn't fun but at least it was warm and sunny out. Here are my pictures of TO












































The Jays Played the Redsox. With the waiting and buying some merch I did miss some of the on field stuff like there was a band out on the field and I only heard the anthems. It is kinda odd to hear the US one first you get so used to hearing it the other way around. I was in line as listing and watching it as they cooked my Noodles. It was cool to watch them kinda stir fry them in front of you, the noodles in a box where pretty good.


One thing I do have add that I forgot is how many lovely and sexy ladies there are in Toronto. From the Beer vendors to people in the crowd. Well ok some of them may have been from Boston or other parts of the states. The Asian girl (with BF) was cute and the blond behind me was so pretty and her boobs looked like they where pretty nice also. A Few more random pictures from the game well it won't let me upload any more so for those that care maybe I'll do a part 2.
theecarey - 04/10/08 18:43
mmm the food pics are making me hungry!

Looks like a good time! I like the picture of the bridge with the people walking across.
metalpeter - 04/07/08 20:09
I went and added some spaces between pictures of Toronto as you suggested, it was a good idea, I'm not sure if I prefer the hitting enter once or twice though. I also left some of them together as a way to remind my self of this and also to remind my self it was an edit. On a side note the weird thing about eating there was as soon as I walked in I remembered Timika's going away dinner and it took me back to that place, also glad you like the pictures.
metalpeter - 04/07/08 19:57
Yeah that Penne (however you spell it) Alfredo was very good. That is a good Idea about the pictures I seem to forget that after I up load them to then space them out I will try and edit my part 2 and see what that does, you do make a good point.
imk2 - 04/07/08 19:43
otherwise, those are great pics. thanks for posting them.
imk2 - 04/07/08 19:43
mmmm...that pasta you had at jp bullfeathers looks soooo good.

peter, i hope you don't take this the wrong way, but would you be able to put some space between your pictures when you post them, so that they are a little more spaced out and not so close together? you don't get to appreciate each individual picture if it doesnt have some space between itself and the picture below it.

04/04/2008 17:37 #43905

online photos and privacy
Category: internet
So I saw this article on line on Yahoo. At first I thought who are these crazy people suing google over privacy. My next thought was but what happens if they win. Could that mean that anyone who has a house or building picture that shows up on this google service could sue. Could that mean that if I take pictures at a festival and there is a house in the background the owners of the house could sue me for posting the picture on line? I do understand that people have a right to there privacy and security for there home. But I think that as long as there is nothing that shows who lives there or a car with the license plate showing or anything that gives away information like that then privacy isn't violated. We aren't talking about taking interior pictures of someones home, that would be different. In any event it is an interesting article and thing to think about.

Couple sues Google for posting house pix

By JOE MANDAK, Associated Press Writer 38 minutes ago

PITTSBURGH - A western Pennsylvania couple has sued Google Inc., saying pictures of their home on its Web site violate their privacy and devalued their property.

Images of the home Aaron and Christine Boring bought in the Pittsburgh suburb of Franklin Park in October 2006 appeared on Google's "Street View" feature, which allows users to find street-level photos by clicking on a map.

"A major component of their purchase decision was a desire for privacy," according to their complaint, filed Wednesday in state court, which also says the couple suffered mental distress.

The images must have been taken from the couple's long driveway, which is labeled "Private Road," and that violated their privacy, according to the complaint.

To gather photos for Street View, Mountain View, Calif.-based Google sends vehicles with mounted digital cameras up and down the streets of major metropolitan areas taking pictures. Many other companies take real estate photos the same way.

Google spokesman Larry Yu said the site indicates that property owners can get the company to removed images if they cite a good reason and can prove they own the property depicted.

"We absolutely respect that people may not be comfortable with some of the imagery on the site," Yu said. "We actually make it pretty easy for people to submit a request to us to remove the imagery."

If the Borings made such a request - especially if they told Google its photos must have been shot from their driveway - Yu said he is confident the image would be removed.

The couple's attorney, Dennis Moskal, said the point is that the Borings' privacy was invaded when the Google vehicle allegedly drove onto their property.

Removing the image won't undo that damage, nor will it deter the company from doing the same thing in the future, Moskal said.

"Isn't litigation the only way to change a big business' conduct with the public?" Moskal said. "What happened to their accountability?"

Yu declined comment on the suit itself because the company was still reviewing it.

Google is not the only Web site with a photo of the Borings' property.

The Allegheny County real estate Web site has a photo, plus a detailed description of the home and the couple's names. Similar information, including pictures, of nearly every property in the county is on the Web site.

Moskal said the county's image appeared to be taken from a public street.

"The county's not trespassing," Moskal said.

Moskal said his clients did not wish to speak to the media. The Associated Press could not find a listed phone number for them.

The Borings paid $163,000 for the property, according to the county Web site. The county describes the home as a single-family, four-room bungalow with a full basement. The one-story frame home was built in 1916 and sits on a property that's a little less than 2 acres.

The home is 984 square feet with a fireplace and central heat and county assessors graded it as being in "Fair" condition. The county Web site does not mention the property's two detached garages and swimming pool, which are visible in the Google pictures and are mentioned in the couple's lawsuit.

jenks - 04/05/08 14:58
the other thing is just that it acts like they are super-celebrities living in some amazing mansion. Which they are NOT, according to the description.
bleh. people can be so ridiculous.
metalpeter - 04/05/08 12:13
Your point did remind me of something that happened at someplace I work (again this is from me who kinda saw it from some else so it would be called hearsay or what ever that is called). There was this women who was very secretive on purpose and did it in a way that was annoying and not fair. She would start talking about something and you would ask her something and then not say anymore. like "me and my girlfriends went to eat" "Where did you go" "A restarant". It was all ways stuff along those same lines where she would answer the question but not tell you anything. Some times they where conversations that she would start and as it being an everyday thing it was so stupid if you don't want to tell people stuff just say it is nun of your buisiness or don't start talking about stuff, I think she did it just to get people up set or to seem like her normal life was exciting or mysterious.

Some how that led to her and this guy talking and she pissed him off so he said he would find out where she lived. "Little Mystery Girl" thought she was a super sleuth and he never could. Well when he found where she lived got directions and pictures of the place she was really pissed, and very upset. He looked the place up online, off course I and others thought it was very funny.

I would love to hear how the buyers figure that pictures of there place makes the value go down. I could maybe see if the house had also been in the news for something like a murder or rape or something like that but other then people going oh that is that house I don't see how the value could drop. It would be interesting to hear their point maybe it is valid.
tinypliny - 04/05/08 11:59
Who the hell wants to spy on people who are named BORING anyway? It probably was a well-deserved surname.
trisha - 04/05/08 09:48
hm. tricky...on one hand, if privacy was so darn important, they should have made the request right away, and i definitely think "oh whatever" on the "damage is already done" thing. but it is a little creepy that anyone, anywhere, can look at your house IN detail if they had the mind to do so. if you're going to stalk someone, at least go the old fashioned route and do the work of driving the car, finding the house, and looking in the windows, for god's sake. what's the world coming to?
metalpeter - 04/04/08 20:48
In this case I don't feel sorry for them. I can understand if someone did go on their property to take pictures but I doubt that happened. The other reason I don't feel sorry for them is that Google says just let us know and we will gladly remove pictures. I think that statement means that they really don't have much of a case. I could see if they where in the pool at the time or something like that. Or if the people at google watched them leave then took pictures. But at the same time what I do understand the "What If". What if someone they don't like was looking for them, now that person knows what the house looks like as they drive past it. But again I don't feel sorry for them and don't think that they lost and privacy.
jenks - 04/04/08 18:43
I have zero sympathy for those people.