Back to the Blue Jays Game: It really was a pretty good game. The Blue Jays won and if I heard correctly it meant that they swept the "Bo Sox". I have been to games in Toronto before but I don't think that I have ever been there for an opening weekend. That reminds me there is a Spot Coffee in Toronto but we didn't go. Well here are some random pictures from the game.

It was a good game and Boston had there chance to win up couldn't do it. If it wasn't for the grand slam the Jays may have lost, if memory serves that was during a railie with two outs and Frank Thomas got the grand slam not sure who gets credit for the winning run though.
I can see time wise that I won't have time to post the Bandits pictures so I will say that it was a great game Saturday night and the cheerleaders where hot and it was a lot of fun, ok dance team sorry. The bandits beat the Mammoth buy only one goal so it was close, the bandits where way outshout so we won with good goal tending or better shooting depending how you look at it or some of both I say goal tending.
Back to Toronto, the reason we went was for my Mothers Birthday. Hopefully there is a Yankees Game in the future but we shall see. Here are pictures from us leaving Toronto to go home.

(doing a moonlighting or as they call it "speak to the Audience" "break the 3rd wall). I hope anyone who read booth journals enjoyed them. I'm kinda pictured out so that isn't all of them so sorry about that. It is strange because unless someone leaves a comment you never really know if your journal is read. Yeah you can look at the views and that is kinda a marker. But that doesn't tell you if anyone really read it or not. There is often the pull that the journal is for your self but also for those who read it, it is a very gray area. Well I had a great weekend and hope everyone else did also. Hopefully some time this summer I can go back to TO and just explore and take pictures maybe just along the waterfront and see where that takes me.
I know it is tacky to put up a a comment on my post as the first one and for that I'm sorry. But if anyone is reading this I just wanted to add that my Toronto Pictures and my bandits pictures are now up on my webshots page if anyone wants to see them or see more Toronto and more of the game.