I don't think I've ever been so busy as these last couple weeks. I feel like I'm constantly scurrying around doing some essential task. Let's take this weekend as an example:
Thursday: 10:30AM: go to class at, 12:30PM: go to work at 12:30, 9:00PM: get home, not too bad I guess, then...
Friday: ~5:00AM: take (e:paul) to the hospital, 9:00AM: get home from hospital, 10:00AM: type up my chemistry lab report while trying not to think of my possibly dying boyfriend, 12:30PM: go to my final lab where we tested monosaccharide composition (oh yes, fun fun fun), 3:00PM: finally go to get new glasses (to replace the pair that I threw away at Boston Market, and the old broken pair I've been wearing for 3 weeks now that are held together with the oh-so-fashionable double-sided tape), 5:00PM: take chemistry test, 6:30PM: get to hospital, just in time to miss (e:paul) being wheeled into surgery, 9:00PM: doctor tells us (e:) paul will live and to come back in an hour to see him (we go to get a "quick" bite at Campieri's on Main St. figuring pizza is quick..., 10:30PM: finally manage to finagle our way back into the closed-for-visitors hospital, and see loopy post-operative (e:paul), ~12:00AM: sleep...finally.
Saturday: I'm tired of the whole time thing here...(e:Matthew) and I went to the store to get paint, then to visit (e:paul), then we started painting the trim in the living room, then we picked up (e:paul), then we continued painting. After that we did some work in the garden, which is starting to revive in this beautiful weather. We did eventually manage to have a slight breather that evening: we went to Jim's Steakout!
Sunday: more painting! Spent about the 1st four hours of the day finishing up the living room, which now sports spotless white trim and a muddy-green wall color that is quite soothing. Then went to our favorite nursery to pick up some mulch and soil, and played around in the front garden.
So, anyways, whoooo! It's been hectic around here. Luckily school's over in a couple weeks and work should be slowing down too. And the house tour will be over after next week... Hopefully another week or two of frenzy and then some time to chillax.
Terry's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/21/2008 10:30 #44077
Busy busy beeCategory: home & garden
02/16/2008 20:24 #43366
at the partyi atyping this from a video game console...typing is not the party right wordperfect ....yeah so
i am done
i am done
11/01/2007 22:22 #41927
Hello from NowherelandCategory: school
I love new languages. This new one I'm learning barely uses any letters, just funny little doodles:

It appears that (e:) mike and I are in the same boat (e:mike,41914). Alas, it is a boat that is starting to sink into the bottomless depths. I was also hoping to attend Pharmacy school next year (this was kinda a mutually-inspired adventure of ours) and have found out that my credits are too old. They have atrophied and are now little skimpy waifs not capable of handling the demanding pharmacy load, or so they tell us. They don't seem to care about other circumstances...the fact that I was a math minor and took Calculus 1 2 3 plus about 5 other higher math courses has no effect on my not having taken Calculus 1 in the last 5 years. The fact that I will have taken Chem 2 3 and 4, does not negate my lack of a current Chem 1.
Unfortunately, I really like these classes. I am a science dork. It was funny on the phone as (e:mike) and I vented. I realized that he knows he will like the work (having worked in a pharmacy for ages now) but hates the school (especially the science classes), and I am not so sure I would love working in a pharmacy, but really like the classes (especially the science classes). Maybe I should use the setback to think about other science-related fields. I could be a scientist, gasp! At my age (and I know all you old farts out there chuckle to hear a 28 year old say that, but I am almost 10 years older than all these undergrads I'm taking classes with), I am also concerned about jobs. I'm pretty set on the B-lo. I have a mortgage to pay, and my student loans are only gonna get bigger. I need to make some cashola. So perhaps a bio-chem or somesuch degree would be good to get, but I also don't want to become a chemist and end up in a toothpaste factory.
Decisions decisions...

It appears that (e:) mike and I are in the same boat (e:mike,41914). Alas, it is a boat that is starting to sink into the bottomless depths. I was also hoping to attend Pharmacy school next year (this was kinda a mutually-inspired adventure of ours) and have found out that my credits are too old. They have atrophied and are now little skimpy waifs not capable of handling the demanding pharmacy load, or so they tell us. They don't seem to care about other circumstances...the fact that I was a math minor and took Calculus 1 2 3 plus about 5 other higher math courses has no effect on my not having taken Calculus 1 in the last 5 years. The fact that I will have taken Chem 2 3 and 4, does not negate my lack of a current Chem 1.
Unfortunately, I really like these classes. I am a science dork. It was funny on the phone as (e:mike) and I vented. I realized that he knows he will like the work (having worked in a pharmacy for ages now) but hates the school (especially the science classes), and I am not so sure I would love working in a pharmacy, but really like the classes (especially the science classes). Maybe I should use the setback to think about other science-related fields. I could be a scientist, gasp! At my age (and I know all you old farts out there chuckle to hear a 28 year old say that, but I am almost 10 years older than all these undergrads I'm taking classes with), I am also concerned about jobs. I'm pretty set on the B-lo. I have a mortgage to pay, and my student loans are only gonna get bigger. I need to make some cashola. So perhaps a bio-chem or somesuch degree would be good to get, but I also don't want to become a chemist and end up in a toothpaste factory.
Decisions decisions...
mike - 11/02/07 12:04
lets open like our own "scientific-like" pharmacy. You can do caluclations and find cures and i can sell gifts and cards. It will be like hallmark/science lab. i tihnk it will be fab
lets open like our own "scientific-like" pharmacy. You can do caluclations and find cures and i can sell gifts and cards. It will be like hallmark/science lab. i tihnk it will be fab
jbeatty - 11/02/07 10:22
I'm sorry, UB is pretty ridiculous sometimes. You would think that if you could get through higher level Math and Chem that they could make some sort of an exception. I'm almost just about fed up with that school. I found out recently that I have to take Statistics again. Apparently the 4 credit class I took elsewhere wasn't good enough to tranfer for their 3 credit course. I really can't wait to calculate and interpret meaningless data for another semester.
I'm sorry, UB is pretty ridiculous sometimes. You would think that if you could get through higher level Math and Chem that they could make some sort of an exception. I'm almost just about fed up with that school. I found out recently that I have to take Statistics again. Apparently the 4 credit class I took elsewhere wasn't good enough to tranfer for their 3 credit course. I really can't wait to calculate and interpret meaningless data for another semester.
09/30/2007 19:58 #41424
I am an old manCategory: aging
It's no fun being a grown up, I tell ya. Painting a house is all fun and games for those 21 year olds, but for us old timers it can be a near-death experience. I thought my back was pulled out yesterday as I attempted to lift a 15+ ft scaffold, but the momentary twinge seemed to pass. Then this morning I awoke to a strange pulled-ness in my left leg, feels like a hernia maybe (I've never had one before so I can only imagine). So now my back is quite tender and I'm half limping. Then today my hand kept cramping about once every ten minutes holding the damn brush, and I'm very afraid of how my shoulder is going to feel when I wake tomorrow, since I spent about an hour reaching way out to one side or the other trying to reach the places the scaffold can't be rolled to.
On the upside, the house is stargint to look very nice. Almost finished the back, just a couple more of the sticking-out thingies on the top and the spaces between them, and then one final section where a giant hole prevents the scaffold from approaching. Now that I'm gainfully unemployed once again, that task belongs to me I suppose...
On the upside, the house is stargint to look very nice. Almost finished the back, just a couple more of the sticking-out thingies on the top and the spaces between them, and then one final section where a giant hole prevents the scaffold from approaching. Now that I'm gainfully unemployed once again, that task belongs to me I suppose...
leetee - 10/01/07 06:43
Exactly what you are complaining about is why we will be hiring someone to paint our house. That and i am not sure (e:Uncutsaniflush) could handle all the bits that are above my arm's reach from standing on the ground. I am waaaaaay too clumsy to be up a ladder or on any sort of scafolding. And too scared.
Good luck. Perhaps being tired and sore means you can get a massage from some hotties?
Exactly what you are complaining about is why we will be hiring someone to paint our house. That and i am not sure (e:Uncutsaniflush) could handle all the bits that are above my arm's reach from standing on the ground. I am waaaaaay too clumsy to be up a ladder or on any sort of scafolding. And too scared.
Good luck. Perhaps being tired and sore means you can get a massage from some hotties?
jbeatty - 09/30/07 21:15
I'm getting flashbacks from this summer. I don't miss the inevitable soreness that awaited me every morning whilst doing construction. I also don't miss installing duct work and having the feeling of being tarred and feathered.
I'm getting flashbacks from this summer. I don't miss the inevitable soreness that awaited me every morning whilst doing construction. I also don't miss installing duct work and having the feeling of being tarred and feathered.
southernyankee - 09/30/07 21:00
How are we going to have fun if you & I both are broken? Is there a Dr. In the House?? or better yet - "Roger the Massager" of WNY!!! He will heal us.
How are we going to have fun if you & I both are broken? Is there a Dr. In the House?? or better yet - "Roger the Massager" of WNY!!! He will heal us.
08/31/2007 00:55 #40846
mad sex...just might be had at the party on Saturday.

Or, at least you might get to see something like that, just make sure to peep in all the right windows.
Everyone's invited! Bring yer friends too!
(e:Mike) and (e:Terry) 's B-day Bash
Sat. 09/01/07
8:00 - ?:??
24 Linwood Ave.
BYOB and/or snackalicious item

Or, at least you might get to see something like that, just make sure to peep in all the right windows.
Everyone's invited! Bring yer friends too!
(e:Mike) and (e:Terry) 's B-day Bash
Sat. 09/01/07
8:00 - ?:??
24 Linwood Ave.
BYOB and/or snackalicious item
metalpeter - 08/31/07 17:17
That picture is crazy I like don't get what is going on is he pissing and coming into that thing that leads to the toilet or is it attached to a something else and why would it be on his head? The other question is what does the upside down cross mean? I do know that it is a symbol for something I just can't remember.
I will be there with Bose and the camera. I admit It will be a little different with out (e:lilho), (e:ladycroft) and (e:theecarey) but it will still be a great time. I doubt I will be the one to step up If plans go how they are supposed to I will be full with wings from earlier in the day I hope.
That picture is crazy I like don't get what is going on is he pissing and coming into that thing that leads to the toilet or is it attached to a something else and why would it be on his head? The other question is what does the upside down cross mean? I do know that it is a symbol for something I just can't remember.
I will be there with Bose and the camera. I admit It will be a little different with out (e:lilho), (e:ladycroft) and (e:theecarey) but it will still be a great time. I doubt I will be the one to step up If plans go how they are supposed to I will be full with wings from earlier in the day I hope.
jason - 08/31/07 15:45
Hey Terry, happy birthday. What do you mean by snackalicious item?
Hey Terry, happy birthday. What do you mean by snackalicious item?
ladycroft - 08/31/07 07:43
well, i'm really going to miss out on this one aren't i. boo!
well, i'm really going to miss out on this one aren't i. boo!
lilho - 08/31/07 02:10
umm, i wont be there so, someone has to step up to the plate, k?
umm, i wont be there so, someone has to step up to the plate, k?
I saw your walls today and they look fabulous!! And you are right. They are a very soothing shade. You did an awesome job in the midst of all this busy-beeing!!
sounds like 40oz time.