So the Regal on elmwood has gotten sketchier and sketchier over the years. Like i don't love going to a movie theater where there are like 30 police at all times checking everyone's tickets. While i see why that should make you feel better it makes me way more terrified like something bad is about to happen at all times! So we went to see Shutter the other day( a pretty good and very scary movie in my book, though Willy WOnka is also a really scary movie in my book and Alice In Wonderland television version, but i digress). Anyway, in the back of the theater there are this group of teenagers just like yelling things out and being obnoxious as all get out. (and like trust me I may talk a bit at movies sometimes but they were clearly doing this to be annoying) Other people started to get angry and saying things and this riled the kids up more. The tauntings got somewhat racially charged just making it all the more ready for an explosiion. Of course I am already as tense as can be because of the movie and now with all the fighting among the crowd and the police presence outside and the past history of riots at Regal , I was sure there was a gonna be a knifing at any moment and I would be caught in the crossfire. Then this huge man in the front stood up and said something like "YOU WANNA SAY THAT TO MY FACE" to the kids who had something like his girlfriend was ugly. Then the police came in and escorted the kids out and the audience cheered. I don't understand why people would go just to be annoying and get kicked out, it is like 10 dollars a ticket , just so you can get kicked out?!?
Oh i forogt the biggest travesty of all, i could have prolly survived it otherwise but I HAD NO POPCORN CUZ IT WAS GOOD FRIDAY AND I COULDN'T SNACK BETWEEN MEALS! That is the biggest travesty of all really!>!>!>
you know what they say a movie without popcorn is like a pipe without crack....
Mike's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/27/2008 17:40 #43808
Risking My Life For Movies: Regal Style03/18/2008 20:46 #43724
Ill Punch Your Heart Out HahaThis is my favoritest clip from Golden Girls of all time. Too bad Sophia isn't in it! I seriuosly laugh hysterically for hours everytime I see this episode!!! I love dorothy's face during the parade!

tinypliny - 04/05/08 17:56
Yeah, way to go kid. :) Hahahaha
Yeah, way to go kid. :) Hahahaha
libertad - 03/19/08 20:26
I never saw that one. The kid at the end is so cute when he says happy birhtday dorothy.
I never saw that one. The kid at the end is so cute when he says happy birhtday dorothy.
jenks - 03/19/08 19:56
haha, i love dorothy too.
She reminds me of my mom/grandma. Or vice versa, not sure which.
haha, i love dorothy too.
She reminds me of my mom/grandma. Or vice versa, not sure which.
ladycroft - 03/19/08 14:47
you know, i REALLY needed a laugh today, and the golden girls are always a guarantee. dorothy was always my favorite, she had the best 'looks'.
you know, i REALLY needed a laugh today, and the golden girls are always a guarantee. dorothy was always my favorite, she had the best 'looks'.
03/17/2008 22:46 #43711
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JILL!!Today one of my bestest of friends , (e:jill) turns 25! Quarter life folks! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JILLIAN JIGGS!!

tinypliny - 04/05/08 17:45
I was born this month too, many many years ago. Happy birthday to the cool Piscean in you Jill!
I was born this month too, many many years ago. Happy birthday to the cool Piscean in you Jill!
matthew - 03/18/08 18:48
Happy Birthday fellow Pisces!
Happy Birthday fellow Pisces!
metalpeter - 03/18/08 18:37
Happy Birthday Jill
Happy Birthday Jill
ladycroft - 03/18/08 02:47
Happy Happy Birthday Jill!
Happy Happy Birthday Jill!
lilho - 03/17/08 22:48
i would like to second that emotion! happy birthday jill! a toast to the most fashionable lady i know!!!!!!
i would like to second that emotion! happy birthday jill! a toast to the most fashionable lady i know!!!!!!
03/13/2008 18:39 #43654
2 Years on The ToiletOMG there was a story today in the Buffalo News about a woman who has spent the last two years on a toilet and her boyfriend who was bringing her food and water finally called the police. I guess she refuesed to get up for two year and now her legs have atrophied and her skin has literally grown around the toilet seat! UNBELIEVABLE ...HERE IS THE this isn't the national enquirer this is the real news here...

tinypliny - 04/05/08 17:58
I guess it was a wise choice to choose the toilet if you chose to spend two years of your life sitting. Human intelligence at work right there.
I guess it was a wise choice to choose the toilet if you chose to spend two years of your life sitting. Human intelligence at work right there.
lilho - 03/17/08 22:49
that's fucked up. only you would post about this. i wonder if they still had sex???
that's fucked up. only you would post about this. i wonder if they still had sex???
james - 03/14/08 09:39
It is usually easy to keep my cover and not reveal that I am an android from the future, but after reading that I have to say humans are gross.
It is usually easy to keep my cover and not reveal that I am an android from the future, but after reading that I have to say humans are gross.
fellyconnelly - 03/14/08 09:26
uhhh wow...
uhhh wow...
ladycroft - 03/14/08 04:08
wow. That's some serious agoraphobia.
wow. That's some serious agoraphobia.
mk - 03/13/08 22:08
ok i don't even want to click on the link. that is totally dsgusting.
ok i don't even want to click on the link. that is totally dsgusting.
03/04/2008 17:38 #43553
Losing Touch With the EstripSo our computer smells like really burning plastic and so you can only use it for like 5 minutes at a time. So as a by product I only use it like a little every other day ish. And so i never read estrip and i feel so out of it, i can't keep up. It is weird how much free time you find you have though when you dn't check facebook, estrip and myspace endlessly every day...
tinypliny - 04/05/08 18:00
Hahaha.... I just found out I have lost about 7 hours of my day because I am checking this site endlessly. But its SO WORTH it!
Hahaha.... I just found out I have lost about 7 hours of my day because I am checking this site endlessly. But its SO WORTH it!
metalpeter - 03/04/08 18:48
I'm not computer expert but it sounds like your fan went. Having a computer over heat is not good at all. That being said it is amazing how much time here and myspace can take up.
I'm not computer expert but it sounds like your fan went. Having a computer over heat is not good at all. That being said it is amazing how much time here and myspace can take up.
How about the movie theatre downtown? Do you ever go there? Seems like a good one in general. You know what I don't get - the popcorn prices! I mean, come on, how can you expect any sane individual to pay nearly $7 for friggin popcorn. Agreed its like crack for pipe but last time I checked its only $1 for 1/2 a silo of popcorn - real price. Its like the theatres are making a bazillion% profit from popcorn alone. It just seems a little unfair. If they price it right I might buy $7 worth, just don't give me a one pack and charge it at $7.
sara, that boat in the tunnel scene still scares the crap out of me, and I've never even seen it on acid, so you're not alone.
and- this is the regal on elmwood, by home depot and target and stuff, right? That's like the only theater I ever go to, and I've never found it at all sketchy. In fact I've always thought it was pretty nice Hmm. Maybe I live under a rock? I wonder what I'm missing, if that place is super scary... Where SHOULD I go then? I like that one b/c it's close.
I love the original Willy Wonka, but saw it on acid once & that boat through the tunnel scene scared the hell out of me! The to the point when I watch it with my son even, I get a little jittery at that part. And that was like 12? years ago.
I remember the TV Alice in Wonderland from when we were kids and I remember thinking that was slightly frightening also. Kind of like an acid trip in itself, although obviously now I realize that's fitting. I didn't know that when I was 9 though, so to me it was, in a really peculiar way.
I will only go to that theatre if I have absolutely no choice because of incidents like the one you described. I almost got in a fight (me... in a fight) with some guy behind me like 5 years ago while seeing some Hugh Grant/Sandra Bullock movie. Hugh Grant and Sandra Bullock! Typically I'll willingly waste the time and drive out to Transit Regal just so I can avoid the frustration. But even that has been going downhill over the past several years.