Have you heard? It is virtually impossible for Clinton to get the nomination?
Reports of Clinton's Demise are Greatly Underexaggerated.
But let me talk about a few of my favorite candidates for Senate seats in other states.
Scott Kleeb. He is running for Chuck Hagel's empty seat. I will miss Chuck. He was GOP, but he is in a small club of prominent Republicans I respect. I know virtually nothing about Kleeb, other than he ran for Congress in a blood red district and damn near won. One thing I am positive about is that he is abso-freakin-lutely adorable.
it may be 20 degrees out, but things are getting steamy in here.
Next, let's go to Oregon. Gordon Smith is up for reelection. A Republican in a blue state with a strong independent streak. Gordy seems like he would be more at home in a more traditionally red state, but this is a wacky election. Environmental Activist and Lawyer
Steve Novick is running for the Democratic nomination. Here he is holding a picture of Gordon.
Yes, that is a hook hand. Novick was born with a few physical impairments and has a very compelling story. Unlike Bob Dole, he does not hide his physical impairments, in fact, he flaunts it. His campaign slogan is "The Candidate With a Strong Left Hook".
Want to support him? Well go to his site and order a bottle of 'Left Hook Lager'. Buying beer to support a candidate seems to quintessentially Oregonian.
Think I am kidding?
Buy a bottle and support him.
Both can be described as assylicious.
aww i was hoping for pictures of canned meat!
I am sorry, I blacked out her ass. There was no indication of junk gracefully folded underneath her pleasure palace.
The ad banner I took that from was totally geared towards straight men. Which makes me think that she has to be a lady-boy. After all, I am willing to bet that it is straight men who lust after assyliciousTS and not gay men.
Then again, this is a large and freaky ass world. God love it.
Maybe her bait and tackle are big enough to be folded under her ass? Who knows. Peculiar photo. I definitely would be fooled. Don't ever let me into SE Asia.
So she is a TS so I'm guessing she has a huge cock and big gorgeous tits but why is her ass blacked out, I'm confused. Also since it is spam what was the catch or was the fact that she is a TS the catch?