Mike's Journal
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03/18/2008 20:46 #43724
Ill Punch Your Heart Out Haha03/17/2008 22:46 #43711
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JILL!!Today one of my bestest of friends , (e:jill) turns 25! Quarter life folks! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JILLIAN JIGGS!!

tinypliny - 04/05/08 17:45
I was born this month too, many many years ago. Happy birthday to the cool Piscean in you Jill!
I was born this month too, many many years ago. Happy birthday to the cool Piscean in you Jill!
matthew - 03/18/08 18:48
Happy Birthday fellow Pisces!
Happy Birthday fellow Pisces!
metalpeter - 03/18/08 18:37
Happy Birthday Jill
Happy Birthday Jill
ladycroft - 03/18/08 02:47
Happy Happy Birthday Jill!
Happy Happy Birthday Jill!
lilho - 03/17/08 22:48
i would like to second that emotion! happy birthday jill! a toast to the most fashionable lady i know!!!!!!
i would like to second that emotion! happy birthday jill! a toast to the most fashionable lady i know!!!!!!
03/13/2008 18:39 #43654
2 Years on The ToiletOMG there was a story today in the Buffalo News about a woman who has spent the last two years on a toilet and her boyfriend who was bringing her food and water finally called the police. I guess she refuesed to get up for two year and now her legs have atrophied and her skin has literally grown around the toilet seat! UNBELIEVABLE ...HERE IS THE LINK...no this isn't the national enquirer this is the real news here...

tinypliny - 04/05/08 17:58
I guess it was a wise choice to choose the toilet if you chose to spend two years of your life sitting. Human intelligence at work right there.
I guess it was a wise choice to choose the toilet if you chose to spend two years of your life sitting. Human intelligence at work right there.
lilho - 03/17/08 22:49
that's fucked up. only you would post about this. i wonder if they still had sex???
that's fucked up. only you would post about this. i wonder if they still had sex???
james - 03/14/08 09:39
It is usually easy to keep my cover and not reveal that I am an android from the future, but after reading that I have to say humans are gross.
It is usually easy to keep my cover and not reveal that I am an android from the future, but after reading that I have to say humans are gross.
fellyconnelly - 03/14/08 09:26
uhhh wow...
uhhh wow...
ladycroft - 03/14/08 04:08
wow. That's some serious agoraphobia.
wow. That's some serious agoraphobia.
mk - 03/13/08 22:08
ok i don't even want to click on the link. that is totally dsgusting.
ok i don't even want to click on the link. that is totally dsgusting.
03/04/2008 17:38 #43553
Losing Touch With the EstripSo our computer smells like really burning plastic and so you can only use it for like 5 minutes at a time. So as a by product I only use it like a little every other day ish. And so i never read estrip and i feel so out of it, i can't keep up. It is weird how much free time you find you have though when you dn't check facebook, estrip and myspace endlessly every day...
tinypliny - 04/05/08 18:00
Hahaha.... I just found out I have lost about 7 hours of my day because I am checking this site endlessly. But its SO WORTH it!
Hahaha.... I just found out I have lost about 7 hours of my day because I am checking this site endlessly. But its SO WORTH it!
metalpeter - 03/04/08 18:48
I'm not computer expert but it sounds like your fan went. Having a computer over heat is not good at all. That being said it is amazing how much time here and myspace can take up.
I'm not computer expert but it sounds like your fan went. Having a computer over heat is not good at all. That being said it is amazing how much time here and myspace can take up.
03/01/2008 10:57 #43518
Walking into An Improvisational OrchestrSo last night after dinner we decided to go to Hallwalls to see the new statue show thing. It was on the cover of artvoice and it features these pink statues that look just like naked people but like 2 feet tall versions. So we go and surprisingly there is like no parking which I was surprised by and we go in and there is a lady taking money and it was $15 dollars per person whihc I thought seemed like a lot and I didn't want to see it that much. So while me and (e:libertad) debated if we should pay or not she said we could just pay for one person if we wanted cuz they just wanted an audience. And i thought ok. So we did and then we wakled the way she told us which was not towards the room with the statues and realized.....WE WERE AT A CONCERT THAT WAS AN IMPROVISATIONAL ORCHESTRA.
It was at first like um what is this? But then it was really kinda cool. Like it was an orchestra with all the instruments and a vocalist and a conductor but no music. It is like controlled improvisation or something. Like what the conductor is doing is telling the people when/how/what to play sort of I think but each person is just improvising what they are playing but in the context of everyone else. I don't know it is hard to expalin> I think the program said it was called CONDUCTION. It was really kinda cool, especially the vocalist who couldn't use words or anything becuase they would have to start and stop. I don't know it was neat but like i also after 45 minutes had enough of it but that was the intermisison so we left anyway. It got a little old after a whlie but I don't konw, if you get a chance I recommend you see a little of it sometime. It was definetley something different.
Then during intermisison the exhibit with the statues was open. it was cool, they were super lifelike but just little. It was kinda creepy to have all these little versions of naked people looking mischievous/and/or crazy around but it was neat. though it may give me nightmares for years to come.
Anywho, I love things like that where you just don't expect something and it just happens cuz you just walk into into it by mistake. I never would have even known it existed it we didn't get tere by mistake.
OMG i almost forgot at one point a person walked in and slipped on the floor and kinda fell (and yes I am one of hose people who can't help but laugh when people fall, maybe it is the fault of growing up on I Love Lucy? where falling is always funny) anywho it was wierd cuz they slipped and made all this sound but it kinda seemed like ti fit in with the music instead of seeming disruptive.
It was at first like um what is this? But then it was really kinda cool. Like it was an orchestra with all the instruments and a vocalist and a conductor but no music. It is like controlled improvisation or something. Like what the conductor is doing is telling the people when/how/what to play sort of I think but each person is just improvising what they are playing but in the context of everyone else. I don't know it is hard to expalin> I think the program said it was called CONDUCTION. It was really kinda cool, especially the vocalist who couldn't use words or anything becuase they would have to start and stop. I don't know it was neat but like i also after 45 minutes had enough of it but that was the intermisison so we left anyway. It got a little old after a whlie but I don't konw, if you get a chance I recommend you see a little of it sometime. It was definetley something different.
Then during intermisison the exhibit with the statues was open. it was cool, they were super lifelike but just little. It was kinda creepy to have all these little versions of naked people looking mischievous/and/or crazy around but it was neat. though it may give me nightmares for years to come.
Anywho, I love things like that where you just don't expect something and it just happens cuz you just walk into into it by mistake. I never would have even known it existed it we didn't get tere by mistake.
OMG i almost forgot at one point a person walked in and slipped on the floor and kinda fell (and yes I am one of hose people who can't help but laugh when people fall, maybe it is the fault of growing up on I Love Lucy? where falling is always funny) anywho it was wierd cuz they slipped and made all this sound but it kinda seemed like ti fit in with the music instead of seeming disruptive.
ladycroft - 03/01/08 14:20
Seriously Mike, you had me laughing out loud with this line: "it was wierd cuz the slipped and made all this sound but it kinda seemed likt it fit in with the music"....
Really, I can't stop laughing! They would have had to ask us to leave if I was there with you! HA!
Seriously Mike, you had me laughing out loud with this line: "it was wierd cuz the slipped and made all this sound but it kinda seemed likt it fit in with the music"....
Really, I can't stop laughing! They would have had to ask us to leave if I was there with you! HA!
Yeah, way to go kid. :) Hahahaha
I never saw that one. The kid at the end is so cute when he says happy birhtday dorothy.
haha, i love dorothy too.
She reminds me of my mom/grandma. Or vice versa, not sure which.
"I'll punch your heart out, HaHa."
you know, i REALLY needed a laugh today, and the golden girls are always a guarantee. dorothy was always my favorite, she had the best 'looks'.