I'm back at Gates now. It's busy, but more annoying busy than good busy. I seem to be working 6a til 8 or 10pm more often than not, and i'm on call every other night, So it doesn't leave time for much else. :(
and I'm interviewing, which is stressful b/c I'm trying to do it "secretly" since work is very stingy with the days off. (i.e. we get five days total, including travel days, to go on interviews. And I have 14 interviews. They must not be very good at math.)
But I was at Yale yesterday...
I miss it.
The airport in new haven is a joke- it has like 2 gates and 'baggage claim' is like a hole in the wall they throw the bags through. So flights are super expensive. So I thought I was super brilliant when I decided to fly into JFK for cheap on jetblue, and then rent a car for $40 (yay priceline) and drive... That ended up being way more of a PITA than I expected.
But I made some calls, and managed to stay on campus (in my old college (i.e. dorm) no less!)- for free.
And it was so bittersweet.
I loved college. And it was so great to be back on campus- but also sad to realize that it's not "mine" anymore, and never will be.
But anyway, so I interviewed, and was done at 2 but my flight wasn't til 8, so my mom/dad/brother drove to town to have lunch with me.
They're the best.
We went to Pepe's for pizza, since my dad insists in the best pizza in the world, and he is totally willing to make the 2 hour (each way) drive for it. And I might have to agree with him. People are FANATICAL about this place.
It IS pretty damn good though... New Haven style (i.e. thin crust, slightly charred, cooked in a coal oven at 800 degrees). They're most famous for their white clam pizza, and will almost turn up their nose at you if you want cheese, even on a red pizza. No offense, but it kicks Buffalo pizza's ass. There's usually an hour or so wait, but we totally lucked out and walked right in. :)

So I finally got home around 1030 last night, and stayed up til 2 to finish a stupid presentation for this AM.
So... that's my exciting life. Work, work, work, interviews, sleep, and maybe some pizza.
(see, that's why I'm not posting much. boooorrrring!)
I agree with you totally peter.
1- medicine is a "service" profession
1b- if all you want to do is make money, medicine is NOT the way to go- you'd be better off in business or banking or something like that.
But that said- people would never think it's ok to just NOT PAY their plumber or their garbage man, etc. But somehow, people (not all people, but some) seem to just think health care is supposed to be free and that they shouldn't have to pay any bills.
Do I think doctors should make millions of dollars? no.
But do I think it's fair to take into consideration all the time/effort/money/etc that goes into becoming a doctor? yes.
Do I think doctors (and teachers/firefighters etc) deserve be paid more than actors and athletes?
And by that I don't mean that I think doctors should make 100 million dollar contracts- but just that "entertainers" should NOT.
But that's a whole different can of worms.
I readily admit that insurance is a major disaster in this country. Anything but MINIMAL health care is essentially unaffordable without insurance. And insurance is too expensive.
And who is to blame for that? I think it lies with the insurers more than the medical field, which I think is totally bogus.
One thing you have to take into consideration is that (false term)Doctoring, Police Work, teacher and firefighter all have one thing in Common you go into those professions to help people. If you want to be a doctor so you can make lots of money giving porn stars bigger tits and elongating and fating guys cocks then you shouldn't be in medicine. That doesn't mean that you shouldn't be paid but that helping people should be first. So then people assume that since you are doing it to help people the money isn't important.
The insurance industry is really fucked up. It is also confusing because there are all different kinds and different sub plans by catogory. I Have Blue Cross Blue Shield (not community blue) and I think I have seen ads for at least 4 or 5 different plans they have. I have no control over my plan it is done by my employer. They could change plans at any time and change coverage it wouldn't be the first time, If I was sick I could get screwed over.
I think the problem in this country is that not everyone has the ablity to get insurance. If your work doesn't provide it and you are only part time worker or even full time it makes paying other bills very tough.
Nice rant, but we're talking apples and oranges here.
I'm not saying doctors shouldn't get paid. I actually wrote that I was OK with the 4% surcharge on the bill so that the workers at the restaurant could afford health insurance.
Don't you think there's something wrong with the system when we spend twice what others spend on healthcare and still have so many uninsured? It's certainly not the lack of money that's keeping healthcare inaccessible!
It would be cheaper if people used their health care plan sensibly.
Hard-core lefties believe that medical-school debt and astronomical malpractice insurance premiums are myths, and attribute high medical bills to "the man" scheming against us all.
Hard-core righties believe that Americans being forced to choose between medical treatment and making on a modest mortgage is a myth, and attribute the mortgage crisis to irresponsible people who spent their money on plasma screens and ipods.
I wish both sides of the political spectrum would come to their senses.
I think you are talking about two different issues. Those 2 being insurance and entitlement. Health Care for my personal opinion sucks due to the Insurance companies who run what my doctor can do for me and they tell me what medicines I can and cannot have. I love my doctor and I pay him up front or I don't go. (Just so you know some of us do care!) Entitlement is an issue that is not just based in economics or race. That attitude that I am alive and you owe it to me. I know I work hard for my living and I enjoy it. I usually do not appreciate people who do nothing and get opportunites they throw out. Be it tax breaks, home discounts, education, jobs. Its the whole enchilada! I hear yeah!
When people complain about America's problems with 'Health Care' what they usually mean is 'Access to Health Care' as you said. American's pay more for health care than any other nation, and the quality of that health care isn't the best in the world. Our infant mortality rate ranks below that of nations like Cuba, New Zealand, and South Korea. This is outrageous and people are justifiably upset over it. Our unwillingness to look at insurance reform and the market system means we will slide down the list past...Croatia. Yup, Croatia is next on the list, 38 to our 37.
The problem is so large people can't see past it. They just see doctors and their bills.