- I have two tickets available (free!) to "Aces and Blades". It's a benefit (not sure for what) put on by the Sabres. "business formal" attire at the Adam's Mark. TONIGHT. I think it's a casino night- possibly even with sabres players as dealers. Tix are $100 apiece. I have two FOR FREE. let me know ASAP if you want them!!!***
Hey paul, is there anyway to upload an .avi video?
So, my mom has been having some thyroid issues. No big deal, but they finally got her levels under control enough, and it was time to go ahead with the radioactive iodine treatment. Which is a no-big-deal, common procedure. She just swallows a pill and the radioactive iodine goes to the thyroid and knocks it down a notch.
but since it's radioactive, it's a big health issue, blah blah.
They gave her a zillion warnings- like not to touch anyone, to wash her sheets every day- and rinse them twice. They told her that if she blows her nose, she has to flush the kleenex down the toilet- and then flush again. Because her "radioactive waste" can't go in the landfill. (but apparently it's perfectly fine to contaminate the water).
But she has been assured that the dose in the pill is safe and won't harm her or make her have mutant babies or anything like that. Yet somehow her dirty kleenex is a major health hazard that can't even go in a landfill. Eh, whatever. health policy.
I've had patients who had radiation ask for doctors' notes to cross the border back to canada, b/c they set off all SORTS of alarms.
But paul, you would be so jealous... somehow my dad got a geiger counter (not sure where) and brought it home and chased her around the house with it. haha. He took a video, but I can't seem to post it.
so instead, here's something along the same theme.

Thats really funny!
oops too late for me now huh?
radioactive iodine treatment sounds like something that was modern hip and cutting edge... in 1959. the words sound positively retro.
hope your mom will get better. or things will get under control. or your dad catches her. :O)
If it's not too late, we'll take the tix!
Sorry to hear your mother is having health issues. That sucks that she has to take something radioactive even if it doesn't harm her. No touching and washing the sheets twice! You Dad chasing your MOm around the house with a geiger counter sounds kind of kinky.